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Tenakha Kan

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Posts posted by Tenakha Kan

  1. I'm not sure we can do much about it. It's human nature to gang up. Comes with being a social animal.

    Consider this:

    It's a game. Ideally one in which we want to maximize activities and player potential for PvP contests. To do this as a nation we would want too:

    Be at war with as many nations in our high pop time zone as possible to offer as much action to our high pop players as possible.

    We would want to ally with nations populated during our low pop time to minimize empty port battles and Zerging against our low pop players.

    We want to secure a an area for new players to train up and be useful.

    So how do we achieve those? I'm going to use the USA as just an example because I happen to know the lay of the land there. The USA would ideally ally with Spain and war both Pirates and Great Britain. This works out for Spain as well since they also would want to ally USA to avoid off hour port battles and war both euro Brits and pirates.

    But what do we see normally happen? Nations just ally with the strongest neighbor they can to try to "secure everything". And in doing so they minimize activities in the game.

    Using the same USA example: if USA Allies to a Strong Britain or Pirate the following would most often occur. The USA would be fighting Spain in a ping pong battle of mostly empty battles. Which ever nation high pop time nation the USA didn't ally to will die off as it gets double teamed by the overwhelming force of the USA plus the other high pop nation. So you essentially get more off time PB ping pong, less prime time PvP.

    I'm not sure how you would beat this effect but in a system lead by unbounded humans I'm going to bet you end up with them minimizing fun for security 9 choices out of 10.



    Very good analysis!

    • Like 2
  2. Dear fox2run,


    While I unterstand the fact that you are not following your council decisions, entering the french TS and passing yourself for an ally of the french in order to gain insight is clearly an abuse, as such you are not welcomed on our TS and will be kicked out should you enter again.


    Have a nice day

    • Like 7
  3. Would like to ask the moderators to lock this thread; a formal announcement has been made - much of what followed is the usual toxic garbage which doesn't add anything really. Thanks.



    You sir are a troll, I have a lot of respect for a lot of British player wherever they are from. Most of the vets are gentlemen with whom I would gladly share a drink anywhere. I can name several, GeneralPas, Jeheil, Hachiroku... But you, I simply cannot everytime you open your mouth you have this sense of superiority that gets me out of my mind. You act like you were the most rightfull guy on earth and everything aroung is just garbage. In truth most of the problems we have with the British community is coming from you and a few other trolls.


    You are the Pellasgoss of the british community.


    Have a nice day.

    • Like 3
  4. Indeed your argument is useless. 4 Out of 19 ports in that area have/had been affected and defended by AUS/US players on their timezone. The rest was open to your fleet.


    Don't rewrite history, we decided to quit when it was made clear to us that every port retaken by the Brits would be set to these timers.


    Now lets not derail this post further.

  5. Thank you to let us know...now hahahaha



    This will be off topic, bt I feel the need to respond. We went to Haiti eager to fight and help the Spanish. The timer mechanism blocked us from participating in RVR (I'm not trying to reignite a useless argument, I'm stating facts). We had several choices.


    - Stop RVR and screen for the Spanish

    - Fight the swedes to the north of Haiti

    - Break the Treaty.


    Our nation almost exploded. Half decided to break the Treaty resulting in the retaking of Rosaly and Camp du Roy. A lot took a break from the game.Other decided to screen for the Spanish. I was one of the later. We did what we could, witch at the time was not a lot, our RVR fleet went from 30-40 to 10 overnight. We should have done more. By the time we managed to put things in order the Spanish had decided to stop RVR also so we diverted our efforts to attacking relentlessly British ships wherever they were.


    Now our guys have returned. Our rogue clans returned in the council. We are waiting for new mechanics.

    • Like 2
  6. Hardly Waterloo was won by prussians not britain as  britain historician like to paint the fight, in  fact  the amount of british troop on field where less then 15% of the total, and before the black corps started to attack la belle alliance, wich consumed the france guard reserve,  Wellington was on the verge of collapse.   famous quote of Wellington:  give me the night, or give me Blucher!  (not knowing that prussians where already fighting behind the france since 2h )


    While it's a little exagerated on the numbers (a little more than 20%) , there is truth in what you say.


    In the end => "Napoleon was waiting for Grouchy; he did not come. Wellington expected Blucher; he came."




    Total: 73,000[1]

    • 50,700 infantry
    • 14,390 cavalry
    • 8,050 artillery and engineers
    • 252 guns

    Total: 118,000

    Anglo-allies: 68,000[2][3]

    • United Kingdom: 25,000 British and 6,000 King's German Legion
    • Netherlands: 17,000
    • Hanover: 11,000
    • Brunswick: 6,000
    • Nassau: 3,000[4]
    • 156 guns[5]
    Prussians: 50,000[6]
  7. I don't think you get how treaties are made, and you clearly have no idea how the Treaty of the Antilles (which I assume you are referring to) was signed. 



    Anolytic signed the treaty of the Antilles for the Danish Council. I signed it for the French Council. What he is saying is that only the final version of the treaty was posted, to prevent exactly what happened here. The treaty was also posted when all diplomats where on the same TS ready to acknowledge and sign the treaty immediatly.Moreover the involved parties were clearly defined witch is not the case here: This treaty is not supported by the entire Dutch council nor by the entire Spanish Council. In this case a list of clans involved would have been helpful.

    • Like 2
  8. Yes, and it is a flaw in the game design, not malicious intent to avoid combat. Do you guys think it was easy to be home at 12-2PM to take those ports in the first place? Did USA players whine and complain that the Europeans were setting port timers during the US-workday to avoid combat? No. They just set them to timers that are most convenient for their daily schedules.


    It's a broken system, but the accusations that people are using port timers to cheat are being thrown around rather flippantly and are unwarranted, in my opinion.



    New Orleans was set to a 18-20 timer, everybody knows that the players fighting there are Mostly Australians...South Haiti: European players => 04-06 timers. I understand your need to let everyone play. You just got it all backward

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