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Everything posted by lobogris

  1. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, My lord "La Mano del Diablo" was huting Brits at Port Royal gates we continue mashing them, Im going to tell you my Lord the ships captured or destroyed this days; British Navy: "CAJ" Sandokan Cerverus "BRITS" Wesader Frigate "KSK" Saftass Trincomalee Lucky jack Cutter "RGL" Frank Ramsey Belle Poule "KSK" Saftass Trincomalee Emiel Reigs Trincomalee JSP Renomee Scott Roche Surprise Killbeart Cutter.
  2. You love me, you can die with honour like alwaies. You and honour can go to take a cup of tea. I alwaies see brits sunked with honour.
  3. "Todo buen español debería mear siempre mirando a Inglaterra" Blas de Lezo "Every good Spanish should piss always looking to England". Blas de lezo.
  4. Bueno queda demostrado que es mejor tener al inglés de enemigo que de aliado, osea que no hay ningún problema, por tanto duro con ellos.
  5. Yes we were friends and you attacked all the spanish ports that u wanted, yes we were friends and you destroyed Rae at south, Yes we were friends and you declared us the war, i think that i prefer you like an enemy that you arent making nothing now.
  6. Dear king or queen im not sure if you have a queen now or a king im sending you this words to ask where is the british navy? isn´t it unstoppable? must we fear it? im going to tell the same that i said to Uss president you are in time to surrender to me and give us all the ports of Yucatan and south Cuba if you dont make it you will smell all your navy burning from London. alwaies yours queen or king Lobogris privatieer of the "La Mano del Diablo". PD: Send more ships. PD2: you haven´t got enough.
  7. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, today is a great day we had heavy fights at british waters, we had one battle that the two enemie ships sank each other, im going to tell you the ships captured or destroyed: British navy: Gisus Trincomalee Gisus Trincomalee "EITCC" Comodore tranc Cerverus Sandstorm Snow Bootz Cerverus Seaman Staynes Belle Poule "SOGGY" Legionn Surprise "BTC" Reinher Trincomalee "BTC" Vanilla Third Clase Blackybeard Surprise "FIRST" Nem3SI881 Cerverus. Tails Cerverus
  8. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, My Lord, We are in war with the britains "La Mano del Diablo" and "Bastardos sin Gloria" captured or destroyed this ships: British Navy: "RGL" Agent Royale Trader Brig "BTB" Suppe Belle Poule Sir Sidney Roughdiamond Trincomalee "BTC" Nortron Renomee "BWITC" Crowly Trincomalee Coogamooga Surprise "SLNR" Parazaine Surprise
  9. Bueno ya era hora que el inglés muestre su verdadero rostro, si quieren guerra, guerra tendrán.
  10. Bueno ya era hora que el inglés muestre su verdadero rostro, si quieren guerra, guerra tendrán.
  11. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, My Lord "La Mano del Diablo" and "Bastardos sin Gloria" had heavy fights at pirate waters it was hard but we wan all battles, im going to tell you the list of the ships destroyed or captured: Pirates: killidog Privatieer "RUBLI" Capt Bron Turtle Cerverus "JAWS" Rayin Yellow Frigate "RUBLI" Arthas Yellow Trincomalee "JAWS" Rayin Renomee
  12. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, My Lord "La Mano del Diablo" "Bastardos sin Gloria" and "kaos" were cleaning the sea of pirate rats they are quite agressives but when they see spanish flags they just run, this bunch of thiefs are nothing to us, im going to tell you the list of the ships destroyed or captured: Pirates: Capitane James Flint Cutter "SOT7S" Swooch Belle Poule "RUBLI" Jack Sparrow1 Yellow Trincomalee.
  13. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, My Lord "La Mano del Diablo" was fighting at South of Cuba im going to tell you the list of the ships captured or destroyed; British navy; "LMP" Leviwest Surprise LogicalChimp Cerverus Pestun Cerverus "SLNR" Dragoon Guards Snow "SLNR" Wiplash Surprise "FIRST" Fastiobarbarossa Snow Davy Kyd Niagara "SGS" John Keats Surprise Rene Kistone Belle Poule Blue Vertigo Surprise Bwitc Nobbby Trincomalee "FIRST" NeM3SI88L Cerverus "BWITC" Qifi Inwood Belle poule Antilles Surprise Logical Chimp Cerverus Milk Frigate "IMP" Macfudge Cerverus
  14. It´s very funny to read how serious britihs are with a treaty, i could say that they dont respect no one.
  15. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, today my Lord is a hard day we had one KIA, im going tell you the ships that we captured or destroyed, Us navy; Blake Clark Cerberus "MG" Jack Brennan Frigate "STARS" Cletus Speker Surprise "FNB" Robert Lancer Frigate KIA: "LMD" Jose Morales
  16. Its too late i dont want your surrender.
  17. PD; Us Navy; Blake Clark Cerverus
  18. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, My Lord yesterday was a hard day but today all its too easy, things are going correctly and we will go all back to Habana without problems, now im going to tell the ships captured or destroyed today; Us Navy: Standingcrow Frigate "STARS" Dctrojan72 Mercury "GSY" Hermann Von Salza Constitution Tear Jerker Belle Poule
  19. It´s so funny that you are making a post about how the pirates are taking your islands and you are speaking about spaniars and my group. PD: Us Navy Standingcow Frigate.
  20. I can say a lot of things in this letter how i feel, how u feel, and how you are starting to lose the map, well but we are going to look it in the good face, you are in time to surrender to me, becouse you put the finger in the eye of the wrong faction, give us all Cuba and Mexican ports and you will have less problems.
  21. Lo pase fatal hundiendo a los de la "ACE".
  22. I thought it was a player its a mistake, someone attacked it looks like, thank you.
  23. Treasury Office Marina of Habana Military Navy Commander of Cuba, today is a day of infamy for the pirates they attacked fast the port of Carahathas and we resolved to attack them with all the rage of the Spanish Faction, im going to tell you my lord the list of the ships captured or destroyed today, Pirates: "ACE" Simplex Cerverus "ACE" James Flynt Surprise "ACE" Lunder Trincomalee "ACE" Uriel Snow "ACE" David Butron Trincomalee "BIA" Antonio Coimbra Trincomalee
  24. The point of all this is that "Alacranes Island" hasnt got any defense, go and take it.
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