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Tenakha Kan

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Posts posted by Tenakha Kan

  1. Well yeah, but it's the pangolin's 30-odd kilos against 60-80 for the aardvark, I'm not convinced that armoured scales can even those odds.


    who would win between a rattle armored like a buc and a buc armored like a rattle?



    Edit - After consulting with the World Wildlife Wrestling Federation (WWWF) the Aardvark has been moved up a weight division, and the pangolin will instead face an armadillo.


    Edit: now thats a match i'd like to see

  2. So if a pangolin fought an aardvark, who would win?


    And I mean fisticuffs, not a 'the pangolin left all the ants nests for the aardvark, but doesn't count it as a win because the rain season would force all the ants to the surface in a matter of days anyways' kind of win, because that's up to personal interpretation.



    The pangolin has scales...end of story...

    • Like 1
  3. We have no excuses. We are fighting. We are tired of bullshit excuses from mostly spain and french sides. Thats all what we`r tired off.

    Want to make us 1 port nation? Do it! Really do it! Just dont hide your intentions behind such propaganda and lies that you are spreading here!

    I`m playing since may and in every war dutch was, we were always stoping before we could hurt playerbase of such faction ( im not counting pirates as they had what they had for lord vicious actions against usa. Atleast thats how i see that as personally i had no problems with that ).


    What do you want us to do? We have already stopped, you are retaking your ports....should I bring you women and alcohol also? Damn, we stop everything, let you have everything back without asking for anything and you are still yelling at us...

  4. - we wasnt following our allies in dirty tactics. We had one port with timer in us time zone and we wrote on forum that we`r doing it for tests as our us timezone playerbase wanted to participate in haiti port battles too. One damn port. We lost it when we were defending it. Really dirty i guess. You are wrong.

    A timer that was set by Pellasgos and also the only port that had the advantage of keeping the french out of the fight. I personally always found that doubtful. I would have understood better if you had said that Mr. P wanted to fuck us over.

    - your example of buying the flag for defense purpose ... it was done by brits. Not dutch. You can check forums as you were yelling about it in two topics if i remember correctly, that dutch didnt support such actions and behaviour. And what we could done? Tell me how we were supposed to stop some random guys from britain to not craft that flags? Please enlighten me. You are wrong.

    This topic was brought to your council directly via diplomatic channel, I know it as I was the one that brought it. We were asking the dutch to intervene and speak with the brits to prevent the usage of those kind of tactics. Your council decided against even bringing the subject to the brits. so you didn't even try to do something

    - buying fake flags is tottaly different from creating multiple flags on multiple fronts with sole purpose of taking as much empty ports as possible! You cant see a difference?

    Compared to "weekend" incident that you whine so much, we were fighting back but its impossible to be on 5+ places at same time with so long distance of traveling. Again you are wrong.

    for about a month you did about the same, launching multiple flags at the same time. Everyone did it

    - do you guys remember how you were abusing cutter tagging exploit arround cuba? Or is your memory too short for that?

    Do you want me to bring out all the screen i have of dutch and brit using it? we were tagged about 8 times from tiburon to port antonio with our 1rst rate fleet....

    You want to write some more propaganda? Come on. Spread more bullshit. Forum can handle all of it.

    Maybe you should just calm down and take a walk outside

  5. At first when I came back to this game yesterday I was sad to see that we where reduced to this ridiculous level (2 ports), but I got to say that this topic has been thoroughly entertaining thus far.

    It's a shame though that as a Dutch player coming back now to the game was not the best of ideas. I guess staying AFK until the reset or until all this is resolved is the best course of action for me personally because I don't really have the time for PVP the coming period.

    My wish is that calm heads will resolve this issues for the Dutch nation and especially for the people that don't have to time to do PVP. We are also out there, please have some consideration for us. Thank you.

    You can perfectly come back now. There is no issue to resolve, Spain and France have stopped their operations in the south. That's the only meaningfully fact in this thread. We demand nothing, we ask nothing. No need to write 7 pages about it. No need to exchange insults.
    • Like 6
  6. I would appreciate if you would show cojones and tell it like it is: You Spanish,French and Danish guys decided to make us a one port nation and you did it. Period.

    And unlike the British and the Dutch you and your allies didn't care about your enemies player base. You continued until that goal was reached even when it meant to get bored by taking empty ports.

    I'm pretty fine with it. No complains from my side and from my personal view I'm ready to fight you again and again and again from Willemstad and any other Freetown.

    Some did yes, some did not. Having a council is a good thing but it also means lots of inner talks and sometime inertia. Dictatorship is a lot simpler. In the end this decision is here, it should have been made a few weeks ago, I agree but better late than never

    Edit:On a more personal note, I like the game, I dislike the current mechanics. Hoping the patch comes soon.

  7. 962487conseilsouveraindelanationfranaise



    The French council considering the current situation has decided to stop hostilities in the south.

    As such the French Council will not contest any ports west of La Blanquilla/ Macanao/ Cumana. All other ports will remain under French control until further negotiations.

    French evacuation of the contested ports will be effective on Monday.  

    The Dutch fought bravely and proved themselves worthy and stubborn adversaries.



    • Like 13
  8. Mijnheer Tenaka Kan,


    I already agreed to your suggestion and considered it as a good idea, but during the past three days I've got the gut feeling, that you are quite alone with that idea within the French nation.





    At the time this screenshot was made yesterday evening France already captured the empty ports of Galdonas and Naparima. 


    This and my Open World encounters with French captains during the past three days make me believe that the French are not interested in challenging battles but in taking empty ports.


    Pulling 4-5 Flags at one time has just one reason: Trying to take ports without a battle.


    Mijnheer Tenaka Kan, you're right, you did it, we did it, it's boring. Although I hope the upcoming Patch and Port-Wipe will change this, I would welcome the chance to have a talk with you about this.



    I'll try get in touch with you tonight

  9. The next patch can't come soon enough. Not because I think it will drastically change anything, or because I think some nations need to be 'saved' by a wipe, but because so many players have stopped playing or can't be motivated to do anything more than hoard resources.


    I've noticed a STEEP decline of player activity on the US/Dutch/British side when it comes to actively seeking out enemies. However, the Danes/Spanish/French are probably more active than ever. Kudos to you guys for keeping a high interest in fighting even with a wipe looming over our heads.


    Also this seems to be the case with the pirate/swede war. Where have the Swedes gone?


    Why is half the server not wanting to fight while the other keeps playing regardless?


    I even joke that there is no patch coming, it was just a ploy by the developers to get the US/Brit/Dutch to stop giving a damn while our enemies grab all the ports, lol.



    Well we pretty much stopped defending our ports. We are having much more fun screening and fighting in open sea with our allies than defending 5 flags launched by 10 guys every nights.We did it, you did it Its just not interesting anymore. You want to have fun? pick a port, attack it and win the pb or attack 5 and face empty ports. With the wipe incoming, now is the time to have fun.

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