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The Great One

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. leave it alone unless you are adding something that can equal these fleets people are getting in these battle, not worth looking for the little AI fleets and the large port battles suck because everyone has timers set to dumb time so makes people get up at dumb hours just to even attack them witch is a whole another topic themselves. With this feature it can be used at any level and can help practice team battling and working together on killing stuff before you bring it to the big PVP battles.
  2. as bad as this is what going to stop them from finding someone who in the nation and bribing him to buy the flag so you guys cant buy the flag what you guys going to do then get him banned for being a traitor. Its something that is possible and can be done. So i say nothing should be done cause if your going to take ports make sure you dont let people know cause there always be spys
  3. Been an Honor to of been apart of this clan the time i have been but I have put down the USA Flag and picked up the GB Flag see you at seas - The Great One
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