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Karaya 1

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Everything posted by Karaya 1

  1. For the love of god, can you stop feeding the troll ? No one else is as obsessed with keeping score and proving he is better than everyone else than Vicious is one the forums. Just stop feeding him. He is never gonna give you that duel. Obviously there wont be many pictures of fights where sorry is defeated, because A: ive personally been able to count the times ive encountered them on one hand and B: they will almost always only engage when they are superior. If not in numbers then in ship types. Just let him be.
  2. You realize you can just capture a random trader and send the ship to the outpost right ? And if there are no traders, you can use the (somewhat abusive) method of using a telecutter (friend in smuggler flag cutter) to give you the same option.
  3. To me, this seems to be the perfect solution !
  4. TF/TDA in the US faction are primarily US players as far as i know.
  5. At the moment i would totally agree with this. if at some point we have more players then it might be a good idea (if ever) to add those.
  6. The AI can do it. Why cant the player ?
  7. Except sometimes we can. And guess what, i dont feel the need to boast about it. It was a nice battle, we outnumbered you quite heavily and as expected we won. And just because many of you powerleveled and you have big ships doesnt mean we cant fight you. Because we can. How many ships did you lose then ? We will lose some, we will win some. Its war. Its pointless to always insult/belittle the other after each day. Just stop.
  8. Ok so I really dont know where you got your information from, but by leading a small Clan in the American Council I can honestly say, that we have always been heard and our vote counts as much as a TF/TDA vote. And the Reinforcement thing has nothing to do with Stars. i would have voted against that regardless of what you guys were doing. Its just not fair to everyone who does not have the resources or time to handle an alt char in a different nation on the same server (which in itself feels wrong to me). I for one never witnessed anyone from the AC ordering anyone around. Of course we werent happy with the Gulf affair, but as previously stated all the other nations knew it wasnt us so we were fine with that. Also, most of the STARS people I had actually met in game i really liked. Just because TF/TDA had a bad experience with them didnt meant i would have to have the same thing right ? Or so I thought. Anyway, we just had a very nice battle with SS, please come again .
  9. I really dont get how you can be so happy you trolled someone. You must be great fun at partys. All this shows is that all of you are really good at lying. Which in all honesty is just sad. anyway, moving on. What I meant to say is that the only time I MYSELF saw you guys, you were jumping into missions or intercepting mission runners around cabo with a 10 ship fleet of people. And then i come to the forums and I see you boasting about how many people you sunk because you are so awesome... From what I heard you lost quite a few ships today. And the screenshots you posted your fleet seemed remarkably superior.
  10. Is it just me or are those pictures just not loading ? Also, it really doesnt make sense to boast like : oh well you have less ships and less captains and then we beat you. No shit sherlock. If you always engage with a better position it is obvious from a mathematical standpoint alone that you are more likely to win. Hardly anything to boast about. Also, sinking lost of US ships is really not that hard if you sail around Cabo in a 10man group hunting mission runners. Thats hardly anything to write home about. It would seem you STARS/SS people are really changing your minds very quickly and not stay true to your word seeing DukeNasty is Pirate as well now, after boasting only a small group (not including him) will be Pirate. Oh well. To say anything more i would really like to see a forces overview of the battles, but since those pictures really dont seem to be loading and i wasnt there....
  11. The problem is that you usually wouldnt get the chance.
  12. I find the notion of abusing the game mechanics in such a way absolutely distasteful. It should be banned (the activity not the players).
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