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Everything posted by lobogris

  1. Bueno mientras unos escriben yo sigo hundiendo y capturando buques ingleses, nos vemos.
  2. Pues estuve de acuerdo con todas y cada una de las resoluciones del Consejo hasta la última que entro la RAE y algún que otro clan y nos metieron en la Guerra con los americanos cuando estábamos enfrascados con la guerra con los ingleses y aliados que en ese momento eran barridos por los Sorry, y votaron que si ya que la RAE se ocuparía de los americanos... Pués uso tan bien una renomee como un buque de linea otra cosa es que quiera jugar contigo con un buque de linea por que no creo en ti y me remito a vuestros resultados, lo curioso seria usar bien un buque de linea y mal una renomee , no sabeis usar un linx y quereis jugar con Santisimas.
  3. Vergüenza, que un grupo de perdedores intente imponerme nada lo lleva mal, voy a actuar tal como ha actuado la RAE hasta ahora, como bien habéis dicho esto solo incumbe a los dos de los clanes perdedores de la batalla de Trafalgar 2.0, y bueno como esta claro sigue la guerra con el ingles que voy a empezar a intentar organizar a partir de ahora, por que a mí todavía no se me han rendido y esas zonas de pastoreo del enemigo van a ser todo alegría, todo aquel que quiera actuar así con el inglés puede coger el tag de mi clan le invitaré gustosamente, esto es lo que pasa cuando se hacen las cosas sin contar con los demás, esto solo lo habéis firmado deprisa y corriendo para que vuestros clanes no se derrumben y para mantener vuestro "estatus" dentro del server.
  4. No estás enterado de las últimas noticias, ni has estado involucrado en las guerras que se han librado hasta ahora, ni has participado que yo sepa en ningún Consejo, es normal que tu percepción del juego sea esa pero los grandes lideres que han tomado el poder y han eliminado lo que era el Consejo lo más parecido que teníamos a una Democracia, gracias a ellos las cosas han ido a francamente mejor como todos hemos visto estos lideres que "dirigen" la facción y sus queridos compañeros "ciudadanos" nos han llevado a la situación actual, tú que creo que no perteneces a ningún clan ni entras al ts, tienes una percepción distinta del juego implicate un poco y verás lo que hay, posiblemente pienses que una dictadura sea que una persona vaya detrás de ti con una pistola diciendo lo que hacer pero no es asi o sería el caso más extremo, en este momento se estan tomando decisiones políticas económicas y de guerra donde tu opinión no vale para nada y ni se te pregunta.
  5. Y se sabe fecha?, eso de que den voto a todo el mundo va a fastidiar claramente el sistema dictatorial que se respira en la facción española, es una autentica lástima por que es el que mejores resultados esta dando solo deben votar los que pierden primeras en batalla por que pedir que fueran los que hunden primeras en batalla ya sería pedir mucho, solo hay que ver que se ganan todas las batallas y tenemos al enemigo acobardado, y lo comprometida que está le gente con la causa, todo es orden y pulcritud, un nivel de cooperación coordinación estratosférico, solo debén votar los miembros de Celtis de EI y los de la RAE cuando les apetezca.
  6. Me parto esos puertos se tomaron por que los británicos se vinieron abajo con los sorry, los puertos aguantaron sacrificando gente y sus barcos a cambio de puertos hasta que la gente no ha podido más, el grado de coordinación era mínimo si no por decir nulo la cooperación lo mismo unos por una lado y otros por otro como pollos sin cabeza y lo que es de recordar es como unos pocos están intentando arrastrar la facción por lo suelos, a ver si aprendemos a jugar ya de una vez, no es que seáis malos es lo siguiente.
  7. Lo vergonzoso es que no incluye a los aliados, los han dejado tirados, lo vergonzoso es que es un intento infantil de dejar a los americanos aislados para continuar la guerra con ellos cosa que de inmediato se han dado cuenta, lo vergonzoso es que con esto se intenta tapar los grandes errores que los "ciudadanos" y sus lideres llevan realizando desde que dijeron que el consejo ya no era necesario que para tomar decisiones ya estoy yo, lo vergonzoso es que hayan estado sacrificando gente para tapar su gran error hasta que la situación ha sido insostenible, lo vergonzoso es que solo tengan voz y voto los que están bajo su cuerda.
  8. That isnt true the spanish couincil was that u have the votes that the number of memmbers that you have in the clan and you Celtis Rae and Ei took it out and u say that u lead the spanish faction that isnt true you was the three clans that was losing at the south of Cuba. You are right now making massive recruitement to get all the new players, to continue all this situation.
  9. You are talking to me about democracy when u took out the spanish council when u say the people that can only speak or vote are Celtis Rae and Ei memmbers your dictatorialship party, is that true?
  10. I put this treaty at spanish section of this forum becouse a lot of players of the spanish faction dont know it.
  11. THE THREE ADMIRALS TREATY By Cpt Pellasgos Prepared for: The nationS of Spain, Verenigde Provinciën and Britain 1) CUBA A ) Creation of a Dutch buffer zone B ) The Dutch buffer zone will include the towns of Little Cayman, Santa Cruz, Manzanilla, Portillo, Guama Sevilla. C ) The Dutch nation automatically becomes the guarantor and the protector of the buffer zone between theSpanish and the British nations. D ) In case an outside nation tries to change the makeup of the buffer zone, then the Spanish, Dutch and the British fleets must join forces and declare war upon the perpetration nation/s. E ) In case a rogue, or unaffiliated group of players, captures any port/s covered in this agreement, the signees must work together to recapture them in order to expedite them back to the original holder/s. Port timers must be confirmed with original holders for ease of recapture operations. F ) Dutch Spanish and British nations are forbidden to craft flags against each other crossed the entire area of Cuba and Jamaica. G ) Open world Pvp between the 3 signee nations is available in every portion of themap. H ) Georgetown will remain under British control unless rogue players or clans attempt to use this port to craft flags against the Spanish nation. IN this case, the Spanish nation is allowed to request intervention by Dutch navy to remove it as a threat. The Dutch agree to add it to the already established Dutch buffer for the remainder of the treaty. I ) The line which connects the Spanish ports of Santa Maria, Cocodrillo, and Corrientes, and all other ports in Cuba which sit north of it, are de- facto Spanish territories. The port of Trinidad will revert to Spanish control per this agreement. J ) The line which connects the British ports of Georgetown, Sant Lago, Puerto Escondido, and all the other British ports which reside south of it, with the exemption of Haitian ports become British territories. Image 1 Map for effect. The boundaries are only defined in text of body. of document 2 ) Yucatan A ) Spanish Territories 1 ) The port of Mugeres and Conttoy becomes parts of the Spanish nation. 2 ) The line which connects Conil, Mugeres port, Alacranes La Bermeja and Tampico port becomes the Spanish controlled zone borders and all the ports within this area will become part of the Spanish nation. 3 ) Spanish nation agrees to cease crafting flags against any British ports (except those within the mutual agreed “gentlemen’s war zone” (see part b, paragraph 4 of Yukatan of this treaty) 4 ) Open world PVP is allowed in the Spanish zone. B ) British Territories 1 ) The line which connects the ports of Xpu Ha, Tantum Cuzamil, Placer, Misteriosa, Santanillas, Georgetown to Montego Bay becomes the British territorial zone border and all the ports southern of this line towards the Dutch ports remain under British control. 2 ) British nation agrees to cease crafting flags against any Spanish ports (except those within the mutual agreed “gentlemen’s war zone” (see part b, paragraph 4 of Yukatan treaty). 3 ) Open world PVP is allowed in the British zone. 4 ) Creation of a contest area, also known as “the gentlemen’s war zone” which includes the 3 ports of Xpu Ha, Tantun Cuzamil and Tulum (see reference map 2) in order to give to both the Spanish and British communities the opportunity to have battles against each other which include all variations of port types (regional capital, deep water medium size port and shallow port) 3) Haiti A ) The British and the Dutch nations are required to change the timers of the ports of Les Cayes, Saint Louis, Jacmel and Sale-Trou upon the signing of this treaty. B ) The British and the Dutch nations are required to set the timers between 16-18 server time as the earliest, and 22-24 as the latest. C ) The aforementioned changes will happen within 48 hours of this document signing. 4) Admirals and Nations By signing this treaty the admirals of Verenigde Provincien, Britain and Spain hereby agree to all as follows: A ) A Peace treaty between Verenigde Provincien and Spain. B ) Spanish and British nations mutually agree to stop crafting conquest flags against each other except the specified mutually agreed contest area, also known as the “gentlemen’s war area”. Xpu Ha, Tantun Cuzamil and Tulum, are set aside for this use. C ) Acceptance of all the parts (1, 2, 3, 4) of this agreement. D ) Open world PVP between players of all 3 nations is allowed in every part of the map. E ) A military salutation from the signing admirals to the flags of all three nations for accepting this treaty providing mutual respect for the bravery of the Dutch, British and Spanish communities. F ) Upon the signature of the three admirals, this treaty will become active and in full effect. G ) Unless mutually agreed upon with treaty resigning, this treaty is null and void 48 hours after the release of the pending political patch. If not signed by all parties before 00:00, 01 sec server time, this treaty becomes invalid. “May the success of this agreement act as a lighthouse for diplomacy amongst nations.” Capt. Pellasgos Signature area VERENIGDE PROVINCIEN x._____Pellasgos________ SPAIN x._____Not available at time of publish______ BRITAIN x._____HMCS Warrior________ Military Salutation Area 07._____Pellasgos________ 07._____Not available at time of publish_______ 07._____HMCS Warrior_______ **THE FOLLOWING MAPS ARE FOR QUICK REFERENCE ONLY** THE TEXT OF THE DOCUMENT MUST BE AGREED UPON VIA FORUM POST BY ALL THREE OF THE FORE MENTIONED PARTIES Image2 For clarity Spanish waters Include most of Cuba minus the Dutch buffer zone south of broken line. A todo el mundo le parece bien esto?
  12. Rae took us the war with british, Rae and Celtis took us the war with Holland, Rae took us the war with Usa, and where is Rae now?, Im fighting wars that i didnt choose, Spanish faction is fighting wars that we didnt choose, they want to stop this becouse they dont want to show to the spanish faction the big faiulures that they did, they dont put all this in the spanish section of this forum, We need this war more than you, we need a big clean in the spanish faction, If we win or we are destroyed that clean it will happends, win or be destroyed but never surrender.
  13. Reverendo is telling right now good words that they are going to listen us, all the players that we werent at Santiago in another battle that u lost, and you ask why arent you fighting with me?, its easy becouse u loose all the battles becouse u have a dictatorialship , they lose trafalgar 2.0 and they said that the fault is that all the people that it wasnt in that battle, and you are telling me now that you are going to listen us now? when u took out the spanish council when u say that people that can speak or vote is that the ones that takes first rates to battles.
  14. I only says the truth spanish faction hasnt got council or anything like it right now. They make a treaty and what happends with our allieds? what happends with yankes?
  15. The spanish dictorship memmbers says that the only men who can vote or speak is the man who goes to battle with first rate no ones can say nothing if you dont go to that battles. That is the situation at spanish faction right now.
  16. We have right now at spanish faction a dictatorship, the 3 clans of the battle of Santiago wants to surrender the spanish faction and continue the war with yankes, the other players started to defend the havana waters and we were starting to make a good work together they wanted to stop this.
  17. Respecto a mi clan somos tres y creciendo no como vosotros que hacéis reclutamientos masivos aceptando a quién sea. I have a clan of 3 members this is one of the players that is making this dictatorship, we cant say nothing we cant make nothing with this people, they take all new players. This players put us in a war with 4 factions and they want now to surrender the spanish faction.
  18. We cant make anything becouse this is right now a dictatorship and they want to hit the spanish faction like a revenge, a lot of them doesnt play normally right now.
  19. Right now the spanish fation is caos becouse they took out the Council this is now a dictatorship. the "RAE Celtis and EI " took the power and no one cant say nothing. They want to take revenge of the rest of the faction becouse they say that we dont help.
  20. Its not acceptable that 10 players are speaking for all spanish faction becouse they loose ships in battles. I cant belive that you are listening them!!!
  21. This treaty is reallie made by 10 players of the spanish faction, this isnt serious and a lot of them doesnt play right now. The spanish council put me like british and american diplomatic this two clans took me out and put Senhor Leñador and they say that they speak for all spanish faction.
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