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Everything posted by InfiniteAmount

  1. I believe that Prater's text comes from the book that he linked to, so while it is relevant to the setting and premise of the game, it is not, I believe, a declaration of war (which would have it's own thread). If I'm wrong, and Prater did write that, it would just show again that Prater is the real master of setting up RP news and I am just the poor imitator. And again, a declaration of war would be in it's own thread.
  2. I really don't want to make these so rapidly, but they don't take that long to make, so I thought I'd make another just because some of the events may not be chronicled by any other means. There are some mistakes because I made it much later in the night then I usually work on stuff.
  3. I've found that it's incredibly hard to keep track of Port captures unless I'm actually playing the game, but take heart knowing that I probably would still be able to portray a British victory against Pirates in a poor light for the British. Somehow.
  4. My thoughts for non-combat ways of gaining experience, if implemented: When you enter a port for the first time, you get a small XP gain just for "discovering it." Non-search and destroy Admiralty orders: Securing Admiralty Cargo Collect a certain amount of a select resource and deliver it to your capital.Scouting enemy ports In my head this mechanic works by having a "crossed swords" event marker show up at a port, you go to that port activate the event marker and return for a very small amount of XP points and a faction-wide reduction of the conquest flag cost for that port, there would be a chance that NPC defenders would drag you into battle when you activate the event. Delivering a Governor to a new Port. Sail from you capital to an assigned port, probably carrying a special "Governor" resource or "Governor Charter" or something.
  5. Here is the template, it uses powerpoint. It might be possible to use other presentation creation programs, but I haven't tested them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xf9aj1s714631h2/Naval%20Action%20Newspaper%20Template.pptx?dl=0 It doesn't look right, but that's normal because the font can't be copied over through dropbox. A link to where you can get the font is located in the template. Also, some parts use copperplate gothic which is a standard windows font. It also doesn't have the parchment background (but adding that is as simple as google image search for an appropriate powerpoint background, and applying it to the slide). To make the final image, I just took a screenshot of the slide in the Slide Show presentation view.
  6. I know the Port Battle maps are getting a rework. I just thought I'd mention star forts as an idea that could be used for them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_fort
  7. Tony and Duke were just on the coast to pounce stragglers, not actually fight the PB. Them not joining the Port Battle was irrelevant to any British action, as far as I know.
  8. (I hope this is tongue and cheek enough for everyone to realize this is not really serious. There are some formatting errors, but I think it worked out well for a first try. Thanks, of course to Prater, who pioneered the technique of making these Front Pages.)
  9. As I understand it, the BR check before attacking is an anti-griefing mechanic to prevent a smaller player from bogging down a larger player (or multiple larger players) in one sided, but time consuming fights. However, you can't grief NPCs, so against NPCs this is irrelevant. The problem is that NPC Traders still have Battle Ratings. Yesterday, I came across a NPC Trader's Brig while in a Basic Cutter, and I attacked it thinking it would be an easy buck. But our Battle rating difference made it impossible. Just thoughts, ya know?
  10. In the map screen, a display showing the last known prices for goods at a port you've previously visited. Or, in the store screen for resources, last known prices of the ports you've visited. Last known prices would be the price that the good showed the last time you visited the port (or perhaps include an item drop off of a merchant ship that shows the prices at the last port the ship visited). And if the good was unavailable at the time of the visit, the price would not be updated. It's information we'd already have if we took note of the prices manually, just instead make it automatic in game.
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