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Everything posted by Captain

  1. The patch removed the ability to set a capture window for ports, all the ports captured since the patch have no window and can be attacked at any time. Please bring back the capture window, it is important that the people who capped a port also get to defend it when they are actually online.
  2. There were only two ways it could be, master violin. Either the first way, where the American leaders realized the danger to their nation and ignored the danger to themselves, and stood proud in battle, win or lose. There would have been more than enough dignity to be found in that, whatever the outcome. Maybe even glory. But instead it went the other way. Nothing but disgrace for those people, the wretched smell of it all over the place. But even the darkest and coldest winter leads to a spring. There were people who did fight back, who didn't hide, who made real sacrifices but weren't deterred. It's no secret who they are. You can only hoodwink people so long, eventually they wise up. It's difficult to believe any American player can read or hear the self satisfied drivel of the discredited ones without thinking, "what on earth do you people have to be proud of? Where were you?" It turns out, as the dramatic shifts in control of territory that have come to pass these last two weeks have demonstrated, that there are two different, but in no sense equal, dispositions a person can choose to display. One is the mouth, the other is the deed. Action, it certainly seems, speaks louder than words. Imagine for a moment a wind-up clockwork monkey, one that bangs together cymbals. What can it do? It's gears turn and it seems come to life and makes noise. It doesn't possess judgment, or dignity, or character, or bravery, or selflessness. It isn't clever, it can't inspire confidence or form a plan. It can't do anything but make noises, over and over again, always the same. Someone else might be able to draw a parallel between that, and what has transpired here. Your correspondent cannot.
  3. I don't remember seeing you defending anything. What did you do instead Vernon?
  4. Your lot had its chance to help people like him, the decent common American, what did you do instead? Mouths don't win wars Churstler.
  5. At this hour, the last overseas bastion of the discredited regime is falling under siege. It will fall. When the sun rises tomorrow it will be a new day for America in more ways than one. Returned to their core home waters, they will be able to focus and rebuild. They should bear in mind the ruins that surround them and think on what, and who, got them there. Liberated from misrule and from delusion, America can begin the work of starting anew. Surgery requires cutting into the patient, but the harm is beneficial. A great victory has been achieved through focused teamwork, organization and unfailing determination. But none of this suffices without good leadership. The proof is in the pudding. Going forward, depending upon the behavior of the Americans, an occupation of their home waters may or may not be necessary. We do not plan to let the work we have done be squandered. A good teacher doesn't let his pupil take his recess before the lesson is learned.
  6. Imagine a face, the mouth is talking, lies come out of it.The eyes look away from the truth, the face refuses to turn its eyes and look. What can be done? You grab the face by the jaw, the mouth is frozen, speechless. You hold it by the jaw and turn it so it faces the truth, so the eyes, though they dart frantically around, have no choice but to look and see. This happened at Carlisle, it has happened agin with America. People can only say "no" until you force them, and then refusal doesn't matter. And that is a real lesson.
  7. You've missed the lesson haven't you. Sometimes the lies of a liar come back to haunt him, sometimes to ruin him completely.
  8. It has been a long campaign, but it nears its end. Almost every possession of the craven misrulers of the United States has been liberated, and their far-flung final redoubts are falling under siege even now. Every hole will be emptied out. The mad insane vanity of the wretched ancien regime is now smashed, cast into the dirt and trampled. The questions of fitness and competence have been answered decisively and no one can doubt the outcome. Soon a new day will dawn for America, one where no false mouth can claim false deeds. Every eye has seen the truth, and because of the long and diligent efforts invested into the great campaign, no face can turn away. There isn't any corner left in which to sit muttering bitter slanders. The light of truth illuminates every dark place so that nothing can hide there. That light has been turned on America, and every person is now fit to be judged. An empire of words has been smashed to bits by the fierceness of deeds. It is no secret who has stood proud and fought, and who has stumbled again and again to retreat from the approaching doom, interested only in saving themselves, in all their wretched paltriness. No American should forget the names of the virtuous or of the worthless. If the despicable ones are shameless, remind them of the disgrace in which they are held by everyone of good character. If they speak falsely, silence them. Tolerate no excuses and remember, the righteous are meant to judge the unrighteous. Never forget the end to which your leaders led you, America. Some are simply unfit to lead. When the liberation has been completed and the day comes for your people to rebuild, don't ignore or neglect the lessons of the past few weeks. They were paid for dearly.
  9. All americans are artless milk-livered flax-wenches!
  10. There is a quotation I have always liked that I think applies to the US situation. It's from a French novelist named Jean Dutourd who fought in the Frence Resistance. "War is less costly than servitude. In the end, the choice is always between Verdun and Dachau.”
  11. Ya this guy's gimmick is to muck up other people's threads then ask for them to be closed or something, or post inflammatory stuff to provoke others into responding in kind, then reporting them. There's a word for it but I can't remember what it is.
  12. Submit. Stop being toxic on the forums and submit to Lord Vicious' demands in full.
  13. Same, its a great group of people, all dedicated to winning and also to having fun. Plus we are unfailingly polite. In a pvp game you cant avoid having to be not-so-nice to people sometimes, killing them or taking their stuff. We always apologize, its just the decent thing to do. Also, remember: Piracy is just 2 clicks away. Join the winning team, together we do great things! Doesn't matter who or where you are, get your valuables to a free port (and if you're american, thats already a given?), attack a player or NPC from the same nation on the overworld, and take the black. SORRY is always looking for people who like fights, like winning, and like being organized!
  14. The 'mechanic' is "you get out you what you put in." If you run and run and run and run and run and retreat and run and retreat and run then retreat and run and do all your fighting in the global chat, with only your mouth, never your boats, then you earn a particular outcome and have to live the consequences of your behavior.
  15. I think britain might face the same issue as the dutch. Playing this as a PVE game in isolation, always fighting AI, and believing that the key to winning battles is just showing up. Oftentimes you hear that SORRY only wins because we have 25 santis, etc etc. Having the ships is not enough, you must also be able to to sail them, and sail them better than the opponent, or else you'll be crushed. Why are pirate clans so much more effective than the PVE nations like dutch or british or USA? Because we get more practice! Anyway, USA: your situation is hopeless. Submit. Put yourself at the mercy of Lord Vicious, fulfill all the demands.
  16. No Justice No Peace! Submit, America! A pvp game needs a trial by fire, people need to understand from the start how the game works. If people can't tolerate getting smashed by another person without melting down, there is a PVE server for them. The alternative, of coddling people and trying to trick them into thinking its not a PvP game by insulating the starting zones, is bad because people end up investing time they can't get back, only to find out later that they can't abide PvP. Trial by fire, wheat from the chaff, its how it has to be.
  17. The defeat of a major nation is interesting as part of the development. SORRY, but participating in the alpha does not mean we all hold hands. It's a PvP game, how would the PvP be refined if it wasn't tested, and how do you deal with edge cases if there are never edge cases because of too much hand-holding?
  18. It won't be easy, but the alternative is extinction, so its worth the effort.
  19. What we're doing is taking every port within range of where we can pull a flag, with a capture window open, each day. Americans refusing to defend the ports at the times they picked to defend them is disappointing, yes. But the noose is tightening rapidly. We've done severe damage to their economy and there are fewer ports each day in which they can hide from us. SORRY has a lot of haters and a lot of ankle-biting goes on, both in the chat and here in this thread. At some point soon the americans will have to put up or shut up. The only way the USA can be destroyed is through cowardice.
  20. The new thing to troll is just to stay in another faction's safe zone, the nation can't chase you off that way. Allow us to target player ships inside our safe zones - or even better - give a short timer then automatically kill enemy ships inside the zone. Call it the port defense guns
  21. Good! 1st rates are expensive its good to get more use out of them.
  22. Remember, Piracy is just two clicks away! Join the winning team and together we will accomplish big things!
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