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Everything posted by Renown

  1. Aussies? Lol. I call BS on that. The timers have always been set at off-hours, you know it, I know, it, everyone knows it. We know why they were set like that, and it works too, for a little bit. Then people get up early one morning and attack it. But don't lie and say those timers weren't set specifically to avoid fighting. British clans (including some that are no longer on PVP2) specifically said they didn't want to fight mano-a-mano and instead game the system. They were ultimate trolls who ultimately got trolled by their own tactics. You see people like that in every game.
  2. Cowards, there is nothing to say. They claim they left PVP2 for battles, but they never showed up for them... I remember your british clans gloating "we will win against France without fighting" two days before Fredricks. You thought one port assault where you guys fled, and a bunch of timers set in the morning would stop people? No. So, since you couldn't win ... you left.
  3. This is fucking hilarious. Congratulations every british member who rerolled PVP1, you are exactly what is wrong with this game and are reinforcing it's worst qualities. As one of the two largest factions in the game you failed to coordinate more than a bare minimum of times, you failed to bring the battle to anyone when you didn't have overwhelming numbers, when you had overwhelming numbers you failed to prosecute the fight, and then when you get your silly undefended ports taken due to stupid leaders you all just reroll. The whole lot of you are pathetic and I'm happy to have called it out eons ago. The reason why there was NOTHING on PVP2 going on is BECAUSE OF YOU. Blame the smaller nations all you want, but we showed up. Every, Single, Time.
  4. We didn't END the battle. We killed the towers and then killed your ships. Sorry that you feel we were obligated to let one of those bastards just sit there and shoot at us while you hide around them. I wasn't being rude, merely factual. I have no qualms about whatever tactics you use or don't use as long as it results in ship-ship engagement. I also wasn't denigrating your defensive tactics, or our response. I was pointing out the huge hypocrisy that is your action at Fredrick. You claim to want battles, but when we give them... you don't know what to do. Whenever you bite, we accept what you bring as long as it results in ship to ship combat. I don't care if it's a victory or a loss at the end of the day (though obviously I do want victories) as long as action is happening and it's fun. Sad fact is all the whining on these forums from players who don't want fights, or to play this game with other people in it (not necessarily YOU guys in this regard, just something I've noticed in general) has resulted in just this. With missions being nigh impossible to raid (or even join friendlies unless you are sailing with them directly) we've ended with a sheer lack of open world pvp and a game that avoids it or enables maneuvers at fredrick to be allowed. As long as the defender keeps fighting, the port simply shouldn't be taken. (I'm not talking trolling/running, I mean FIGHTING). This game is attempting to balance pvp so that no one is ever unfairly put out upon to an absurd degree for an OW pvp game, and is drying up the limited content the game CURRENTLY has to offer. When I started this game as a pirate, I didn't do OMG pvp in the Bahamas, I was leveling and fighting the many british raiders of our mission area near mortimer/la tortue. Me and my friends (who have since quit the game due to a lack of content or reasons to even sail out to sea since acquiring their 3rd rates) used to fight them off daily, not one day went past without multiple engagements. But... people bitched, and for inexplicable reasons they closed missions off to friendly nation members) this led to it being extremely damn easy for enemy nations to raid missions (because no help would be coming) and thus more people bitched about mission raiding... which led to decreased timers and port-hopping combat and people racing to get bigger ships for port battles because port battles might be it's at... to people setting timers specifically to avoid pvp (looking at you brits) to people bringing massive fleets to one of the rare offensive pb's they launch only to avoid to use it at all. It's like everyone is afraid of a little cannon ballitis affecting their ships. It's all pixels and these ships mostly require NO effort to attain. Yet even when I catch people in the OW, the vast majority of them seem to succumb to what I like to call "OMG Syndrome", they are so damn afraid of the tag, or the name, or the ship, or the rank, that no matter what... they set their ship to flee. Now, I have no problem with people fleeing when they want to, I even don't mind it happening when they flee from equal or better than equal odds. What I do mind is when people are obviously screwed, with their sails burnt, and their repairs used... they seem to give up. They don't even try to fight. This is not a rare occurrence. (I have a PVP snow that I've used to raid multiple areas, and I've had FRIGATES flee from me) to date I can only think of three battles where people have actually gone toe to toe with me in the OW (and it was all former BORK members) - which is why I love me some swedes and will forever protect that nation from imperialist british interests. The game is dying (in PVP2), because of the mechanics, and the people that abuse them. Nothing to log in for, other than to level, and when you level.. you realize there isn't much to do. No room for fun when everything is so damn easy, yet you don't see me bitching about the fact that you outgunned us there, just that you didn't out fight us. You can claim tactics all day long, but nothing that you guys have done as a nation (versus us) has me convinced that you are doing anything other than hiding and making this game more boring. You could very well win as a nation at the end of this game, but only because the rest of us have moved on to better things.
  5. fire shipping is a valid tactic that should be used as a measure of extreme desperation or last resort. NEVER as a first move in a battle. I believe Lord Roberts himself can explain to us why that's not a good thing. Forever will I remember the day Cristos Grimblade killed Roberts' Conny with ONE cannonball in the first shot of the fight. It helps that most people don't understand how fire in this game works, or when they should or shouldn't "let er burn!". I do find that Fredrick battle to be in poor taste for it's the ONLY battle I've ever been involved in where the opposing force vastly outnumbered us and also then ran from the battle. Seriously, regardless of what everyone else says about that battle I will forever think of every single Brit in that battle as a coward and part of the reason why this game isn't much fun at the moment. In other situations, where I've won a port battle (sometimes with similar odds) I've always stayed to the bitter end. Heck, we even let you guys try to sink one of our Victory's at St Johns. I mean, he was hopeless and got no where near, but we fought it out. That player ran too. (Which I understand given that he lost the port battle and had no hope of killing anyone, everyone in the fredrick's battle on the other hand...)
  6. a swede isn't decided by the flag on their ship, but by the bork in their spirit.
  7. lol. this thread. This game's US server will die without ACTUAL battles. That's all that matters. Since there IS NOTHING ELSE to do in game but grind or pvp, why people focus on PVT without battling is insane. Sure, you guys won that particular battle, you can even be happy with it. Sooner rather than later, there will be no more PVT because you wont have anyone else to play against because no one wants to play the game because there is no game to play. Mechanics/i.e. the developers are the ultimate fault here, but the players aren't making it any easier. Frankly, I'm sad about the game as it stands. It's heading the same way many other games did. Half-great idea, with half-great execution turned to shit, aided by a playerbase who prefers not to fight. ATM there is NO reason to log in. Every day it gets harder to want to get excited about this game because.... what are you going to do all day? Unless you are out on your own ganking newbs near their high-travel zones there is nothing to do 95% of the time. Becomes even more frustrating when that 5% of the time you do get something else to do, there is no reason to FIGHT. Frankly, two months time and the hardcore gamers will be gone, and you'll be left with a bunch of people who aren't even sure why they are playing, because there is nothing to do and nothing to play for when RvR is a joke and a half.
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