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Posts posted by Jerome

  1. 1 - the way people abuse the battle entry and exit mechanics and log out feature to set themselves up to get to Port battles without having to deal with defenders screening the port or so that they can gang up on and Gank people and get away scott free because no one can catch them afterwards even if they are waiting at the battle location in open world map.

    2 - to much dependance on RNG in craft to try and make certain ships rare. If you want people to use ships other than exceptional, you need to give them a reason to do so. Reducing or eliminating the differences in upgrade slots while putting some change to the other stats would help greatly.

    3 - The stacking of upgrade and perk bonuses that can lead to ships becoming unbalanced. Maybe put a limit on how much of a bonus any stat can recieve via perks and upgrades or add some sort of dimishing returns or stacking penalty to avoid certain ships becoming overpowered due to perk and upgrade bonuses.

    On #3, isn't that the point? To improve ship performance? Everyone has access to them.

  2. To make a moored ship clear for action + leave habour + arrive at action zone take quite while at this point the battle would be already over or the approche of the fleet would be seen so the attacker would withdraw.


    We cant see what is happening outside +  OW is a much more faster than battle instance + what i mentioned before. That all makes the "social perk" a shit perk.


    Agreed.  Why are the devs considering a mechanic that will unbalance fights and provide one side with more ability to gank?  Can't help friends?  If three friends are sailing together and they jump YOUR friend and you are not sailing with them at the moment, the three friends together get the advantage for being together.  You should not get some magic ability to then come to the fight late.


    POTBS was ruined because of mechanics that tried to govern player behavior unfairly.  This game is open world pvp.  Advantage goes to the ones that organize (or should).


    Social perk of course would be abused by the same "gankers" you complain about.  Hide a death star fleet out of sight, tag with a single ship.  Boom.  Gank that. 


    I think OW pvp should be fair and "realistic" in time.  Say three minute timers on battles, give everyone one minute of invisibility and two minutes of no tagging once they get out; profit.

    • Like 2
  3. Regional Capitals produce National goods, or capping AI traders that drop some from times to times... Let's empty all Brits shops from Indian tea quickly , and same for the Iberian meat that is produced only in 4 cities if i make no errors.

    Not really happy about Social perk, this was a good thing added to prevent eternal camping and easy targets picking in front of the Captials made by groups seeking only for easy pvp mode engaging ships only when outnumbering them and sure of a win, or like seen recently in the Spanish or Jamaican waters a very nice help to defend attacked cities in heavy populated waters ... Timer had to be decreased surely but now you simply remove it ... yeah ...

    Disappointing to see that you listened those who come attack in heavy populated waters seeking for easy pvp and targets and cry about it when they got the opposition they should encounter when coming in such heavy populated waters ... Let's bring back ganking 3mn away from a capital for all players that know nothing more than "fighting" at 5vs1 and then hiding for 2 hours in the lame end screen result ... all this while others cannot help if they are barely 2mn away from there and all this in front of a capital ... sick game stuff ...

    So you want a magic skill to counter those that go to "heavily populated waters" looking for PvP? Where should they go? Sparsely populated waters?

    • Like 1
  4. Here is an idea for a fun mechanic.  Have a way players can purchase for a treasure ship.  This is a one time purchase for a 1 dura boat.  The cost should be obscene.  Make a sailing point (port) on the eastern edge of the map.  If they sail to that point and "go to Europe" (dock up), they receive their money back plus a percentage.  If they are sunk by another player, the reward should be likewise obscene (but not more than the original cost to prevent xteam farming).  A fun cost vs reward mechanic.  Players can invest and try to get a return by a long and dangerous sail, other players can hunt them. 

    • Like 4
  5. Is the intent of the devs to discourage PvP? Hunting populated coasts is simply to ensure you actually find action. Now we basically get an FU perk that says if you take the time to sail where the enemy is suddenly the old rules don't apply to them. I suppose I can hunt calmer waters and then log off out of boredom.

    Why can't perks be perks and not rule changing shams?

    • Like 3
  6. Pirates are a nation. Thus I decree that the devs should force people who want to be pirates to roll as pirate from day 1. If devs refuse to do this I vote we make anybody switching to pirate midway thru their careers to loose all their possessions except their experiences and whatever they can fit on the barge they are currently sailing and start from scratch LIKE THEY HAD TO HISTORICALLY! :D

    Also they should be included in the realm alliances vote. Because I mean cmon... Half of both pvp 1 and 2 are black... Thats not very historical :wub:

    Absolutely not. I play pirate so I can attack everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. Pirates too.

  7. You should have the mechanic allow back stabs, surprise attacks, and double crossing. You should definitely allow individual players violate treaties, with consequences. The game Archage had a mechanic where a player that performed criminal acts would be brought before a tribunal of random players from their faction and punished by real time spent in jail. Individual captains should be able to violate treaties, it would make the game more dynamic and fun.

  8. We hunt KPR and Carlisle are regularly.  We often end our night in a battle screen because A. we know we will be ganked upon leaving or B. it is a long boring sail to the nearest friendly port and it is late.  That is a product of the open world size.  Believe me, I would love to port up every night but if a battle goes overlong and we are sure we are being camped there is no way we are going to pop out.


    Someone put this to bed once and for all.

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