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Posts posted by Jorge

  1. 1 hour ago, Gaizka said:

    Muy buenas.

    Me había propuesto no escribir en los foros porque creo que da lugar a malas interpretaciones, sobre todo cuando la gente se dedica precisamente a buscarle la vueltas a lo escrito. Pero en este caso creo que tengo que hacer una excepción.

    "Pues resulta que en Dinamarca se vive bastante bien, no hay ningún tipo de disputa entre clanes, el chat nacional se usa para dar o pedir información y todos colaboramos en los objetivos marcados. Ayer calentamos un Puerto en 1 hora y sin usar war supplies."

    Pues resulta que ahora en España también se vive bastante bien, tampoco hay ningún tipo de disputa entre clanes, el clan nacional se usa para dar y pedir información y todos los clanes que quedamos colaboramos no sólo en los objetivos marcados si no en marcar dichos objetivos.

    Por un lado me alegro. La experiencia de juego es mucho mas relajada. Por otro me da bastante pena que para ello  tenga que marcharse media facción. Como ya comenté estaba de acuerdo con muchas de las decisiones que se tomaron en VLTRA y con las que no... podía vivir. Tal vez el error fue pedir la colaboración para colaborar en los objetivos marcados pero no para designar esos objetivos. (Aunque tampoco las tengo todas conmigo. Como ha comentado alguien los españoles somos así. Los egos, insultos y esas cosas. (Y aqui TODOS tendríamos que hacer examen de conciencia)

    En cuanto a la nueva mecánica...el tiempo dirá. :)

    "PD. A nuestros queridos "amigos" ...id buscando un agujero bien profundo donde esconderos."

    Creo que no estoy incluido en el grupo de "amigos". Como es conocido colaboré con VLTRA en distintas ocasiones cuando creía que el objetivo marcado merecía la pena. De hecho tengo buenas relaciones (por no decir muy buenas) con algunos de los miembros de VLTRA que se han ido a Daneses. Ahora bien. Tengo la banderita Española. 

    Aquellos a los que dices que se escondan en un agujero profundo son españoles. Mis compañeros. Que sapas que me voy a dejar la piel para defenderlos. Igual que me la dejaría (y de hecho me he dejado) para defender a cualquier VLTRA con la bandera española.  

    No me voy a buscar ningún agujero.




    Magnífica noticia. 

  2. 1 hour ago, EL LOCO said:

    then explain to the civil guard that you were playing Spain in a game and left Spain to fight with an enemy.   Treason.     Courts would laugh at you in Spain.

    Omg, How many times have you changed factions?

    So you better shut up

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, Chuliki said:

    Yo hacía como un año que no entraba, a jugar, por aquellos tiempos VLTRA existía pero no era muy conocida, puesto que la RAE era el clan más importante; cuando entré, aún sin saber quienes érais, noté mucho, pero mucho odio, mucha queja y comentarios despectivos, sin embargo he de decir que a dia de hoy no los veo justificados y no creo que haya justificación alguna; obviamente he visto cosas (como el video de Lobo en el que se ve como os disparáis entre vosotros) que aunque no sea del todo "nada importante", no me parecen correctas.

    Después de lo poco que he conocido de VLTRA, me parece una pena que os hayáis tenido que marchar (o que os hayáis visto obligados a ello) de la facción; ya viví hace un año la marcha de parte de la RAE y de la ACE y sus ataques contra lo que fue su nación, así que por esa parte espero que al menos se mantengan las relaciones amistosas, dejando de lado vuestro rollo amoroso con Lobo. Suerte en Dinamarca.

    Ya como punto final, los que quedamos intentaremos defendernos como podamos, organizándonos o pudriendonos en la Habana, ya se verá.

    Vltra no existía hace un año. 

    En cuanto al resto, solo tenéis que mirar como va lo de la conquista, los suecos necesitan puntos y que España los pierda. 

  4. Pues resulta que en Dinamarca se vive bastante bien, no hay ningún tipo de disputa entre clanes, el chat nacional se usa para dar o pedir información y todos colaboramos en los objetivos marcados. Ayer calentamos un Puerto en 1 hora y sin usar war supplies. 

    En cuanto a la nueva mecánica, mucho me temo que suecos y daneses  después de machacar a los piratas irán a por los puertos españoles y que los británicos lo harán inmediatamente. Preparaos bien, usad las combat marks para hacer buenos barcos y espero que podáis hacer frente a lo que se os viene encima. 

    PD. A nuestros queridos "amigos" ...id buscando un agujero bien profundo donde esconderos. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Chuliki said:

    Ha caido Ram Dinark con su surprise en la Habana; que ha intentado atacar a un jugador en navy brig al cual hemos defendido; en batalla, tras abordar y capturar exitosamente a uno de los nuestros, ha sido nuevamente abordado por mi; pequeñas victorias.

    Sin títul2o.png

     Bien  hecho!! 

  6. 8 hours ago, Don Sancho Navarro said:

    Dear Jorge:

    Stop crying about being banned from the TS. Especially you. After threatening Lobogris with a beating on the Spanish forum, I personally think you should have been banned form the forums and from the game, and your own post about spies speaks of your paranoia...

    Anyone knows that threatening and intimidating another person by any written means is a punishable offence. Under the Spanish penal code, article 169.1, posting threats is punishable with 1 to 5 years imprisonment (delito de amenazas). The total absence of any moderation in the Spanish forum has allowed you and others to insult and intimidate other players with total impunity.

    I believe that the few examples below show how you and others have been violating virtually every rule of this forum and game.

    You should be thankful Lobogris did not reported you to the Guardia Civil. And you should be thankful the Administrators and Devs do not speak Spanish, because an individual like you should have been kicked out of the game a long time ago. You wonder why the atmosphere inside the faction was toxic?

    For illustration, here is a translation of the post you made, and the article on intimidation of the Spanish penal code. I will let the readers of this fascinating thread judge:

    After Lobogris received a broadside and lost a mast from Jorge in one of those fake port battles (green on green), another player posted a video showing the whole incident (the video has now been deleted by Lobo). During the ensuing discussion in the forum, Jorge threatened Lobogris with physical assault: "Lobo, it is a shame this (the forum) is anonymous... because you would receive a rain of beatings".

    And here is Deltonos, in the same thread, threatening another player: "You shut up, because you are second in line for a visit to the hospital..." and then continues insulting other players: "One question, which other asshole is missing from the list? We have the scabby goat, the Flanders-Fan, and now this traitor."

    And here is Deltonos again, in the same thread, showing his quality in a reply to another player: "Because it would be like removing a rib so you can suck your own dick, unless you are a canine.... which are able to do it ;-)".

    You often complain that the rest of the clans did not cooperate with you on your efforts to defend Spain. Has it occurred to you that maybe we were not cooperating with you because of your behaviour on the forums, on the TS and on the game? You were given a little bit of authority in this little pixel world and you used it to abuse and bully other players, and treat  all that were not like you with contempt.

    I remember when, after a heated argument in the forums you challenged me to a duel, like if sinking me was going to demonstrate you were right. Typical bully thinking, you are stronger, or better at something, therefore you are always right.

    Abraham Lincoln said once " “Nearly all men can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” By antagonizing virtually every non Ultra player in the Spanish faction and then abandoning it because you were not receiving the respect and submission you thought you were entitled to, you have shown your character: a petty bully in a virtual world.




    Definition of natural person in the Spanish legal system:

    It is understood by natural person to all the human beings with capacity to acquire rights and to contract obligations. In some legislations it is possible to find this same legal figure denominated as natural person or of real existence. Individuals enjoy the rights that the Constitution and other rules grant. It is enough for the existence of individuals to be protected by law and for the recognition of the attributes enjoyed by individuals subject to a rule of law.

    The attributes of physical persons are:

    Legal personality.


    First name.


    Civil status.



    The law empowers natural persons to act in their own name or on behalf of another natural person or a moral person. The existence of the natural rights of natural persons ends with death and may also be extinguished when the presumption of absence arises.

    As a player you are bad, as a lawyer ... Terrible.

  7. 8 hours ago, Don Sancho Navarro said:

    Dear Jorge:

    Stop crying about being banned from the TS. Especially you. After threatening Lobogris with a beating on the Spanish forum, I personally think you should have been banned form the forums and from the game, and your own post about spies speaks of your paranoia...

    Anyone knows that threatening and intimidating another person by any written means is a punishable offence. Under the Spanish penal code, article 169.1, posting threats is punishable with 1 to 5 years imprisonment (delito de amenazas). The total absence of any moderation in the Spanish forum has allowed you and others to insult and intimidate other players with total impunity.

    I believe that the few examples below show how you and others have been violating virtually every rule of this forum and game.

    You should be thankful Lobogris did not reported you to the Guardia Civil. And you should be thankful the Administrators and Devs do not speak Spanish, because an individual like you should have been kicked out of the game a long time ago. You wonder why the atmosphere inside the faction was toxic?

    For illustration, here is a translation of the post you made, and the article on intimidation of the Spanish penal code. I will let the readers of this fascinating thread judge:

    After Lobogris received a broadside and lost a mast from Jorge in one of those fake port battles (green on green), another player posted a video showing the whole incident (the video has now been deleted by Lobo). During the ensuing discussion in the forum, Jorge threatened Lobogris with physical assault: "Lobo, it is a shame this (the forum) is anonymous... because you would receive a rain of beatings".

    And here is Deltonos, in the same thread, threatening another player: "You shut up, because you are second in line for a visit to the hospital..." and then continues insulting other players: "One question, which other asshole is missing from the list? We have the scabby goat, the Flanders-Fan, and now this traitor."

    And here is Deltonos again, in the same thread, showing his quality in a reply to another player: "Because it would be like removing a rib so you can suck your own dick, unless you are a canine.... which are able to do it ;-)".

    You often complain that the rest of the clans did not cooperate with you on your efforts to defend Spain. Has it occurred to you that maybe we were not cooperating with you because of your behaviour on the forums, on the TS and on the game? You were given a little bit of authority in this little pixel world and you used it to abuse and bully other players, and treat  all that were not like you with contempt.

    I remember when, after a heated argument in the forums you challenged me to a duel, like if sinking me was going to demonstrate you were right. Typical bully thinking, you are stronger, or better at something, therefore you are always right.

    Abraham Lincoln said once " “Nearly all men can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” By antagonizing virtually every non Ultra player in the Spanish faction and then abandoning it because you were not receiving the respect and submission you thought you were entitled to, you have shown your character: a petty bully in a virtual world.




    Jajajajaja, See how difficult it is to say so many stupidities together.

    P.S. You have no hello kittying idea of CP.

  8. 1 hour ago, lobogris said:

    Esta noche hemos tenido diversos encuentros con una avanzada inglesa que ha sido duramente golpeada y teniendo que abandonar nuestras costas, además tenían un Constitution de fir y fir con todos los upgrades de correr que alcanza los 15 nudos.  

    Foto,  por favor. Será interesante ver lo grande que ha sido ese golpe. 

  9. Dear Sancho, I recommend that you do not believe everything that is said in the ts or that is written in the nation chat. And as an example, look where Celuloide is .... It was long that we had informants in Vltra, and what you have written proves it. Now we know who he was and will not hear anything again, I assure you. As for the pact that you have made with the AHOY, I hope you will lucky, although reading the chat from Spain yesterday does not seem to be going the right way. The problem is that Vltra is no longer to be blamed. Greetings, we'll see you down the gulf ...


    PD. I have to add that banning the Spanish ts after several have contributed to pay for it is a very poor revenge, which says a lot of the kind of people you are.

  10. 1 minute ago, Cabral said:

     Don't give lessons about helping allies, you almost never helped the french when they needed the most. Not even to screen Castries pb's

    I remember some battles in castries, there we sank you sometime. The day that was captured there was a fleet of Spanish blockade so do not lie

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Cabral said:

     You just don't like to be attacked twice in the same day. But you had no problems when you attacked 7 british ports at same time before wipe.


    1 minute ago, Chakal16 said:



    ....................................:P   Only 17 in one day.....

  12. 4 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

    Lets face it, you VLTRA just like to carebear, thats why you went DN.

    Wow, I thought SORRY was the best of the best and they never complained about anything ....

    We have told you, an ally is not a vassal. When your leader learns this premise, you will surely live more calmly.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, rediii said:

    You know you are the biggest (and pretty much only RvR) clan in spain. It's a difference.


    I'm pretty happy right now that I don't delete much stuff and create new things all the time. 

    On 9. June we sat a bit together and I created a map what to attack next, both in case of war with denmark or not. (Don't take it too harsh now denmark :P


    You see the date of the last change. 9. June. Now look at your topic here which was posted on 20. June:


    And now stfu with that comments that we help GB. we focus on interests on sweden and that's it.


    It is clear that you intended to attack many British possessions ....  ;)


  14. 21 hours ago, sveno said:

    EDIT 12JUL2017:
    Stance for Spain changed from "WAR" to "NEUTRAL" because VLTRA clan committed high treason and left their country to die without a single conquest mark. Shame, shame shame.

    What the hello kitty you know of the Spanish faction to make these kind of comments.

    Perhaps the American, Dutch and British clans and players who have gone to Sweden are traitors too ??

    You have played to be the server police, those who were to maintain the balance between factions .... and the only thing you have done is to benefit the faction with more players. So now do not complain about this happening.

  15. 24 minutes ago, lobogris said:

    Tras el descalabro de la campaña de Remedios donde la realidad de jugadores de más de un año en experiencia en pvp arrasó sobre supuestos jugadores especializados en batallas de puerto los Ultra ha supuesto que pierdan jugadores esto sumado que han copado las conquest marks fáciles de conseguir hace que  que no puedan enfrentarse a dos enemigos a la vez aunque en igualdad de condiciones siempre hemos sabido lo que iba a pasar, mal dirigidos y mal asesorados, vivieron su mentira.

    Los Ultra no son los únicos responsables de la actual situación ya que algunos clanes no han buscado otro camino para conseguir las conquest marks que las migajas que les dejaran los Ultra, aquí que cada cual mire a su ombligo.

    Jajajajajaja, tu de lo único que eres experto es de huir o de hundir novatos y todo el servidor lo sabe. Espero verte pronto B)

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