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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 1 hour ago, neogiuliani said:

    Perdona intrépido, pero no sé quien eres.

    Si vas a criticarme y darme lecciones, primero te quitas la careta. Sería poco elegante y nada justo por tu parte, que tú me pudieses criticar a mi y yo a ti no porque estás escondido en un avatar anónimo. Deberías de saberlo, es solo por educación. Por este motivo, no tengo nada más que hablar contigo.


    deltonos, pues si que he crafteado algunos barcos, al menos yo. Llegué a nivel 50 de craft hace un año aproximadamente, y calculo que habré crafteado unos 700 o 750 barcos en NA. De todas formas, creo que una batallita pvp en la que hundimos un Victory inglés, sea motivo necesario para ver quien la tiene más larga...


    Pablo, pues tendrás razón, y la batalla en la que nos metiste en combate fuese 6 minutos antes. No obstante, no era ningún reproche, solo que me sorprendió tu video.

    Nunca hubiese entrado yo en una batalla con la intención de grabar y criticar a los compañeros, en vez de a dar cañonazos al enemigo. De todas formas comprendo que este es un juego libre y cada uno hace lo que quiere


    Para terminar, desde luego yo no voy a pedir perdón a ese inglés por hundir su Victory, vosotros podéis hacer lo que queráis.

    Que tengáis buen día.

    Lo tuyo puede denominarse eficiencia constructora....

    700 barcos en un año

    1000 horas de labor al día ganadas

    365 días

    Vamos a poner una media de 800 horas por barco crafteado hacen un total de 560.000 horas y en un año juntas unas 365.000 horas, pongamos que alguna mas desde que pusieron los perks de crafteo.

    A mi no me dan las cuentas.

    La batalla en cuestión la inicia el amigo de los videos, eso si, metiendo también en combate a varios de los barcos que iban a entrar en la PB. Entiendo que la labor de la flota de pantalla es intentar meter en combate a los enemigos que van a asistir a la PB, lo cual casi nunca se hace. En cuanto al combate, a mi me la sopla lo que hagáis, pero se os fue de las manos y reventó lo que casi os cuesta un buen disgusto, mientras el resto de sus barcos se fueron tranquilamente. El resultado final si es un hundimiento, pero chapucero. Y lo peor es el descojone de los británicos...De verdad lo siento porque me consta que entre los que estabais en esa batalla hay buenos jugadores.

  2. Tengo la impresión de que el TS saca ese demonio que todos llevamos dentro y nos obliga a hablar aunque sea para decir lo primero que se nos ocurre. Es intrínseco en un español al parecer. Viendo el vídeo de Anolytic ayer de madrugada me costaba entender lo que se decía porque hablamos 4 a la vez, no respetamos al comandante y no hacemos caso de lo que nos mandan. 

    Vergüenza ajena es algo que explicaría la sensación que te deja escuchar ese vídeo.

    En lo que a mi me toca no me gusta tener que gritarle a nadie, ni repetir 10 veces la misma orden, ni sentirme mal por tener que echarle la bronca a alguien. Mi mujer y mi hijo alucinan cada vez que estamos en batallas y me dicen que no saben como me soportáis....Y tienen razón.

    Siegfried, permisos modo Dios solo tiene Frog de los que habitualmente usamos el TS. Creo que hay gente con suficiente cabeza como para que podáis dar dos o tres permisos más.

    Un saludo.

    PD. Deltonos me olvidaba de tu post... Buenísimo :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Christendom said:

    I'm confident we can come to some sort of arrangement with the people who are left.  Should the influx of new players from PVP2 over stack the alliances in US/GB I know my clan and myself would have no problems swapping to another nation.  Others feel the same.  Our goal from here on our is to create a nice harmonious whine free server population.

    Good Luck.....

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    We, NA players, get a Global Server running Conquest 24/7 and a EU specific server which runs on 10 hour time window based around GMT.

    No one was deserving anything. Global server will continue to exist ( PvP One ). New EU server will be created.

    You are in no position to exact retribution to anyone nor pass sentences to whom "deserves" anything.

    You will chose a server to play in, Global or EU, and stick to your choice and leave others to it without further flaming.

    ~ moderation will ensure to provide a healthy community for newcomers and veterans alike ~

    It's only my point of view. Everyone who plays wherever he chooses. I do not know what your threats are when I have not disrespected anyone. And I still think that by not wanting to negotiate an exit first, now if they have what they deserve, a global server ... and another European.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    After Castrie PB, à first conversation began between Groslulu (FR), Anolytik (DN), Augustus (GB), Dave (dn for SP), pipomatix (FR us Time based), Christendom (US) and me. Swedish and dutch have had noone online to représent them.

    The discussion was quiet and constructive (Tx to admin's Damoclès  sworld to help) . À second meeting ils shedulded tonight.


    I'm sorry but I can not be politically correct with this matter. I do not believe in any kind of agreement with the same people who have been blackmailing our schedules for months. Now that the devs have made a decision is when they want an agreement. At last you have what you deserve.

    • Like 9
  6. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    Guys ... i have to come clean here. I don't really want Trump.  The avatar is funny though! Here's my proof! I had to go home and take a shower after voting for Hillary though ...


    Just reading through the comments you guys are really some nasty bigots. You should feel bad.  

    Fanáticos desagradables......Lo que le faltaba al descerebrado este. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Christendom said:

    So no.  Not 25.  Keep attacking early.  

    You're too troll to be the spokesman for a faction. So when you have 50 screening boats the thing is fine and we do not know how to enter the pb, but if our support hoy your PB fleet and you can not enter 2 boats to complete the 25 is wrong .... come now angry and do not breathe .....

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    I think we're all a bit tired of talking about the issue now, myself included.  I'm about ready to let the devs just solve the issue for everyone regardless of what they do, port timers or setting servers to time zones.  I won't particularly like the latter solution, but it'll be an end to the constant whining.  

    But since you did write a nice post about it, I'll respond.  

    We're not really interested in taking empty ports and not having actual fights, whatever our opposition might say.  Just last night we were discussing the merits of "this isn't very fun" after the battle.  So far only a small number of our night flips have actually not been defended.  Even when they say they won't show, they do.  In all honestly we're just looking for battles that we can fill up with the majority of our base, which do happen to fall in the evenings.  Some would suggest that we un-ally with the brits and fight them, since it seems that they have more US players than the rest of the Eastern Alliance and there is merit to that idea.....I'm not sure they can throw together more than 10 people at night from what I've seen.  Due to close ties with them, it just isn't gonna happen.  

    Currently there are 2 battles today, one in the morning of a US work day and one in the very early afternoon.  These we consider to be just as bad as night flips and have been on going for as along as we've been night flipping.  We have 2 more tomorrow.  We had one at 8:30 AM in the morning on a sunday yesterday that was even too early for most of the EU players in our alliance.  It was absurd.

    So now we're in a situation where both sides do it to each other.  You guys think you're in the right, so do we.  Is this situation fixable?  Probably not.  I have suggested to the Eastern Alliance leaders that we do something similar to your time black outs, you don't attack us before a certain time, we won't attack later than a certain time.  This was rejected.  They suggested that the US switch alliances, this was also rejected.  I'm not sure what the middle ground is here.  Both sides feel wrong and are not willing to negotiate.  

    I'll throw a blanket statement out there again.  If you want the night flips to stop, the US needs to stop being attacked in the late morning/early afternoon.  Those times are impossible for US based players to defend and difficult for our EU guys to make.  If you want the night flips to continue, keep attacking the US before 18:00 server and we'll keep attacking after 00:00 server.  If the other side can agree to this, I think we can too.  If you don't want to talk to me about it, go talk to Chijohnaok.  

    Or the other option is to let the devs alter the game, which it seems like every one wants regardless, we'll just have to wait it out and grief each other in the meantime.  I'm ok with either option.  

    25 USA players in every battle....If not 25 USA, your allies can defend in our prime time. We and our allies cant...You said that you going to attack all spanish ports until devs change port Battle mechanics...Will be empty fights

  9. 12 hours ago, Mazinger said:

    ¿Que paso con España?


    España decidio entregar todo el golfo?. Nosotros somos pocos, pero cumplimos con presentarnos los estabamos disponibles.

    Mazinger, al leer al gilipollas este me olvidé contestarte.

    De verdad que sentimos no poder apoyarlos a esas horas y agradecemos vuestros esfuerzos por defender los puertos atacados. Esperamos que en algún momento cambien las mecánicas y podamos volver a luchar codo con codo contra nuestros adversarios.

    Un saludo a nuestros compañeros del otro lado del charco.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Christendom said:

    So here's the deal. We do not particularly want your ports or want to fight empty battles. The current round of nights flips is a direct result of the recent morning flips at 16:00 on Morgan's Bluff and Ays that you guys have been doing for the past couple weeks.  

    We flipped islamorada a couple of times which seems to be fun in the harm back and forth target between us. Then of course you decided to move further into US territory and started flipping other regions at 11 am our time. These night flips are a direct result of that.  

    So here's what's going to happen. You keep attacking at 16:00 when it's difficult for us to defend and we're going to attack you 01:00 when it's difficult for you to defend. Make sense?

    Keep attacking early or stop. Does not matter to me. Do you want to stop the night flips? That's how.  

    - Christendom "The Sewer Rat"

    Esto es un foro en español, mientras sigas escribiendo solo en inglés demostraras lo que ya sabemos todos, aparte de tonto, maleducado.

    Disfruta luchando batallas vacías y haciendo pve. 

    PD. Eres lo más tonto que hemos encontrado en este juego.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Pablo Frias said:

    Bueno, dejad de contestar a la ameba andante esta, que ya ha recibido bastante. 

    Por mi parte hoy decidiré que hago después de la batalla de Ays. Igual me voy a otra nación por un tiempo (para alegría de muchos)

    Yo simplemente dejaré de perder mi tiempo en este juego. Que jueguen los yankees solos. Gracias desarrolladores por vuestro "gran trabajo"...

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