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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. Just now, Cabral said:

     "That a single clan like Vltra is able to achieve all this...", sorry but you forgeting the help you had from a certain pirate clan in getting CM's and ports switched. Don't be ungratfull.

    The best help was defeat brits in Santiago... 

    But... What about British fake attacks to danish ports??  And danish flipping brits ports this week??? 

    Cabral, stop crying pls.


  2. 5 minutes ago, The Spud said:

    We don't even have a full 4th rate port battle fleet, I don't know what you guys want to get out of this "war", but if its good fights and glorious victories I have bad news for you. Have fun sinking every 5th rate on your way to KPR.

    Remember Santiago?? 3rd day after wipe? 25 brits vs 25 Spanish? Full pb battle... Brits lost.....sorry.

  3. How fragile is the memory of some. Is that no one remembers when the alliance between British, Dutch and American left Spain with 3 ports? I do not remember any of those who now complain complaining about the decompensation of the game. What I do remember is that we face them with frigates ... against Victorys, pavels and 3rd rates. But of course, the hello kittying Spaniards were not the all-powerful Brits. It is incredible that with all who are in the British faction they are dedicated to crying in the forums instead of trying to organize themselves. That a single clan like Vltra is able to achieve all this, makes clear what the English problem is, try to see too far and do not see the hole in front of them.

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  4. Hello, I open this thread to denounce the abusive action of several players of the British faction. These players have used illicit mechanics to combat my ship with an IA fleet. I think it's a clear exploit of the rules. I add that I do not know how 6 basic cutters can put in combat a fleet with 3 Trincomalees and an L'Ocean with the BR that they have. It is clearly seen in the video how they make a friend fire to catch fire and let themselves explode next to my boat. In any case you should take action against this type of exploit as it damages the gameplay of this magnificent game. Obviously this request is from a case different from another one raised today by a colleague of Vltra. Thank you.




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  5. 4 hours ago, Kaikai Diaz de Vivar said:

    Buenas a todos de nuevo, vengo en busca de consejo , si alguien me lo quiere dar.

    Mi cuestión es la siguiente , hace unos dias alcance el rango "teniente de fragata" si no me equivoco, y llegue a ahorrar unos 100 k , rápidamente me compre un snow y lo arme con carronadas. Hasta ahora no había perdido ninguna batalla de estas de misión , pues bien la primera que hago con mi snow , bien nuevecito ... me dieron bien por la popa , por no usar otra expresión, así pues me dispuse de nuevo y con gran enfado a repetir y repetir misiones con el cutter. Ahora que estoy a punto de subir a teniente de corbeta , si no me equivoco, con 200 de tripulación... ¿cual debería ser mi siguiente paso? ¿Pillar un nuevo barco? y si es así ¿cual? o seguir con las misiones de guardiamarina y cutter (del cual estoy ya algo quemado ). Gracias de antemano , compañeros.

    Para 200 tripulantes un cerberus es el barco más indicado. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Siegfried said:

    Patogeno, resulta que vienes presumiendo de haber hundido mas de 150 barcos de españoles que no tenían nada que ver en lo que dices que te hicieron. Pero atención, que ahora eres tu quien le va "a dar una oportunidad" a la facción. Es una justificación absurda lo mires por donde lo mires. Por todo lo demás es solo un juego y ya está.

    Y los que lloráis porque os dispararon un par de andanadas a los palos vais y le metéis en vuestro clan. Donde estará la coherencia. Eso si, menuda campaña propagandística de victimismo que os estáis montado.

    Patógeno y el Borrego Tenebroso en el mismo canal de TS, esto se va a pique.....

    Caniche, hoy no pusiste tus CM a la venta en La Habana por 25000...

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Galbatorix said:

    Qué bonito, viene preguntando de buenas maneras y le mandas al clan que sabes que no tiene miembros y a cuyo líder despellejais a diario. Dais bastante asco, sinceramente.


    Me temo que va a ser dificil que encuentres un clan que no use un programa de chat de voz, quizás sea mejor que preguntes dentro del juego (esto tampoco es que tenga mucha vidilla) o prueba a jugar con otros jugadores que vayan por libre dentro del juego usando simplemente el chat de dentro.

    Sinceramente, me importa una mierda lo que tú opines.

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  8. 45 minutes ago, CeltiberoClearco said:

    Gaizka, con animo constructivo bien sabes que en las reuniones que mantuvimos se acordó que todos abrieramos outpost en Santiago-Salamanca y más pronto que tarde en Cartagena. En el primer ataque a Santiago no bajó NADIE que no fuera de VLTRA. Absolutamente nadie si quitamos a un par de valientes sin clan, en naves pequeñas y que se la jugaron siguiendo las instrucciones de batalla. Por cierto, 10 minutos después de la batalla sus CM estaban a la venta en LH.

    Ya, desde el principio: "si os he visto no me acuerdo y las naves os las jugais vosotros que a mi me da risa".

    Segunda batalla: Cartagena. Esta vez ni gente sin clan. Solamente fué VLTRA. Por allí no apareció nadie. Y los Holandeses vinieron con Bellonas. Segunda vez que, sin decir absolutamente nada ni antes ni después, son VLTRA quienes se la juegan en solitario.

    Hay una tercera PB abortada, la de Salamanca, pues los britis nos ven los Ocean y desisten de terminar de calentar. En los días de calentamiento y tanteo nadie de la facción apareció por allí. Hubiera sido la 3º batalla de puerto, las 3 en los puertos que habiamos acordado defender TODOS, y en que los VLTRA nos quedamos solos.

    Los VLTRA, que no la faccion española, firman un acuerdo, primero con SORRY y otros clanes, luego con la mayoría de clanes de los EEUU. Estos acuerdos incluyen "calentamientos" pactados. Los VLTRAS se pegan la panzada de calentar puertos y los SORRY nos calientan Santiago.

    Cuarta batalla Isla de los Pinos. Creíamos que iba ir todo el mundo, los VLTRA apenas van unos cuantos y resulta que no se llena la PB.!!!!

    Quinta batalla: Santiago. Para mi personalmente, y no hablo como miembro de VLTRA, es tal el grado de bajeza que se produce en las horas anteriores a la batalla..., que ni siquiera lo voy a comentar aquí. De vergüenza ajena. Demasiado bochorno para exponerlo públicamente. Y no hablo de Lobo.

    Gaizka, quereis CM y participar activamente en el RVR?, el camino es claro: llegar acuerdos con otros clanes para calentar mutuamente regiones. Pero no pretendas que sea VLTRA quien lo acuerde y caliente otro puerto en compensación  para que luego seas tu el bueno de esta película e ir escribiendo textualmente "... pues en mi opinión, cuanta más gente se aproveche mejor para todos. Así no tendrá que ser un solo clan el que haga todo el trabajo"  Joder, Gaizka, esto es de un cinismo demoledor.... y tu no eres Lobo. Tu entiendes de esto.

    Los clanes que asistieron a las reuniones de la facción, os estais quedando tan retrasados como franceses o britanicos... pero no es culpa de VLTRA. Es mas, son esos mismos clanes que han incumplido lo acordado por todos, los que ponen en cuestión los acuerdos de VLTRA con otros.  

    Y encima es VLTRA, que si ha cumplido lo pactado y lo hizo en solitario, quien debe leer un post como el tuyo en el que no das una sola explicación de por que nos habeis dejado solos (traicionado?) ante los enemigos de la facción. sino que encima pareces reclamar unas CM ganadas con el esfuerzo de los demás.

    Yo, y creo que puedo hablar por VLTRA, no tengo ningún problema en mantener otra reunión de la facción... pero esta vez la convocais y organizais vosotros. Y por favor, ir con el animo de cumplir lo pactado.


    Edito: Voy a añadir otro detalle. En la primera batalla de Santiago contra los britis y visto lo que se nos venia encima, mas de 60 jugadores britanicos subían desde Jamaica, pdimos ayuda  a todo el mundo. Sabes quien acudió? SORRY.

    Y aun viendo la que se les venía encima, en abrumadora inferioridad y que nosotros no podíamos salir de puerto pues eramos 25, metieron en batalla a todos los britis que pudieron.... se la jugaron, en parte por nosotros, aun sabiendo que no podían detenerlos a todos. OLE SUS COJONES!!!!. Esto son los jugadores que quiero a mi lado en la batalla.


  9. Lobogris, es difícil sorprenderme, pero eres aún más imbécil de lo que creía. 

    Al resto les diré que a ver si se enteran de una vez que el juego en este momento impulsa los tratos entre clanes y eso es lo que hemos hecho.Al que no le gusten simplemente que vayan a defender o atacar el puerto correspondiente. Os aseguro que nadie de VLTRA se va a meter en esa batalla. 



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  10. 2 hours ago, JCDC said:

    yes, we can do that. but isn't it sad that the best solution to a bad mechanic is to exploit another one? one that actively avoids PvP play?

    again, the whole mechanic actively encourages the avoidance of PvP battles. how is 'set fake PB's' a good solution? its mad.

    we just want good RvR with fighting and a fair chance. IF we end up in a bad situation due to events or being beaten then fine, we can adapt tactics as you describe above. but being forced into that corner from day 1 by the game mechanics without ever having lost anything or been beaten or done anything wrong, and having no feasible way out via the point of the game 'naval action' its just clearly wrong.

    This is an Alpha, the whole point is to improve the mechanics and point out faults. so, that's what we are doing. the solution cannot just be denial and 'well its you doing it wrong not the game being wrong'. the point is to fix the problem, not make the players adapt to it.

    I see, You have a lack of memory and can't remember Santiago PB.

  11. 2 hours ago, rediii said:

    It's not a exploit. It's a mechanic admins want to be used so the first landowners get set correctly. I dont like it too but you need to set your regions once before you go active into the RvR.

    You were not in this situation from day 1. You got into this situation because you attacked a port once and after you lost you began to do nothing. You could have attacked Sant Iago instantly again so spain wouldnt have many agas. You chose to attack 2 empty regions

    The you had the chance to defend pitts town. You rather sailed hours to a far away port to kill some spanish.

    Then there was grand turk. I don't even know if you attented that but i guess not.


    Even now you have multiple solutions to your problems and all you do is complain.

    They attacked Santiago with 23 indefatigables and 2 mortars, we defend with 1 Niágara, 1 surprise, 1 frigate, 1 trinco and 21 indefs.....But we won and got 75 CM. 

  12. 2 hours ago, JCDC said:

    Is that the best answer you cant give? you should be a politician. really.

    the problem is the profusion of CMs has lead to huge doom fleets. this problem was predicted. The fact that once you have a doom fleet, you are invincible to those who don't, means that the system massively enforces superiority.

    your solution, is that somehow we get our entire nation to abandon its areas, and run to an area where they cant get us.

    Seriously, we are supposed to make up for bad mechanics by running away rather than addressing them through game design. as if its that simple and the other nations will just leave us alone there, rather than using their vast CM enforced superiority in resources to prevent it.


    Once we move our entire nation to the shallow ports, its also not clear to me how we come back from that. we cant build line ships there, we cant move our materials safely from the Bahamas to our capital, which is pirate central. nor can we fight on the open water between Bahamas and KPR as we wont have any big ships. its really a dumb thing to say and you cant possibly think its a good idea, you just say it as a deflection. this is just not realisitic.

    I don't remember any british, americans or dutch  saying the same thing when the British attacked Spanish ports with 2nd and 1st rates and we defended as we could with frigates.

    Luckily for you we aren't like old british nation and we don't want to leave you with only one port. Stop crying, organize and fight.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, huliotkd said:

    with my Rat account i grind AI or pvp making gold, then go with a trade ship in a GB port and give all my money  to my ALT acc and taking back CM from GB alt account.

    with the money i craft resources from my GB acc, the i put those resources on shop at cost of 1 gold each and i buy back with my Rat account...


    the time you spend farming AI or players with Rat account, gives time to GB account to recharge its LH... 1 acc feeds the other.


    so again...what do you find wrong on what i exposed?


    Or you have 6 hands and 3 pcs, or I don't understand how you just have not conquered several ports by yourself.

    I think you have no idea what you are talking about and if you knew the amount of resources a first rate needs, including a lot of money to get the materials out of the mines and an exaggerated amount of labor hours, you would realize the amount of nonsense you've written.

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  14. 47 minutes ago, huliotkd said:


    1-WRONG. you need ALT acc because you can participate in ALT nation taking CM from that nation and giving them to the first account. (i'm rat, i have BRIT alt, i take part in a brit PB, win, then give daily my BRIT pension to my RAT account---exploit)


    single player, with 1 ALT, can produce everything for a SOL because he has 10 building slots, double LH, and you devs reduced the diversity of resources needed to produce ships...just introduced the useless marks mechanic, exploited on point 1.  actually you need iron( gives stone, gold, silve, coal), stone (gives iron, gold, silver, coal) , fir (gives compass), hemp, oak (gives compass), coal, lignum.    total 7 resources you can produce and you have 3 free slots wher you can also build Workshop and Shipyard...and 1 slot can be free!!!!! other resources you must collect but are only woods.

    those are numbers for 1 single player with 1 single ALT acc...and we all know there are lots of player with 3-4 ALT ACC...using them.

    3- WRONG.


    you created Open World where every nation can produce ALL NEEDED RESOURCES in 3-4 ports (not region) near to capital...to allow everyone the chance to build at least 1 ship...

    so all player can trade near Capital and noone can rob them due to little time a player can go from a port to the nearest.


    @admin what do you think of my gameplay mechanic?

    All WRONG....

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  15. 2 hours ago, JCDC said:


    On the day this patch landed I and several others warned that it would cause gross CM inflation and bring back the old problem of having swarms of lineships. combined with the fact it happened after some nations had already expanded, and thus would get no marks, and others had ample easy opportunity to do so.

    So now, we have the situation where several nations have fleets of L'oceans. this is insane, I don't know how they got the resources so fast, but they now have unbeatable doom fleets. The whole point of the reset and the new game rules was to restrict the spamming of 1st rates, yet, it has already happened because you gave our conquest marks like candy.

    It might be worth wondering how its physically possible to build so many 1st so quickly, I don't understand the sort of economy that would allow that in terms of resource production, labour hours and money etc. perhaps there is some exploit that wasn't caught just like the war supplies one, or perhaps they have an army of alts. who knows.

    To make matters worse, the side who has the line ships is now unbeatable, so the side that doesn't have them can now never get more because its not possible to win a port battle when you have a few Aggamemnons and the odd Bellona against a fleet of lineships. This patch/mechanic has created a situation where power is MASSIVELY self re-enforcing, to the point of invincibility. Spain probably gets 5-10x the number of CMs per day as Britain, and has a fleet that is maybe 10x as powerful. there is no coming back from that.


    Its totally ruined the balance of power and its madness. and its too late to fix! only another wipe would do it, the cat is out of the bag, the horse has bolted....

    .... VLTRA has 100+ members. With a good organization (and sailing a lot of miles) we can do It. 

    And we did It. 

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