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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. Upgrade:


    "The smoking whaler "

    ( Hiding crew >>  to fool the enemy )

    (From the theme movie command and conquer:   where a war ship looked like a whaler to fool the enemy and let them bait the fight  and  get trapped )


    manufactured at workshop.



    The enemy can not see your crew in battle 

    ( enemy can see your crew in the boarding window.  )


    provisions 200

    Fish  100 (  any type will do)

    oak 100

    hull repairs 50

     rig repairs 50


    Clan:  GWC

    upgrade Tip for use : people who sail under crewed are hidden in battle.




    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Lukas97Austria said:

    Let's play a mind game. You are in a ratt trinco or what ever and an requin tags you or you tag one. 


    What will happen? Exactly requin approaches, catches one boardside and sail away.   In that case if Privateer Vs ratt I am sure the Privateer will run. Or keep distance and shot sails to waste time until there friends are here to retag the ratt. Nah I think it's good that small ships can't tag big ones. On the other hand people cry for realism. Sorry a Privateer would never attack an rättvisan 😂🙏

    yes yes lets play a mind game .. i like that..


    you mean..... it is just like a..... victory attacked by a snow 

    the snow would run and sail away very hard ...?

    and yes i do understand the issues :)



    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Aquillas said:

    This was added to prevent Port Battle fleets to be screened by small ships, which have no real intention to fight, only to tag and tag again the sails of big ships, to prevent them to get out of the fight during 90 minutes.

    It works as intended. The advantage of removing it would be small compared to the drawbacks.

    true:  and i agree ...

    but what about the one on one situations ... 

    its looks unnatural and weird .

    i do understand why it is this way.... but it seems not right.

    and yes you should take a bigger better ship. but the noobie would not understand.

  4. 24 minutes ago, William Death said:

    It is intentional.

    You need a certain amount of BR in order to tag. I believe the last numbers I read were that you can tag 5x greater BR when solo. Groups scale differently. Perhaps someone can confirm those multipliers, I'm not absolutely certain those numbers are correct anymore.

    Its done to prevent trolling people. Before that mechanism was implemented people would buy a cheap ship, or even just use a cutter and tag in entire fleets and kite them in battle to waste their time. 

    Realistically, you're not going to defeat someone with 5x your BR unless they're very, very, very bad, and you're very good. Or they're AFK.

    well... give him a chance to sink.......

    and if the rat is afk it should be possible to get him in battle(why not)

    it is a 1 vs 1 situation...

    here you see that br has his counterpart... what is a restriction on his own. a rativisan is allowed to sink a privateer, but the privateer is not allowed to sink a rat...that's  weird (we live on the pvp server ?

    i only see the benefits for the big fleets here  ...weird,.. but for a reason ...guess who's benefits it is.

    the tagging br should be balanced in benefit for the small ships (every one ship is a one ship)

    my solution: give every 7 and 6 rate  ship + 80 br points  for a start .(except the BC) 


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, U.S. Fact Checker said:

    I am surprised that the losses of Dutch ports to the U.S has not been mentioned as they have mentioned the Prussians many times during the latest Gazette release. This is truly biased journalism because he isn't telling the true state of affairs that the dutch are dealing with. They are losing to both the U.S which should be in the news as a nation coming back to being a major player in the world and Prussia which is also staking its claim in the world.

     remember that making a full color newspaper cost doubloons :)

    a free copy cost nothing (not the extended political version)

    information that goes deeper into things cost doubloonies

    I am already waiting for the next subscription ....lol

  6. 6dpq33kvl.jpg

    The Willemstad Gazette (W G) has been named the best designed newspaper in the Caribbean. The newspaper can call itself Caribbean Newspaper of the Year for a year. Last year De jaheil papers won the Caribbean Newspaper Award in the regional weekly  news category.
    The international jury calls the WC "an example model for Caribbean newspapers".

    The blue and white colored newspaper underwent a metamorphosis earlier this year. The W G now comes in a handy format with, among other things, a new design. The W G Persoonlijk weekend magazine has also been updated.


    Editor in chief Gregory Rainborough is happy with the recognition. "We started this project in August 2019 with the ambition to make the best newspaper in the digital age," he said in a response. "Of course you are never done with such an exercise, but this prize is a good reason to reflect on the success of the new W. G."

    A total of 25 newspapers from 11 countries competed for the Caribbean Newspaper Award.

  7. Willemstad  Gazette 4 a good read and working alternative version as well.

    it was:  spot on.

    excellent .

    i certainly hope some other nations share their vision and journalist very soon to the news paper (if they possess any ....lol) 

    many have comments but no real content to share it seems .

  8. 51 minutes ago, Captain Biggus Dickus said:

    Is there a way where I can follow up the status of the in-game REPORT I sent against a toxic player? The player (not to be named here) really threw out racial slurs and stereotypes and I wanna check and make sure if the player is gonna get punished or no. Thanks! Have a good day.

     - the only way is to make a tribunal

     if it is really toxic and against game rules.

     - or right click in chat on the person and report (no feedback)

  9. 5 minutes ago, Cursed Monkey said:


    Ok in regards knowledge slots, then no comment, at least we  keeping this topic alive! 

    Mmm yes in regard to the (hard) language  >>its not about facts, but more a expression of feelings... what gives more a impression of feedback. i believe.

    remember>>  the feeling of the game>>  keeps you afloat.

    • Like 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, Cursed Monkey said:

    Will to gank not bad thing, next time they will reduce nr from 5 to 2 maybe?, and have a good battle for 30 mins instead of wasting 2 hours for nothing😂

    But, in regards to books, is that really a problem nowdays?.. i always see many books for sale for those who don't want grind.

    Thanks for your text improvement but you have to read again (it seems you are badly cursed:) ) ..sorry. ( i talk about grind for knowledge not books (i have all the books)

    furthermore no comment (sorry, i have to eat a banana )

    • Like 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Dave Hadley said:

    Retaking the XP thing:

    League of Legends made a wonderfull solution for the leveling on the accounts. Before you would hit level 30 and get stuck there, with the new changes they made leveling something that wouldn't end. This means you can get to level 456465456415645456 and you will still be leveling. Every level you rise up, you get some reward and every 20 levels you get a bigger reward.

    We could have something like this in game, of course addapted to a nice XP/Lvl ratio and every X levels a nice reward. 

    This would give the XP some use beside opening slots on ships and it can be a nice way to spread special paints and ship notes (Diana)

    aggh... the fundamental basic almost unsolvable game problem.!

    well I agree with you somehow.
    The grinding for naval action is actually a naval action unworthy item.
     you can see  a " grind" what you see in all simple games, and there is nothing great about it.

    it is the same as in world of warships, nothing special, so ...it is so bad that you can say that it is a game mechanic that helps you stop the game,(unless you buy your way in after level 7)

     something you can see at the rank of the  captain level ,there stop the Most of the time the player ,>>  there will be a transition to the SOL, and the grinding will become harder for them , to open up your/their  knowledge slot on the ship.
     what is caused by not having, among other things, good missions in your own environment /territory. (overdue)
    and  not having suitable ports in another area.(lack of ports) and because of the mission levels for knowledge on certain ships, and not having the correct ships to fight against ..( for example a ocean fighting against a mercury getting 20 xp for a knowledge slot for  20 k xp [what is 1000 battles])who is the idiot?  no me ....i quit.)(pve wise)
     not seeing progression fast enough (with heavily stretched xp levels) whereby you do not see the subsequent level and therefore do not give the user a goal.(UI)
    being busy grinding a knowledge slot, but what is disturbed by ganks.
    and  not having missions that do  match your ship level.


    I can give a direct solution, but that makes no sense, because the developers don't like this, because it is easier to turn the amount of grinding knob than anything else, and since there are people who are always struggling with how it is also possible.

    i introduced a upgrade for a double or triple upgrade for doing xp to ease the pain ,but that is is also not in the game and maybe will not be introduced also.

    the game is not allowing you to sail a ship you want to have !   in many areas .

    ..its also  a contradiction with EVE  if you want to compare them , and more World of warships.  (yaghh) >>  what is a ..well not so great concept either..<<

    i give you a small example: we were fighting yesterday  a enemy speed  wasa -/vs/ - 2 aga and 2 wasa , a l R, and a pirate frigate ...guess who left the battle ....after ....one and a half hour battle [battle over warning] - 100%sail ,100% hull and NO crew gone..........lol .  als half  the perusing party were dismasted one time  in the battle .... that is not because of the skill of the single wasa captain(partly) ...but more the lack of knowledge slot on the part of the pursuers ships ...>>> conclusion completely unbalanced ,.but the escaped captain is happy. 5 other are unhappy.and see it as a complete waste of 2 sleeping hours ...the will to fight(or gank) another day is gone.

    you see it is not that the knowledge books are to strong! , but not having them (in the knowledge slot ) that is the problem. therefore yes grind is a problem for some , you can NOT solve .....or..... you go to the british... or russian side>>>> then your problems are ....over. (partly) 

    ps.i am  not revealing graduation conclusion goal:) but you can figure something out yourself.(said the noob)

  12. 6 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    Talking in general terms.

    11 nations mean a very diluted playerbase. The nations without enough pop just cant compete at all.

    there are more issues to this subject 

    like for instance the center point of all the fighting is centered to the middle of the map and the west side of the map  is like 17 century extinct  wild west america 

    or the south and east coast where is nothing to do only fighting 7 rates 

    there are some more problems in general terms

    if you have 11 nations they can not all be at the same port 

    what means you need to have all the goodies goodies also scattered all over the map 

    and that is not the case .

    the Russians / Brits are in places where they can find all that stuff ( because of the numbers) and all other nations look at it ..

  13. 12 hours ago, admin said:

    free dlc maybe? the problem is - what is the threshhold? 2000-5000? 10000? hours


    some ideas?


     First 1100 hours:

      a golden Hercules (one time ship* }

     plus a free ship slot in docks. permanent

    plus 300.000 reaals


    on 2500 hours: 

      a free (one time other*) dlc ship + 5000 doubloons

     plus a free dock space  slot( permanent)

    plus 400.000 reaals


    on 5000 hours:

    a free golden 2 rate ship  (random)

     plus a free dock  space slot( permanent)

     plus a naval clock.

    plus 500.000 reaals


    on 10.000 hours :

      a Special Rank and 20.000  doubloons 

      plus a free dock space  (permanent)

      a special  flag 

     a golden first rate (random)


    after 10k nothing more

    collectable in gift DLC

    * if you have the dlc ship you get a other one instead .

    • Like 3
  14. On 1/16/2020 at 6:27 PM, Celtiberofrog said:

    Although I'm not concerned, I think some players who spent thousands of hours in NA could be recognized with ranks.

    The XP scale could include "stars" added to the highest rank, each star would be reached at extremely high XP level  !

    The effect of identifying a player with his rank, seeing stars behind would simply allow the recognition of a veteran level by itself.

    I have high admiration to these guys who dedicate so many hours of their life for this game as a passion; I truly feel they deserve this recognition merit.

    i also believe that  the recognition system need some love 


    stats needs a overhaul

    for example to click on a player to get some more information on how he is doing 

    other games have it to and its always nice to see what medals or toffees they have won

     but on the moment we still have the blue Alpha clan system working.

    and probably will see a other system coming in place for it in the future i HOPE.

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