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Posts posted by Tiedemann

  1. CR's need to represent all aspects of the game or at least cover most of them.  If your trying to find 1 player in each nation that is is calling him/her self an expert on all aspects of the game (RvR, PvP in OW, Trading and PvE), make sure this person have 1000+ hours in the game and is still loving it. Then there is a decent chance that this player has the necessary knowledge and is not going to instant leave the day after he/she is elected CR. 

    The most logicly imo would be to recruit/appoint clan leaders or clan representatives from the largest clans in all nations. Clans often has new and old players, so the input they get from their members have different points of views. So this gives more variety and numbers should help cover most aspects of the game. If it is a large clan then they they should have members who are active on the forum..

    I think the devs should nominate the clans within each nation that meets the requirements and then let the clans can nominate a CR candidate. Then if we feel extremely democratic and there are multiple clans within one nation that meets the requirement we could have an election (or not). Just make sure you give the CR clear/easily understandable purpose, so they actively try to pick up suggestions etc. from their members. And there should be some contingency plan for replacing an inactive CR. 

  2. Fixing the economy in this game will not be a quick fix, but it is necessary.  The need for money is directly or indirectly guiding most of the decisions we make as single players, clans and even nations.

    The gold earning possibilities in this game need to be balanced compared to the risk involved and the time they consume. Low risk = low profit, high risk = high profit. 
    Profit rating high to low: PvP in RvR (inside PB), PvP in OW, trading, epic events, attacking OW fleets and PvE missions. So PvP is high income, trading in the middle and PvE is at the low end. Doing missions should be the least effective way to earn gold, because the XP should be the main reward here. And stuff that is risky can potentially provide content for other players, and this should be highly rewarded!!!  

    Trading goods (not used for crafting): Right now the player base is low and there is just to much profitable trade goods dropping/spawning regularly, often way to close close to buying capitals/free ports. These trade goods are mostly bought up by a few players who basically have a monopoly on buying these trade goods on contracts. If they keep on doing it indefinitely they can become extremely rich. They sell these goods in the closest buying capital, if this port is an enemy port they just use and alt from that nation to sail it in and sell it. So the risk involved in this trading is basically = 0. I know this, because I'm doing it.. This broken trading econ enable us to generate huge amount of money with very low risk. This is unbalancing for the economy and does not provide the game with any content. And even with more players the broken economy is still there, there just a bit more players to share the wealth between so this need some TLC.

    Less extreme option and decent temp fix would be to make the drop/spawn location of at the most profitable trade goods random!That way traders/players who are out and about in OW are rewarded when they enter a port and find some good trade stuff. And using contracts to buy up these trade goods would not be very effective anymore. We all love random drop when we get some good stuff ;)  

    Personally I think all these trade goods that are not used for crafting should be removed until the devs have time to develop a deeper meaning for the trading aspect of the game. The trade goods we supply to capitals and free ports could be used for for generating increased production of national goods, better fortifications, etc. So then if I as a Russian nation player would be supporting the US nation economy when I sell trading goods in their capital. We should just focus on trading resources and materials and balance this out, then when it is working then you could add the trading goods again with a purpose other than just printing money.

    But it would still need some serious thought. The profits the different goods yield needs to be more balanced considering the sailing time involved sailing it to a buying port. High profitt goods should be far away from the buying capitals and freeports. Short sails should not provide huge profits and that would require rethinking of the spawn locations..
    When two nation capitals are as close to each other as Christiansted and Gustavia are, it is just stupid that the profit levels of the goods between these nations are so high.

    It should also be profitable to own ports, period. Only when you add defence timers should it be expensive to own a port. That way you can capture 5 ports and have no timer on them to support the cost of owning 1 port with a timer. For a port to be profitable now it needs to either spawn a lot of high profitt trade goods, wood for resources for ships, resources/materials for upgrades or be a base for PvP/RvR. All the ports that do not have this are not profitable and then basically useless.

    The mark system works from my point of view. So changing the different marks name to something more historically sounds good to me, but it will not in anyway fix the economy in this game. 

    • Like 4
  3. 4 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    As we have it, when we press Repair we have the Sails - Armor - Crew. Just add a 4th option - All.

    I edited it a bit. Now we use the repairs, what I'm thinking of would only need time and not consume your hull- or rigg- /repairs.

    3 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Imo, the previous repair system we had gave us more freedom of sailing. More sailing, less dock in ports worried about rum, rig and hull reapirs. Less things to be worried about, more fun overall.

    Also, I cant count anymore how many times I had a ship in an outpost but cant sail it because I didnt have repairs.

    This system is really annoying and a time sink which is not fun for anyone "except" for the people selling repairs at ridiculous prices.

    This could be solved if ports that did not produce/drop repairs payed good money for them and did not consume them either. So they just stay there until a player enters and buy them. All ports on the map was filled with iron inguts in a mater of weeks when they did that the last time, so why not make the traders do something useful xD 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    How difficult is it to always respect anyone and everyone ?!

    A lot it seems... some captains win pvp marks just by being truly obnoxious. Somehow they expect everyone else in the world to accept their egocentric out takes.

    But...Rule 1 covers most of it.



    Your almost there. Just get the essentials of all those posts, and add them into a text file that's accessible from within the game. You can do it! I belive in you ;)  

  5. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    There must be a method to raise hostility when players do not come to pvp around the port
    PVE provides the simples and un-abusable method to raise hostility (we love flags but it is impossible to solve all potential abuse with flags). Same with stationary blockades - it is hard or expensive (from the tech perspective). 
    We do want to find out the way to improve this but unfortunately current priorities force 

    Maybe loot should be added to won port battles (to make this pve hostility more bearable)

    Imo the loot drop in the hostility missions should get a serious buff! Those hostility missions are potentially some of the most risky battles RvR players enter. Either it is extremely boring because long sail to enemy port + PvE  + long sail back. Or we end up in a fight with a defending force who usually only show up if they have number and BR advantage! Getting players to join the grind is very difficult, so we often forced to do it with small group of players. Especially if the OW sail is longer than 15-20 min.. For the PB it self it is never an issue getting enough players. They all want/need victory marks! So I see the use/need for rewarding the hostility grinders for their effort.   

    The fact that you can farm AI OW fleets in your own nations safe zone and get better loot is just ridicules. So a significant buff for the loot in hostility missions would not hurt anyone. And maybe this will create more empty PBs than we have now, but the nation get a chanse at PvP when enemy grind hostility. So it all good! 

    This would aid the current PB grind mechanic. I will not turn down loot for winning the PB it self (I love loot), but the grinders who make the PB possible in the first place should be reward much more than they are now.  

    • Like 2
  6. Good idea, because now it is to difficult for new players to know what the rules are. It should and must imo be accessible from within the game it self! Could be called "Rules of naval warfare", be accessible from within the game when you press [Esc] and list all the stuff that has been standardized from the tribunals etc.  

    • Like 1
  7. Please keep tag circle small for to reduce effectiveness of defensive tag and to ensure better tags and battles in general. 

    But are we in need of two circles for tagning in OW again? 1 for taging and the other to show what will be dragged into battle.. I miss it so much! ;)

  8. It would be very useful to have some sort of status/health info for masts.

    And that we have access to vital info on enemy ships is not realistic. We should not be able to see if another player has his broadside loaded or not. I use this a lot in battle for timing when to go parallell with the enemy ship and fire. We should have to remember when the enemy ship shot of it's broadside and then try to estimate when it is ready to fire again.

    • Like 5
  9. Getting players together to defend ports is often a hell of a lot easier than getting players together to grind hostility..

    If hostility and the hostility missions are going to stay as they are now,  why not make them more attractive!? Those missions should have the absolute best loot possibility! They are very risky (depending on the importance of the port your grinding ofc) and that you can attack OW fleets outside your capital and get better loot than in those hostility missions is just stupid..

    So turn up the drop chanse for GOOD!!! books and upgrades a lot in the hostility missions, and as a absolute minimum those AI ships should have a decent amount of repair on them. 

    Then you can start considering if active hostility missions (with players inside) should pop up on the map as small red dots ;)

  10. This is basic and most of us know it: When your health is at 100% you bounce more shots. The the more thickness you have, the more balls will bounce/not penetrate. As you take damage the "wood" becomes weaker and you start to take more damage/more balls penetrate.

    I belive (a lot if discussions here with others btw) that if you stack hp and thickness mods, you get more HP you can lose before your armour (thickness) is weakened. This makes sense imo. So as long as they repair early and keep their health on a broadside over the magic threshold of 85% (+/- !?), they keep bouncing shots most shots.    

    I have encountered some players in very slow 1. rates, that are hard to penetrate even with double charge fired close at perfect parallell. I belive they use cartagena refit, navy hull refit and floating battery. When these tank ships are combined with repair and reload skills they are hard to kill. If they also have poods (Edinrough cannons) and determent defender, then your in for a world of hurt xD

    But this is all in theory.. 

    • Like 2
  11. 16 hours ago, AlonsoC said:
    4.Realistic economy: supply and demand.  Players must have more prominence, or the trade becomes boring.

    6.Repairs: instead of having a timer to be able to repair again, it could be passive repair(it can be activated and desactivated as sailing, boarding...), being slower.

    8.Your ships can travel without you: you assign them a crew and select a destination port, so they sail like a common NPC. Obviously, they can be boarded or sunk by enemy players. I think it´s a better idea than teleporting ships (magic).

    9.Stronger storms in battle: ships can be damaged. (No storms in port battles or hostility /combat missions, only in PvP battles).

    10.WANTED: rewards system (in your faction) for sinking wanted enemies.

    11.Trade missions: the port gives you the goods and you transport them for gold and exp. This increases trade and piracy.

    12.Crew´s moral in open world: with food, rum... Fishing would be more useful, and rum would be more valuable.

    13.Game translation: this improves gaming experience and attracts more players to Naval Action. Spanish, French, Russian and others...

    I quoted the stuff I personally liked, but some of the other stuff I left out, is devastating for the game imo..

    • Like 2
  12. Hey!

    I would like to be able to make resource buildings in nation ports with out having to make an outpost there.  Then I could just sail there in a trading ship, craft the resources from the building and then sail it back to the port where I do my crafting. Because we can not store stuff in ports where we do not have outpost I would only craft what I could fit in my ship. If I crafted to much I would sell it in the shop. This would free up the need for dedicated crafting outposts and we would sail more in OW :) 

    As it is now I dedicate 1 outpost (2 in ruff times) for resource crafting. I make 3-5 buildings and farm 1 that resource until I have enough. Then I move over to the next resource. Only use 3 indiamans and I don't bother sailing to collect my resources until I can fill all 3 to the brim.   

    I have always struggled with balancing ports I need to have for PvP (free ports and I want them all!!), RvR (1-3 ports we need to be ready at for defending against hostility or gather for attack), clan warehouse (1 port), crafting(1-5) and then a port for trading and 1 free so I can open a outpost where ever I end up and TP back home. 8 ports have never been near to cover this..  

    • Like 6
  13. I like this idea a lot. So you tag in OW the counter is counting down and if you actually manage to get close enough to your target it just instant starts the battle. But I doubt the devs would even try to test it at this point.. : /

    This is not intended to derail the original idea but I always preferred the two circles system. 1 big circle for dragging the ships around us in OW and then a much smaller one for the tag it self. With this system defensive tags where less effective and tag in general became better speeding up the time needed for chasing inside the battle. 

    And I never understood why the tag timers are 15 seconds, this is to long. Should be like someone mentioned here, different for ship types/classes. For example 4 for shallows, 8 for frigates and 12 seconds for big ships.   


  14. Wind changes
    Please slow down the how fast the wind turns to 1/3 of the current speed.
    Suggestion: I would personally like to test random wind change. The way it works now is to predictable. So for example we could get from 0 to 3 wind changes during a 1,5 hour long battle. When the wind changes should be random, what direction it changes to should be random and in which direction it turns should also be random. Should make chasing players down/ or upwind interesting when the wind could all of a sudden do a 180 turn ;) 

    General turnrates (using rudder or yards or both)
    Buff St Pavel turn rate. I think it should match the Bellona's stats (it has no chasers so it needs something and it has a long water line, so the Bellona should be able to out turn it in battle)

    Speed curves and ship difference
    Would like to separate the Bucentaure and St Pavel more. St Pavel should be faster and have a better overall sailing curve than the Bucentaure. If they are to similar I'm forced to chose the Bucentaure 10 out of 10 times because of the better broadside weight.

    Feel free to propose buffs or debuffs if necessary
    Please nerf the Wasa's. Reduce it's speed curve overall and increase it's BR so it is closer to the 3. rate, rather than the other 4. rate's.

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