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Posts posted by Fletch

  1. 3 hours ago, Bearwall said:

    Actually lots of games has fixed hours for certain content - the point is they all operate with more servers than one. The real problem arose when the devs decided to take a vantagepoint in real nations and a real geographical area - this ensured the problems that we are experiencing today. And to say that someone is selfish simply because they want a game that is enjoyable for all participants is the definition of selfishness.. And again where does these accusations take us other than to childish namecalling? You say you play for the eastern alliance.. I say that's either an outright lie or you are playing solo. No one can experience the frustration of their clanmates (many of whom have quitted the game because of the nightflips) and say that wanting to fix the issue is selfish.

    Of course its selfish to expect an online game to come to a standstill because your in bed. I honestly never heard of anything like this before. Its called an EU server because the server itself is in Europe it has nothing to do with the nationality of the players, there are no rules on what country you live in to play on the EU server,. It does not say when you buy the game, certain servers only allow you to play the full game at certain times of the day. Its complete and utter nonsense. I promise you I sail for the Eastern alliance and I do care about port battles but I would never dream of complaining  about what goes on when I am in bed its just a fact of life in online gaming that somebody somewhere is awake when I am asleep. We need to deal with the situation and adapt not cry about it to the Devs in my opinion.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Bearwall said:

    You're wrong mate - we didn't pay for the enjoyment of playing the game - we payed in order to test it. The "global" servers has been tested and proved to be wanting. The devs can either ignore the fact that all EU based players are more or less against nightflip (unless members of the only alliance with full 24/7 coverage) and drop developing the game further as the problem will only increase come release date rather than diminish. The only viable option is to force PB timers serverwide.



    You are wrong in my opinion, we all paid 30 quid and no where did it say it was only fully playable at certain times of the day. Its selfish and stupid to think everything and everyone in the entire world has to stop playing because you decide to go to bed at a certain time of day.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, rediii said:

    You didn't get me. I'm still up for that, that they enjoy the game to it's fullest. But let them do it in their primetime (which is currently blocked by maintenance) on their server. Atleast i think that would be the best solution so everybody can enjoy the game.

    An alternative would be to reintroduce timers. Like i said, i don't care pretty much anymore what is done, but something needs to be done.


    If i buy a game it doesnt mean that i can enjoy the full content with everyone in the world. If there is a restricted time on a server i'm totaly fine with that because it is necessary to make a game playable. I only go to another server and enjoy all of the gamecontent there.


    So what happens if you play on the EU server and have a night shift job? Or simply play unsociable hours? I think its nonsense to talk about time zones on an online game. What about Chinese people and Asians?  Online games have always been in a non stop 24 hour world, it seems silly to me to think it all comes to stop at 2300 GMT.

  4. Just now, rediii said:

    idc about your tone anymore. You behave like you would be a god after you guys discovered your nightflip strength and i will be glad to see you guys fall after dev's did something against it. (even with porttimers) I don't see the russians or french say anything about your attitude to look down on them so what?


    I guess you are from the US? You are so many in the forum because you can't play without the EU players and you know it and lobby against any change. Devs have to do SOMETHING. I would be even ok if they say it will stay like this. Then players can make a decision based on that. Right now everyone just waits for a statement of the devs or a change of a mechanic

    I am English and sail for the Eastern alliance not the western so I am on your side in game.  No the Devs do not have to do anything. Everybody paid the same price for this game and everybody must have the same right to enjoy that game night and day. You are being selfish if you expect people who are online when you are not, to have their game options restricted just because it does not suit you. If I decide to stay up all night and play that's my choice not yours or the Devs, when I do play I wish to enjoy the same game and possibilities as everyone else who paid their 30 quid

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  5. We should stop this time zone nonsense, its a free world and people should be able to play the game and enjoy the game at any time of the day and night. Has anyone thought some of those weird time zone players may well be people in Europe with night shift jobs ect? could be unemployed people could be nochturnal people I don't know and I don't really care. If your port gets flipped when your not around flip it back when you are around.  Stop crying about it and start dealing with it. None of us can be online 24/7 and someones night time is always someone elses day time

    We could possible look at the hostility situation is it too fast should it be slowed down ? Possibly yes but stop crying about what other people do when your offline

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  6. Why do we have any timers at all? Its attacking a port not booking a dentist appointment. Who writes the enemy a letter and says we will be over after lunch to have a crack at your port? I also think the whole region should not flip the moment the capital does. When you capture the regional capital your influence should start spreading and every 24 hours another port in the region should flip, to capture an entire region you need to hold the capital for as many days as it has ports.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Lord Vicious said:

    You do realize my clan switched  cause pirates is dead? and theyare dead thx to coalition system  you wanted (the nations)  and becouse 4-5 nations pushed on pirates for months? didnt see you cry for pirates when dutch-france-usa-brit-sweden-denmark where attacking it with 5 fleets when we where able to pull max 1 , 1 and half  Where was the concern for pirate pop , numbers and equal fights back then? You forced us to switch for keep playng, (in fact pirates since new system come not got a single first rate pb....  and my clan was mainly a firstrate pb clan i bet you can make 1+1)

     and when we switch to brit when Danes where steamrolling the server?  Brits not where the top dog whatsoever. 

    And danes betrayed pirates for join the strongest side when was your convenience. So how was that fine for you but not fine for us? :)


    So now enjoy a taste of your own medicine and stop QQ 


    Where was your indignation when 100+ players from 5 nation where stopping 1 clan of pirates?  you seams always to forgot your past actions, but we did not :)

    Not funny anymore when you on the other side eh ? 


    I was around and very vocal about how pathetic it was. I refused to sail in those operations at the time so can hold my head up high about the whole episode.

  8. Balancing is also boring and can lead to a stalemate, I loved the days the Danes captured pot Morant, between the Danes and pirates the British lost half of Jamaica at one point. You know what ? It was exciting, logging on to save your nation, not travel half way across the globe to get a fight. The war swung  one way and then the other. I miss those days and its actually quite dull on the British side at the moment if im honest and have thought about a switch to freshen things up.

  9. You cant balance anything in a game where people freely switch nations. Yet again players crying to the devs to fix something for them. It was players crying to the devs to fix diplomacy that created the big alliances because you were all crying about rogue clans.  Stop expecting the devs to fix every single disadvantage for you and start thinking of new tactics and game plans to achieve results. Where were the Spanish last night? I didn't see any yet they are your allies, is it the other tides fault because some of your allies don't show up and the others did?

    • Like 4
  10. Here we go again, self appointed politicians who speak for nobody in reality apart from themselves saving the day for us. Was it not these very people who kept pestering the Devs to enforce diplomacy on the rest of us rather than leaving it to the individual? The more you try and micro manage every aspect of the game the less choice and freedom is left for the individual player. People should not be forced into a clan into diplomacy or an alliance or into shooting at anyone or anything other than what they so wish to.

  11. Not long ago the Danes were unstoppable, many people flocked to the Danish flag to be on the winning team. Now its no longer the winning team you will see the numbers drop again as the glory hunters go off to find the next flavour of the month Faction. Im sure there is hard core underneath to keep the nation going once all the cry babies have left.

  12. Sorry but it will not matter how expensive or how long winded you make 1st rates to craft, it will not be that long before one nation or even one coalition could field 25 of them. The fact those same 25 ships can be towed safely almost anywhere and used in every single port battle just makes the problem worse. First rates should need a much longer time to tow than other ships perhaps, If first rate fleets took a few days to tow we might see less of them. Other than that we need an answer to get more diverse fleets into port battles.

  13. 43 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    I think it does matter, at some point people wont be able to keep up the production. There is also the option to go away from insta-crafting. A first rate atm takes about 7 days to craft in total, but one crafter can produce one ship in less than 2 days if all mats are stored. A crafting duration of 7 days would be completely different. 


    I dont see the difference of your proposal and BR limitation. For example define Frigate BR = 1 Slot, total BR = 25 x Frigate BR.

    Problem is the same 25 people with the same 25 first rates can teleport anywhere in the world and fight every battle.

    If one side lost badly the other side kept their 25 first rates intact that would be game over for a while.

  14. It does not matter how expensive you make first rates, people will always bring 25 of the biggest and best ships allowed in in order to win no matter what the cost.

    The only way to go is to make first rates take more than one ship slot out of your 25, say 3 places. So if you bring a full fleet of first rates you would get 8 ships inside   8 x 3 - 24.

    Either that or do it by BR.

  15. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Actually I'm very right.  You want me to log onto PvP1 and make some screen shots for you?  Just cause you haven't experienced it yourself doens't mean others in other nations haven't.   You even just listed a few ports and that means your prob Brit and not have been in every port to check to see what every one has sold.  I'm Pirate over there on my alt account and you had to go away from any of the main ports to find NPC sold ships that wasn't bought by some player and reposted at a much higher mark up.  I did go searching around to find an LGV that wasn't marked the hell up.   I was doing some testing one sunday morning and started as a Demon with nothing but a basic cutter (since I play on PvP2) and I grinded up about 2-3 milliion, had a capped trader snow and both me a store Trinc and LGV.    I had to go a good distance from the Mort area to find those two ships in a reasonable price to get them.  To some one that doesn't know the game even a 150K ship is not cheap.  A shop built LGV should be about 50K and a shop built trinc is 80K.  I'm checking on PvP2 to find a Connin, but I"m going ot bet it's prob about 100K .  And most those ships listead or either Oak, Teak or Fir so you have to look around good or you will be stuck with a fir paper thin Connie

    You want me to check out the pirate ports for you? I can run a smuggler flag trader and check some out. You wont find cheap ships in your capital, same as you will not find them in any nation capital. Just sail around a bit and check out some ports they will have cheap green ships.

  16. Seriously I don't know what faction you play, the Brits though are teaming with new players hence why the pirates constantly try and farm them around Jamaica. There are plenty of cheap ships in NPC shops, I am nor sure if every new player knows about them, I brought a new player in my group a green ship the other day because he lost his in a fight. Yes this game is not easy but why should it be? Its not world of warcraft, its rewarding when you have success, and its punishing when you fail. A perfect example I capped a pirate Ballona 2 days ago and was chuffed about it, lost it to another bunch of pirates last night. Its just how it goes. The community is quite mature though and new players can find quite a bit of help.

  17. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    That not so easy from what I seen on PvP1.  Where folks will buy them up and than resale them at marked up prices.    This makes it really hard for new or broke players to buy the cheap ships.


    My personnel view is that SOL's should not count in the PvP event deep water.  It should be saved for your fleet grindings nad Line ship port battles.  This way it keeps the BR's more evenly matched and saves the PvP event sto Frigates and Light ships only.   I refuse to go into the Deep water one on either server cause it's nothing more than a gank fest or every one wants to use biggest ships and fight smaller only other wise they run if you bring equal ships. Limit it to frigates only than that will make the ships more equal BR wise in fights.

    Sorry but your not right about the npc ships. Every port in the game has a selection of dirt cheap green npc ships, sail around a bit and you will find them. I brought a group member a conni for 150k just the other day. Constitution is the biggest and you might have to try a few ports before you find them. Brought one in St Anne Jamaica less than 2 days ago.

  18. 1 hour ago, karotte said:

    Otto, you dont get the point... all players that are playing the game right now, mostly have 500 hours gametime or more on there back, and no problem of getting ships. I am targeting the players who already LEFT the game behind, because of the grind mechanics. You don have to be a doctor of mathematics to figure out, how long the Devs will support and bringing out new content to a game that has only 500-700 active players on the main server.

    You need casual player for a working open world game, as well as some noobs for you to feel better .. :P

    Aswell over 2000 lh is aka 2-3 Days.. plus permanent Upgrades!

    Bying a green Conny from NPC will result in:  get asskicked all day. You ar outpreformed in every manner and if you are new to the game. you dont even have the skills to defend youself gainst a longtime player, so even if you ar a good player, a green/fir/srong hull conny will always loos a fight agins a propper build one.

    Jep and additional to that, atm all players will not lose a dura of there good ships that easy, because you only have to run ... that is the point I am talking about. 



    So now you have changed from saying ships are too expensive, too if you buy a green conni you will get out performed. Of course a good crafted one will out perform a cheap one. what do you think you are getting for your money? Its a throw away ship that you can earn pvp money xp and rewards in. Get a mate in one too and you can both tag team a player and cap his more expensive one. If you want to leet solo pvp and kick every ones ass your going to have to spend a few bob on a ship. If you just want some low risk fun by a green ship and have a battle. All the options are provided.

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