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Posts posted by Jerome

  1. On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 1:14 AM, Hullabaloo 'The Thief' said:

    I hear you, open world roaming pvp is dead at the moment. But you can't design a game on current numbers or on the assumption the server pop will be low. What if you make the map smaller and at release there are 10k online?

    I sometimes think there are a few suggestions/decisions that are made that are influenced by server numbers. They are usually bad ones. Bad ones make the game worse and so more people stop playing (Patrols are a good example of this imo). There is a wipe coming, it's Xmas, there are some poor mechanics/game design issues that need resolving. Making the map smaller would be a reactive decision that just made the game worse.

    The POTBS map was much closer to right sized.  About 30-40 minute sail max from one end to the other.  A map that size or even slightly larger would help.

  2. 3 hours ago, Michael Corvinus said:

    You're just showing you intelligence level now. If you can't or wont understand that this game needs more people to survive then you just keep trolling. I will not bother replying to someone just trolling like a child. It's a waste of time and effort


    How wrong  you are.  The biggest attraction for many players that came to this game (especially from POTBS) was unrestricted PvP.  PvP BR restrictions ushered in the biggest population drop that I saw in this game.  They have an entire server dedicated to players like you, what more do you want?????  And Sid Meier's Pirates is still pretty good.

  3. On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 9:54 AM, victor said:

    So, after the neveclosing NPC fleet battles in safe zones, another new mechanics to help gankers.

    As you say ... let's see  

    Please explain how people getting AI reinforcements in a battle near their ports that stays open "helps" gankers.  And for the record, my biggest complaint about green zones is that I usually sail solo and can't tag anything since anything worth tagging solo is in the green zone.

  4. 3 hours ago, IndianaGeoff said:

    You missed the whole period without safe zones when populations crashed.  The game has not recovered from that and will probably never see those players again.

    The big server drop from 1000 plus players came when battle ratings were introduced, resulting in split groups.  PvP restrictions are killing the game.


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  5. This map is too large for what this game is trying to accomplish.  I'm guessing, but I bet at least 80% of the ports see very little to zero traffic.  Reducing the size of the map and the number of ports by half might help.  In the meantime, of course PvPers go to capitals.  To PvP you have to go where players are.  But now those areas are off limits leaving PvPers nowhere to go unless they have a large group or disposable ship (Patrol Zone).

    This game was founded on the premise of unrestricted open-world PvP.  And this game was far better two years ago when it was just that.  All of the changes to make PvP inorganically "fair" have made it worse and made it harder to find PvP.  

    Currently I log on and unless there is a large group going somewhere, I log off.  It is not worth my time making long sails to some of the isolated places that I might find PvP that is not protected by Reinforcement Zones and their magical 1st rates.

    It seems like a large number of players are playing this game risk free, full-time.  While PvPers are out risking their ships trying to find something in a Reinforcement Zone.   


    1.  Make reinforcement zones much smaller and have realistic and random reinforcements.  

    2.  Don't make player level a factor; otherwise you will incentive players to have low-level alts.  It happened in POTBS and we had a glut of lvl 25 traders.

    3.  Make valuable resources outside of the Reinforcement Zones.  Move valuable resources away from capitals.

    4.  Make high level missions only available away from the capital or outside Reinforcement Zones.

    5.  Bring back more free towns so players can spread around the map more effectively, especially solo hunters.  Relying on RvR to carry the battle on a map this size is not viable.  RvR should be over resource control.  In POTBS it was usually over deep water ports. 

    6.  Make it instant death for any pirates that stay and Mortimer Town and carebear.  They should be ashamed and should not be authorized the Jolly Roger.  Same for pirate "traders".  

    7.  Reduce the map size and port number???

    • Like 4
  6. 23 minutes ago, Sir William Hargood said:

    So basically you threaten to chuck your toys and quit this game when you don't get what you want. And what you want is mechanics that pander exclusively to you...mechanics favouring the hunter at the expense of all else. And you are talking about maturity and reason?

    So when they balance the ROE it'll be the last we see of you then ...one can only hope...

    Here's some perspective: 7pm CET Friday night, there are 368 players online....there are currently more people playing Call of Duty World at War...says it all...

    Actually you should read the original post. That is the person quitting due to mechanics.

    Additionally I advocate for mechanics that favor nobody, they should be fair. 

  7. My point is basically this.  Open world PvP should not have mechanics that attempt to artificially balance the fight.

    The example of our opponents responding with overwhelming force is just to further the point, few people actually want a fair fight; they either want crushing superiority or they will not engage. I think it is just human nature.

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