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Sir Texas Sir

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Posts posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. 6 hours ago, Nixolai said:

    This is not in Russias favor, clans like CABAL and HAV0C which has a number of good players, does not need screening anymore. Clans like SHOCK, BF and REDS can now not rely on screeners, and the Brits with their numbers wont be able to use their numbers either.

    so you just knocked out about 90% of the RvR play for most of us.  Some nations don't have elite players and have to rely upon screeners or loose a port.  Specially when some of the ports use to have really crappy low BR, that a group of 6-10 elite players can lock out the port from others.   Why shouldn't a large nation be able to use there numbers to prevent a fleet from showing up and taking a port?  In real life most engagements where to do just that, prevent some one from reaching there final goal.  Some times that final goal is much harder to attack or defend so it's better to take them out before they get there.

    So effectively all the best players being staked into one or two nations means those nations will always win.  This solves nothing other than giving them even bigger advantage.

    • Like 4
  2. 55 minutes ago, Luvstruck said:

    I'm still a fan of bumping / ramming does damage.

    Yep since these ships where never really designed to ram each other.  

    46 minutes ago, Knuddel said:

    Hello it owuld be nice to get a warning, when the Hostillity missions are available again. Maybee with 2 or 3 days... Thank u very much.... 

    Btw sad that u stoped the hostillity and RVR for the time it takes to implement the new system. Btw 2 Is there any news what kind of Hostillity system it wil be?


    remember it's something like 12-52 weeks until the next big patch....minus how many weeks have passsed.   


    I honestly was expecting some sort of patch Monday, but we got nothing, hear nothing, do nothing......I mean really it's just nothing......




  3. 7 hours ago, Redman29 said:

    Problem is then it becomes easier to board with lower ship speed. Yeah you can go to battle sails and increase your accuracy and repair but that doesn't stop the ship your fighting from coming in full sail, pushing you into the wind and instant kill. 

    You would essentially be nerfing those guys that actually like to fight and giving a buff to those that go for the board the first chance they get to avoid having to burn a lot of repairs. Due to the repair meta, boarding occurs way too often compared to actually fighting so this without some sort of major nerf to boarding won't change anything and would make it worst for those of us that despise boarding. 

    I never been a big fan of the push into wind to board cause really no ships did this during this time.  They slowed you down by shooting your sails/rigging until they could match speed and board you.   So a solution would be to bring back ram damage to the front of ships that try to ram other ships and increase chance of leaks.  That way if they fail the push than they have a big chance of sinking there own ships.  Also boarding happens to easily and with server lag there really should be a timer of the pull that allows better escape chances and such.  My 4.5 Knots might be your 3.6 all the while the game is actually saying 3.2 and allows me to be pulled.  

    • Like 8
  4. On 5/21/2020 at 4:25 PM, Urchin said:

    Russian Nation, that's hilarious. I hope you are vetting these guys strongly because  I'd bet some are the same players telling me they are an alt for another nation and ask to be let go.

    More alts sailing traders in Gulf under Russian flag with or without clan tags than any other, especially low to medium ranks.  Easy to pick out, they either flat out tell you, delayed in dropping sail once battle starts, or don't drop sail at all.



     The easy solution to alts you tag, if I'm not in the TS with you and in your clan or nation.  Than I'm not an alt of the person they said and your sinkable.  That was the Rule BLACK had on PvP2 and I still keep to that rule.  If your not in coms and I don't know your alts name (we pretty much knew all our alts).  I'm going to sink you.  It was allways funny cause folks would say, "I'm Texas alt."  Knowing I had a few, but not knowing all mine where in Pirates except the one in Danes for the most part.  So if it was US or GB it wans't my alt.    Sink them if they are truelly alts they make enough to make up for there lost any way.

    On 5/24/2020 at 4:22 AM, kapteinsnabeltann said:

    When new players join the game, They should be shown how many players the different nation has and how many port they have. 
    this is can go both ways of course. But many players want to play a game because it has challenges. Like joining small factions.

    it is so boring with 650 player online and maybe 20-30% is alts

    are do like other games do, lock out some factions that are over populated or give negative xp/creds to those nations/factiosn and give bonus xp/creds to the ones that need numbers.  

    The other thing is I think impossible nations should not be part of chargen.  If you want to make one than you have to play so many hours and than either delete your char and start over or use forge papers.   Even better just make it so you can't use forge papers with them.   Than agian I think pirates should not be chargen and we should go back to the old way to become a pirate.  Attack some one of your nation in game and you after the second time become a pirate.  Only way to come back to a Nation as a pirate should be delete your char or use forge papers.

    Alts are nothing more than more players you can kill in other nations (unless they are like me and I have all mine in the nation I play pluss one pirate currently and retired Sir Texas Sir in US under a diffrent name).   If you meet me under any of my alt accounts I expect the same fight as if it was one of my mains.   There is nothign 5 players can't don't that my 5 alts can do if they are just orgnized and work together.  So stop thinking of them as alts, just think of them as extra players that you can kill.

  5. 7 hours ago, Aquillas said:

    Also, something really noticeable is the ship heel when turning sharp. And this also should impact the speed a lot (breaking Kinetic energy).

    Whit such heel than herebelow, I don't think that a ship can fire a broadside anywhere else than at 5 feet from hull.

    (NB: I know that USS Nimitz is not a Snow...)


    This is part of sea trials for new ships and after they been dry docked.  We did it on the USS Independence.  The ship all ready felt light with no air wing on board (that is about 2K men and equipment out of 5k).  Man this was not fun to do at all and I been through 32' waves where the white caps went over the flight deck going through the middle of a typhoon before (between Philippines and Australia.)  

    Oh the Indy was a Forrester class conventional Carrier, these Nimtz class made us look like a small boy when side by side.


    Back to game stuff.  I still think repair and other things like accuracy needs to be reduced while at full sails.  There is a reason we have battle sails and why it was used instead of full sails during battles.   I said it before how to stop the long chase was to make reduced repiars or no repairs while at full sails.  Make is so you have to drop to Battle sails and below.  Then you won't have the guy out running every one keeping at max sales cause you can't do enough damage to slow them down from distance and the fact we still have laser stern guns while forward guns some times can't hit the broad side of a barn. 

    • Like 4
  6. 15 hours ago, Henry Long Castle said:

    I said that numbers wont be important, it will be quality of players and quality of ships alone, so again what if russia has 100 top players and sweden or spain or whoever has 20?

    Lets say each port battle is about 10 players.   Russia can flip or defend 10 port battles than.  While Swede or Spain only 2 (or 4 if your saying each has 20).  This would mean no matter what Russia gets instant wins on 6-8 out of 10 port battles and the other 2-4 is a 50/50 flip.  While back when we had screeners the screeners don't have to have skill, just numbers to tie them up for 30 mins.   Which would give more chance for a large nation with less skilled players against a large nation with a lot of skilled players.

    The other thing is fatigue of playing, we will use Sweden since they recently did try to fight the Russians.   They burned out and than called a cease fire cause there 20 guys couldn't compete constantly against the 100 players that Russia had who didn't have to be there every night and every battle cause they had the numbers to fill in with average players if they need to. This happens a lot when clans go to help other nations and such.  They are out number and eventually give up cause they get burned out.   Remember many of us actually have jobs and family before all this Corvid 19 stuff started and even so many of us are busy with said family  (kids home from school and such) even more than we where before.  Not every one can sit in front of a computer all the time and just play games.


    Than for some of us Screening was the only group content we got.  On weekends when I would have off I could actually make it to the EU clan port battles even if it wasn't my nations and do some screening and OW PvP.   Take away that, now all I have is late night PvE cause there isn't much PvP going on during my very few hours of play time.   So I been using my free time to not play games but to do other things, well not play this game at least as I'm having more fun in other games that allow me to play with my clan mates and friends.

    The only way they will fix the zerge nation problem is they need to have manditory factions and alliances that can't be controlled by the player, should be based off who has the most power in games and if they are standard nations or not (Impossible Nations and Pirates should never have alliances).  

  7. 10 hours ago, Bartas11 said:

    In Germany today is a public holiday (Fathers day, so a lot of drinking Beer and Hang around with friends)

    its a very celebrated day for man so most take the whole week holiday to stick with their Family.

    Dont wonder about lower player counts.

    Stop spread this Game die whining!


    Intersting we do our Father and Mothers days on Sunday in the States so it doesn't effect work weeks.   Though we are rolling up on our Memorial Day Weekend which tends to be the big kick off for many summer time.  


    Though honestly a lot of folks I know that stopped playing has been cause of recent changes to the game and the AdR being none craftable and only rare ship after we waited so long for it.  I pretty much given up on this game, can't RvR cause no one can match the Russian population.  Can't really Solo play cause you get ganked by groups.  Can't play the ships you want cause most of them are locked behind extremly stupid RNG loot droops or saved for Rare events....I mean what we might have one a year so I won't see the AdR until another year from now?   Elite loot still crap and doesn't give you elite rewards.   

  8. 2 hours ago, Swedish Berserker said:

    Very very good that means she is not as Leakable as the current one good job guys can't wait to sail it 

    That doesn't mean in game she can be leaked out, it's just a desc.   Though if they can get the new model to sit lower I don't see why they can't fix the old one to sit lower too.

    • Like 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, qw569😳 said:

    Oh, you are again using the indefinite time range "soon".

    Does anyone remember how long last "soon"?

    On the average #SOON has normally been 3-6 months depending which time you speak of, but remember you can't start counting until after the mandatory over 30 days late from when they mention it was suppose to happen in the first place.  So in January if they say they will be doing a big Patch on EGGNOODLES, expect it some time around June till December of that year.

  10. 2 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    Thanks for the explaination.  Seemly like a simple fix to adress absentee clans owing ports forever.  Just change the mechanics so that the process is not automatic, but manual. At least manual every couple weeks, or months.

    Manual wouldn't be good for those of us with real lives.  What if we skip a payment cause we are working?  I just came off doing 12 hour shifts since the first of the year and I can't be on all the time as clan leader compared to back when I was on all the time.  That is why folks are suggesting actual in game mechanics.

  11. 12 hours ago, admin said:


    Month almost up, or should we expect 52 weeks for this too?

    9 hours ago, Navalus Magnus said:

    Is it possible now to get to know the exact week, when this beauty will be released? 

    Well they said May, so that could be only two more weeks counting this one and next one.  Unless they meant May 2021?

  12. 14 hours ago, Macjimm said:

    So port fees/tax  is paid automatically,  no action is required by the port clan?

    Perhaps it would help if the port owner-clan is required to actively make a monthly payment.

    Every morning after maintenance down time it comes out of the Clan bank, if the funds or short it comes from the create.  If that is short than ports will drop, but if some one puts millions in there and or the port makes enough money to pay for it self it will just stay with the clan.   When funds are short it starts to drop ports if more than one is owned.  It pays the tax according to oldest port own and than the next port and next until funds run out.  So if you own 5 ports and only can pay for 4, the newest one will drop first.   

  13. 34 minutes ago, Aceituna said:

    If you need 10 year tech advantage to win against the AI  that has equal strenght to you, you must be doing something wrong.

    When I play Custom i have to make AI 2-3 times stronger if i want to have challenging game.

    While I don't play this game,, but in there other UA and UG game I have brought this up cause they have Easy, Normal, and Hard.  Not every one is an expert player as some players are.  If your struggling to fight in Easy there is a problem.  Normal should be the normal play for folks and should give a bit of a challenge.  I hear a lot of guys in UA:AoS say Hard is to easy, but that is them, they aren't the normal casual player that will play the game and might thing normal is hard as hell.  There was an isssue with AI in UG:CW where they would take to much risk and charge all the time breaking your units effectively making easy mode more like hard mode to some.   So some times game balance does need to be looked at.    Another example in UA:AoS if you bring three ships of one BR the AI matched that with three like ships.  If you sold those three ships and bought one bigger ship of about the same matching BR as the three total.  The AI would bump up the tier ship to match yours, but you still faced 3 ships.  So even on EASY mode this just became ultra hard mode.   I haven't played in a while so not sure if they fixed this or not, but it was an issue that turned some matches into hard mode when they shouldn't be cause balance wasn't working right in game.   

    As for the OP, some times taking a break from a game and coming back helps,  Remember it's in EA still and they are tweeking the game.  Also check out other players videos, some times it's a the simplest things we are doing wrong that hurt us in battle.

    • Like 1
  14. It's been suggested many times that we need some system to remove dead clans and ALT clans within you nations.   While on PvE they have the Raiders attack lesser used ports, this suppose to be a means to remove them, but it doesn't help if it's an active port that folks actually use (not the dead clan or said alt clan) and well it isn't on the PvP server.   Even a simple hand off port in Nation would help a lot as it's been a problem too where if you drop a port it looses investment and you have risk of others taking it cause the AI window might not be in your window of operation.   Best solution for the last part there is to not have a set window the first day a port is dropped so if it's a trade off it can be done, than have AI set a window for that port.    Drop ports don't have cool downs so this wouldn't effect lost ports to AI (on PvE server) or to players (on PvP).  

    • Like 3
  15. 3 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    Musket fire between ships, we do not need to see anything, a tiny sound, may be little bit of smoke, and reducing numbers of crew on enemy ships, that is what is needed, not more. 

    @admin ?

    I think POTB only had a bubble around your ship to let you know when your close.  UA:AoS doesn't show you anything other than you have tickers above your ship of loosing crew.   I know both these games the combat is simular to each other and not exactly like NA's, but it just shows you don't need fancy stuff.  I'll just be happy with a warning and ticker of crew lost above like when you shoot some one, but it can be given to both parties.  Just give the warning when your within 50M's ( assume that would be musket range).  Have it either fire the warning ever time a ship fires it's muskets (once ever minute or two I think was the average fire time back than for trained musket user in the armies).  And add the sound bit of muskets fired (most my sounds are turned down any way to hear battle commands) should be all we need.




    By having this it would make boarding or getting to close to broad side to  broad side (or stern racking) a risky action.   Yes Mods like muskets can add to the damage to crew along with there boarding effects. 


    RANDOM FIRE MODE:   I use this too in combat when I"m broad side or switch to it just before boarding cause it seems to spread the crits out and I feel I get more crew and cannon damage with it.  Maybe for those that don't want to use it have a toggle in options to disable it?  Or the other thing is to allow folks to set the fire options to key bidingsin so instead of using V to switch between they can set there Bow and Stern to other keys.  In this day in age with gaming keyboards and macros it shouldn't be to hard for them to do so if they want and have the option.

    • Like 1
  16. 10 hours ago, admin said:

    We are deliberatly stating North Americas. If you could get to Americas you could get to Caribbean. Read up about Russian adventures on the west coast and alaska. 

    Its really simple.. Original choice in 2013 was 3 nations but then we researched the subject. First addition was United States, because we wanted USS constitution in game. If United States (did not exist before 1775) get in - all nations who were present get in. 

    I'm sure ya'll will change this any way, but wasn't the game time period for ships 1700 to 1820 as the cut off.  Since US was a nation dureing that time it makes since.  Not 1600 colonies that only lasted 4 years.

    I honestly don't give a fact about adding more nations in game, but I do think we need a faction system so that it's only like 4 major factions fighting against each other (made up of multi nations) with a few sub factions (Impossible nations and Pirates).   This way you can bring all the flags and nations you want into the game and folks can play what ever nation they want, but you still have to fight for your factions.  Just change the factions make up every 3-4 months and it will not grow boring and stale.


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  17. I been having a lot of lag all week and today I been getting dropped a lot.  I done trace routes and it seems the issues for some of us US players is at the Germany hub where the ping jumps big time and than goes back down.   So yah it's prob not the servers but something in the infrastructure to get to the servers.  Ya'll really should have put the servers not in central EU but some where on the west coast of EU like France or UK cause the hub we have to go through causes more issues for those not in EU.

  18. 2 hours ago, CptEdwardKenway said:

    Lolz prizes or not, fact is the most expensive ships are Lo(s) Wo(s) ships in purple or gold and not some grey or green bermudar cedar/mahogany. We are talking about prizes of ~500.000 vs 50.000.000. If it's not a rare De Ruyter only captured by, wait for it, admirals with Lo/Wo L'Oceans with boarding books and upgrades, no one would care about. No one would sail an Implacable or a Bellona with this specs. It was just because it was a De Ruyter, the ship the devs promised us, and players tried this ship because they where expecting the promised note/permit. But hey, at least this ship was fun till it got destroyed. 🙄

    Lets not even talk about how many folks go ganked and lost good ships trying to do the event cause it was easy prey for the hunters.  I have a clan mate that lost 4 hips before he even got a ship to dorp  a note and he was going after only Diana's and SC's, but keep getting jump by parties of gankers looking for easy wounded targets.

  19. 10 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Maybe it's in the eye of the beholder, what's useless here? Or Captain's skills?

    I had a lot of fun in green and even grey De Ruyters.

    And I am sick of people constantly claiming life begins for them only when they sit on a seasoned woods 5 slot - all port boni - wonderbra.

    Do remember you play on the PvE server where the AI are tuned down and you don't have to fight other players in totally rigged out ships. I had to use a decked out christian in season woods to fight the ship, so why am I getting sub par quility ships that was more like what I was in?


    You go on any other MMO and fight an elite boss you will get an elite drop for your trouble.  Not trash mods and sub par trash ships.

    And this is not even going into the fact they promised it would be a craftable ship in the first place.  I been waiting years for a ship that can have two decks of 32's and when it finally gets here I can't have it in any form (I did capture one during the event that I keep.  Carg/Mahog, with no bonus or port bonus.   I can't even fight AI with it for the most part unless they are below level than me cause they will melt my ship.  So not sure what you been doing on the PvE server with Fir Fir ships.  No one is talking about the quality of the ships, we are talking about the builds and what we fought don't match what we got.

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  20. 7 hours ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:

    Its normal. Typically you just dont board elite ai 


    and boarding ai in general is still a gamble

    Than they shouldn't have events that you have to board the AI to capture the ships.  I was taking a christian board fitted against the SC and Diana's and struggling to board them with more crew.  How the hell do you capture an Admiraal de Ruyter if you can't board them?   In these cases we have bring a bigger ship and it has to be fully board modded.  A none board moded ship would most likely take for ever or loose the fight. 

    Than you get a crappy green fir/oak ship as a rewards.......ELITE SHIPS SHOULD GIVE ELITE REWARDS.

    6 hours ago, Sea Archer said:

    Never board elite ai. Why do you have to board every ship? Simply sink and loot them.

    Some of us don't board every ship, but if I'm a privateer with all the board mods I should be able to board ships instead of ducking it out, specially if it's a much more powerfull ship broad side than mine.   Also why should I play only one style?  It's an open world sand box so I should be able to play it how I want.


    My issue isn't the defence side of the ELITE AI.  It's the power level they have.  Even when you are completly board fitted and have more marines and muskets and crew than Elite AI they have way more firepower than you do.   It's not balanced at all. I get they don't want us to just rage board every ship out there and normally most of us don't do that, but it's the only way to get some of the rewards and rare ships is you have to capture them.   

    The other issue as above, why do we get crap ships, ELITE SHIPS should always be seasonal woods combo as you fight an ELITE ship, than it should give you an ELITE REWARD.   I get if it drops a note, but that note should be ELITE quality ship not some random trash ship that was no where close to what you just fought.  Even more of a joke is when you don't get notes or cannons and all you get is repairs or another stupid D**** PUMP.......

  21. 8 hours ago, Slim McSauce said:

    It's so unfortunate you had two of your cpus die after installing, but you can be assured to a high degree it's likely your power supply causing your hardware mishap, not the game. 

    Just recently had to go through two mother boards cause of this.  Luckily it didn’t mess the cpu, but still wasn’t a cheap option to replace on a brand new top of the line system.  Still cheaper than replacing the GPU I thought burnt out.


  22. 11 hours ago, SwordSmith95 said:

    Are Flags tradeable to other nations?

    Ex. British pull Port X, they trade it to a French clan that then conducts the PB, and gets the port.

    No that would make the flag dead.  Basicly it's a chest/flag that is put on the ship you are in when you pull one.  Now I remember we where able to trade ships between clan mates to trick folks. 

    The two ways to kill a flag is to catch the ship with it and sink it or to keep them from getting to the port and planting it.  You have to get to the port and sit there for a set time once that is done the PB is set.   We use to pick crazy places with shallows to sit in to keep from being tagged by bigger ships that would normally patroll that area while clan mates tagged any one trying to stop you.


  23. On 4/29/2020 at 1:42 PM, Nixolai said:

    its pretty annoying not to have a warning of an impending attack, but there should be no middle ground. Its either 24h warning time or none, if none i consider this a shitty update

    We are forgetting about the 1 hour waisted or would say 3 hours we sat waiting to see if some one pulled the flag or not.  Some times we wouldn't pull a flag just to troll folks thinking we where going to attack.   Than other days we pull 5 flags and you had to guess which one if not more than one (we used multi alts) had the flags or not.  You also don't know where the flag was pulled, I would make it new flags would announce where it's pulled from so they have to make it through any such screeners to plant it.  It also needs to be heavy enough that no trader lynx or other super small fast ship can carry them.

    • Like 3
  24. I did like the faction suggestion that @admin made a good while ago as a way to help nations work together and fight other stronger nations.  The only big changes I would make is below.


    • IMPOSSIBLE NATIONS:   This is currently Russia, Poland, Prussia and China.  They are just that, the hard core of the hard core.  You get no capital, you have all your ports taken away, you are playing hard core mode and no one likes you.  All factions are at war with you.   These nations are more about PvP and just being a thorn in side of other nations.   Maybe put a cap on the number of ports they can each own so there isn't a zerg like we have right now of them.  I would say no more than 10 ports per nation (could be bumped up to say 20).   This game was suppose to be about the core nations not these nations that honestly never had historical influence in this region during the time period.  Other nations could be added in the future to this group.  


    • CORE NATIONS:   This is French, Dutch, Dane, GB, US, Spain, Swede.  You have 7 nations, but only three factions.   The two strongest nations will randomly get one week nation as it's faction member.   The three middle nations will be part of there own faction..   The way you can do this is take the top two nations lets say French and Dutch in that order.  Than take the bottom two Spain and Swede.   French number one will be paired up with Swede the lowest nation.   Dutch would be Paired up with Spin.   Dane, GB, US will be part of there own faction.  This kinda balances nations to be some what equal and we can go off the ports owned (or points since some ports are better than others.)  Main RvR should be about these nations not the others.   I wouldn't do a map wipe, but have every 3-4 months have a winner.  The winner nation gets some prize, I would make it a tier thing like how POTBS did, so winning got 3, middle got 2 and looser got 1 or something of what every it is.  Than switch the nations around for the next 3-4 months.  Maybe give weakest nations a bonus to XP or something.   This will hopefully have nations rotating in and out of the middle group as some get more powerful and others weak.


    • Pirates:   Good old pirates.  Lets make them actually like pirates.  Bring back the way to become a pirate is by attacking your own nation.   I would even go as far as removing them from chargen.  If you get tired of being a pirate you can always delete your char or use forge papers (a pardon per say).  every one (nations) hates pirates so they aren't allowed to join any factions.  In fact bring back FFA battles as even other pirates hate each other.  This is suppose to be a hard core faction of it's own mainly for PvPer's of the OW.  I would even go as far as remove them from RvR totally and only give them a few spread out perm ports they can work out of.  While they can still have Mort as a captial they have own not other ports in that area.   The ports they have perm are mainly shallow ports are pirate havens, Rudy Cove, Morgans Bay, etc etc that was traditionally used as such.   We have enough shallow ports spread out all over the map to give them a place all over.  Pirate havens are like free towns but only pirates can set up out post there, do crafting (workshops and maybe forges) and they are limited to only level 2 shipyards (after all it's shallow ports so can always say even limit it to level 1's).   I mean lets be honest lets make pirates what they truely are.  I will jump at a heart beat to return being a pirate if they where changed to this.  Pirates should not be easy, they should gain there goods from OW conflict for the most part.  Yes I know folks will have alts, but who cares let them if they pay for them.   

    I think over all a lot of us would like some form of Dev control factions so that there can be a balance made in the game which we do not have currently.

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