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Tenakha Kan

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Posts posted by Tenakha Kan

  1. Still not really all that sure why people are at all surprised or shocked. We don't wish to fight the Spanish whatsoever, but they will never (in real terms) be anything but enemies towards GB. That is their own choice, repeatedly tedious as it is.

    So, we instead force them to fight at hellish timers in the morning so we don't have to look to defending the west.

    Bullshit conduct codes are all nice and well, but only when certain nations obey it. There is no obligation to follow what other plays deem "correct". And I severely doubt if the shoe was on the other foot that it would be followed.

    "Zerging" as people have said before was actually just small groups of organised allied forces taking ports with minimum effort.

    Many thanks have to be given for the significant aid that GB received during the offensive by our allies in VP and the U.S.


    This dear Sir is a bullshit post that shows the morality of some players is very low.

    • Like 1
  2. To Kanay, Chimera and the other camtains saying approximatly the same thing:

    It's clear to me you are trying to upset the balance of the server again by bullying Spain into submission while berating it's allies in hope the Spanish while do your biding and change side.

    In the end you're just pushing them out of the game and the rest will just hate you for it.

    Plain and simple.

    Oh btw, the French have no lessons to take from you.

    • Like 1
  3. The Swedes are eager to fight, the Danes are eager to fight, the French are fighting the Dutch, the Spanish are overwhelmed. Balance is key. British captains, turn your eyes to us, we are waiting for you.

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  4. Tenakha,


    I have the upmost respect for you, we seem to have seen eye to eye on more than one occasion.


    I completely agree that not having an opponent in the same time zone must be vexing, but how do we solve this? The British nation has a 24/7 timezone for its player base. If Spain has only the euro time zone, who can they fight in that corner? The USA?


    If this is a signification problem for them, they would need to either relocate down to the South Eastern side of the map or for more Euro Centric nations to join them in the north.


    If Spain needs a Euro opponent, what do we do?







    Unfortunatly I think that it's an unsolvable problem as the only factions with a meaningfull playerbase in oceanic timers are the US, the Pirates and the Brits. The Pirates are Pirates....and are left out of alliances and the Brits and US are allied. As a lambda player I don't have an answer to this problem. The only solution I see for the oceanic players at the moment would be for the US and Birtain to be ennemies but it's not going to happen....So why not try for exemple to set the most important ports for the Spanish to EU timers and set the outer timers to middleground timers? That's something that could be discussed. What could be done also is to prevent the launching of 10 flags in the same minute.

    • Like 1
  5. Jeheil talks about biffo in his letters to the king. I like his videos but here it's not biffo here it's just complete annihilation and it's just...wrong.

  6. Zerging, well we do have a lot of players that need entertaining ;).


    Spain has been happy to oblige it would seem.


    With multiple flags being crafted against British Ports daily I have limited sympathy. In a perfect world I would see rid of the port timers however and allow any Spanish forces, regardless of time to have fair opportunity to defend their ports. I do not like the Port Timers at all, I feel the mechanic excludes a lot of RVR play.


    However Spain was warned, and we have acted in accordance, the rules of war dictate this to be fair.






    You have the number, they don't.


    Warned or not, they have to have an ennemy in the same time zone or they'll just stop playing, in this case, its you....so try to understand, that's all I ask.



    • Britain: what's with the insatiable craving for Spanish ports
    • Danes, French: get your act together and help the Spaniards
    • US, VP: GB owes you one now



    We do what we can. Some days we have the numbers, some days we haven't. Since we are limited in outposts and the spanish have wierd timers we are either too far or too late to help. Our council is discussing about what we can do to help our Spanish friends. To them we say don't loose hope, having lived the same situation we know what you are going through

  8. What code of conduct might that be exactly? If it is about port timers, you have come to the wrong discussion. Unless what is being stated here is that Australasian time zones are not a legitimate time zone in this game?


    Or are we expanding that to say that only Australian players may set Australian time zone flags. My goodness, are we segregating? =P



    In this case I was not talking about port timers, I was talking about zerging

  9. I wonder sometimes if people realise that this is just a game.



    Its never that easy, a game is never "just a game". People invest time in it, they put efforts in what they do. They try to achieve something. thats the reason the Spanish are mad and they have the right to be mad. At the moment the British council is trying to achieve victory at all cost pushing Spain to submission, forcing them to fight the Port Battles the Brits will allow them to fight in some prearranged ports that would act as a zoo for them to survive. This is what the three admiral treaty was, nothing more, nothing else. It didn't work for the indians it won't work with the spanish.


    Launching false flags is a legitimate way of fighting, zerging on a scale like this is just ridiculous. This only emphasize the problems this game has.


    Sadly its a problem that only exists at the moment with the british. Every other nation adhere more or less to an unwritten code of conduct. For exemple we like fighting the Dutch, we loose, we win but we fight. this situation is getting ridiculous and more and more British captain understand it. I have personnally spoken to a few of them and some have open up in this forum.


    Outside of any propaganda this is simply wrong and a lot of you know it.

    • Like 4
  10. Well played Dutchies, this is the result of bad tactics vs good tactics, we started with two line very stretched while you stood regrouped. The head of our line took massive damage while being unable to provide dps as the back was left without targets for very long. Our tactic failed miserably even if we started with greater BR but in the end two battle happened: the front of our line got outnumbered, turned around and the same then happened to the back.


    Be sure we learn from our mistakes. As we say, shit happens.




    We'll be back ;-)


    Edit: I survived XD


    Also don't forget to mention that our screening fleet took out 3 of your 1rst rates outside


    To illustrate:



  11. Your best successfull was .. FR give us Pampatar, macaneo, galdonas and carupano. And some FR players give you...Now we wait ever these good french players who said : It will be easy to take Pampatar....


    and 98 % of CNSF (French Council) accept your offer

    the 2 %  against were





    GL HF in South. Desmoines go to another nation (probably some FRL and MRF will follow me)....more fun to play than french with bad idea... :)


    Cu later in others seas


    FRL DesMoines



    You take the lead of a PB, you stop giving order in the middle when things don't go your way forcing other guys to take over and then when the battle ends you insult us, rage quit and go Pirate...good attitude.

    • Like 1
  12. Since this thread is called war photo's i figured the Pampatar rumour deserves some confirmation.





    Let's hope the French can stick to their plan of building more victories than they lose, as we want many more large battles like this one.


    Well played Dutchies, this is the result of bad tactics vs good tactics, we started with two line very stretched while you stood regrouped. The head of our line took massive damage while being unable to provide dps as the back was left without targets for very long. Our tactic failed miserably even if we started with greater BR but in the end two battle happened: the front of our line got outnumbered, turned around and the same then happened to the back.


    Be sure we learn from our mistakes. As we say, shit happens.




    We'll be back ;-)


    Edit: I survived XD


    Also don't forget to mention that our screening fleet took out 3 of your 1rst rates outside

  13. I don't think the British should hold a grudge against Sweden, we fought them for quite some time and we respected them as ennemies. They are the master of their fate. I see them as the balancing element in the game. It seems doubtful the French and English will be on the same side in the foreseeable future. Same goes for US and Spain. With the pirates out of the alliances Spain, Danemark and France would have been no match for the British, Dutch, Swedish and US.

    We're not fighting against tyranny, there is no wrong side.

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