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Tenakha Kan

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Posts posted by Tenakha Kan

  1. Oh, no, wait... Just kidding :)



    At least Lord Vicious and Pellasgos took the time to write something in their threads...




    Ah no! young blade! That was a trifle short! 

    You might have said at least a hundred things 

    By varying the tone. . .like this, suppose,. . . 

    Aggressive: 'Sir, if I had such a nose I'd amputate it!' 

    Friendly: 'When you sup It must annoy you, dipping in your cup; 

    You need a drinking-bowl of special shape!' 

    Descriptive: ''Tis a rock!. . .a peak!. . .a cape! --

    A cape, forsooth! 'Tis a peninsular!' 

    Curious: 'How serves that oblong capsular? 

    For scissor-sheath? Or pot to hold your ink?' 

    Gracious: 'You love the little birds, I think? 

    I see you've managed with a fond research 

    To find their tiny claws a roomy perch!' 

    Truculent: 'When you smoke your pipe. . .suppose 

    That the tobacco-smoke spouts from your nose-- 

    Do not the neighbors, as the fumes rise higher, 

    Cry terror-struck: "The chimney is afire"?' 

    Considerate: 'Take care,. . .your head bowed low 

    By such a weight. . .lest head o'er heels you go!' 

    Tender: 'Pray get a small umbrella made, 

    Lest its bright color in the sun should fade!' 

    Pedantic: 'That beast Aristophanes Names Hippocamelelephantoles 

    Must have possessed just such a solid lump 

    Of flesh and bone, beneath his forehead's bump!' 

    Cavalier: 'The last fashion, friend, that hook? 

    To hang your hat on? 'Tis a useful crook!' 

    Emphatic: 'No wind, O majestic nose, 

    Can give THEE cold!--save when the mistral blows!' 

    Dramatic: 'When it bleeds, what a Red Sea!' 

    Admiring: 'Sign for a perfumery!' 

    Lyric: 'Is this a conch?. . .a Triton you?' 

    Simple: 'When is the monument on view?' 

    Rustic: 'That thing a nose? Marry-come-up! 

    'Tis a dwarf pumpkin, or a prize turnip!' 

    Military: 'Point against cavalry!' 

    Practical: 'Put it in a lottery! 

    Assuredly 'twould be the biggest prize!' 

    Or. . .parodying Pyramus' sighs. . . 

    'Behold the nose that mars the harmony 

    Of its master's phiz! blushing its treachery!'

    --Such, my dear sir, is what you might have said, 

    Had you of wit or letters the least jot: 

    But, O most lamentable man!--of wit 

    You never had an atom, and of letters 

    You have three letters only!--they spell Ass! 

    And--had you had the necessary wit, 

    To serve me all the pleasantries I quote 

    Before this noble audience. . .e'en so, 

    You would not have been let to utter one-- 

    Nay, not the half or quarter of such jest! 

    I take them from myself all in good part, 

    But not from any other man that breathes!


    Cyrano de Bergerac

    Act I, Scene iv

    Edmond Rostand

    • Like 2
  2. Not all of us is DAS OR ARSE...LMAO...some of us we still know how to play the game!!!We let Tenakha khan to keep in contact with them and believe that he can be something else than a lol diplomat...



    I keep in contact with the official diplomats appointed by the Dutch Council. It seems you are not one one them as every current and former Dutch diplomats confirmed countless times. Something you tried to hide to Celtiberofrog...

    • Like 1
  3. If/when you do come over the PvP2 as French, contact me if you need any help.


    ElricTheTwo.  I am on most days - and can help you get established.  We already have players scattered across a number of time zones - from Europe to the West Coast of the USA.  So there should be other players to team with when you are online..



    Maybe I'll come to say hi ;-)

  4. Some of you may have noticed that during afternoon and evening hours the pvp2 server population is now significantly higher that pvp1's.  New players are coming into the game.  Some older players are returning. 


    Since pvp2 is not getting merged into pvp1, now is a good time to rally back.  Much has changed since we left it.  French waters have been overrun and are now largely deserted.  


    Time has come to return France to its former glory!



    Bon vent et bonne chasse!



  5. i dont think it can be disputed that these words were used. but just like in british nation not everybody with an ingame or forum account represents the stance of the nation as a whole.

    so its not propaganda but idiots...


    The only time I've heard it was from British players accusing us of saying it...its like WMD it couldn't be disputed that Saddam Hussein had them and yet......................... :P

  6. Thinking about it, was it not you guys who had a campaign named make Britain quit?

    Or was that a dream I had one night after staying up too late?



    Pls stop falling for propaganda...the french never had a campaign like this, the spanish didn't either and....no we do not eat babies while skinning their mothers


    It's just dumb

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