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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 3 minutes ago, jodgi said:

    Some may have lost faith in Legends, some other people wanted it to fail. The player retention of Legends in the form we had can be picked apart like there's no tomorrow.

    As to your quote; Legends was never allowed to attract players.

    What admin said to the effect about being spread too thin makes sense to me and the discussion can stop there.

    I actually like the NA community and Legends could have split us rather painfully. Why would I ever spend even a minute in OW after full release of Legends? I know people told themselves that legends would provide recruitment for OW and I've never had the heart to interrupt that.

    I mean it when I say I'm glad for those who find so much meaning or depth in OW. I like you and NA so much I'm willing to endure some boredom if it's really that important to you (No, fuck that! I'm not distracted by PVE content). I'll help populate the OW, but please, throw me a frikkin' bone, here! Is it so bad if there's one tiny area where idiots and shortsighted fools like me can go and find close to equal (=fun) fights simply because we value that above all else?

    Maybe it's as easy as flicking a switch? Instead of bemoaning the way we want to enjoy the game, you can accommodate us and be glad we're here and not in COD or whatever game you think is the Devil incarnate.

    (Open arms rant spurred by Arch but not directed at him)

    Sorry, I did not mean to set you off on a rant, I know this topic is not about why Legends failed but I was just pointing out that the suggestion is very similar to what we had in Legends and that could not retain the numbers to make it viable. I enjoyed Legends more than I thought I would even with the grind and as I said I managed to unlock up to 3rd rate, but due to the lack of numbers most of my time there was spent doing PvE.

    I agree that a lobby system for quick PvP would give some people the fix they require, but the small battle lobbies they used to have were hardly used until the game was at a very low point and I do not see it being much different now.

    Personally I would like a lobby system where battles could be setup in certain scenarios, much like was possible many years ago in the LAN version of Age of Sail II. Battles could be setup in advance and people could join to captain various ships in the battle. That way you could start various historical battles with the ships laid out as they were at the start of the engagement rather than random battles with the wind and positioning balanced for both teams.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    Got a quote for this? For all I know admin stated that the player retention was higher in NAL but the development needed for NAL was too much to support both games at the same time and thats why they focussed on the core game only and bringing some good features from NAL over to NA.

    The numbers spoke for themselves, at peak times you were lucky to get 14 people online. Yes they said they were looking to bring the good bits across to OW game, but not a lobby game.

    In one of the replies in the above thread Admin mentions how numbers were dropping. If NAL had huge numbers then they would not have shut it down.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

    Most of the players that might have been interested in the "Legends" style setup right after the Sea Trials period were long gone by the time "Legends" arrived after a couple years of everything being Open World. 



    Yet people are still asking for something similar, yet Legends failed to attract sufficient players.

  4. 8 hours ago, Joernson said:

    @admin already said there will be another way to get this ship introduced prob in next patch.

    He also said it would be prohibitively expensive, so I wouldnt hold out hope of getting one soon.

    But this example reinforces my point as to why there is a requirement for a safe area to test newbuilds out. It doesnt need to give xp or loot but allow someone get the feel for a vessel they have not sailed before or to try different gun loadouts. 

    • Like 1
  5. There needs to be a tutorial on the different wood trims and also on the cannon loadouts.

    I saw a conversation in nation chat where a new player had just completed the endurance exam and had a Rattlesnake ship note. He had tried to use it and was then faced with choosing the wood and planking for the vessel. As a new player (I believe less than a day old) he had no knowledge of the different wood types and how they can affect the vessel as there is nothing in the tutorial about it. People in nation chat tried to give him advice and in the end he wanted to hold on using it so he could learn more about the woods but as he had already started it there was no option to cancel the selection of wood trim. I think the final advice was to close the game to stop the selection and keep the note. This is not good for new players to manage to complete the exam and then end up with a poor ship because they know nothing about wood trims.

    Maybe before the exams there could be a quick rundown on the different woods and how they modify the vessel. Doesn't need to be too detailed but just a brief overview. The same with cannons and carronades. After that maybe give the option in the exam to let the player select their trim and loadout of cannons so they can experience the difference in the battles. This would not make it as frustrating in the exam battles as they could see what difference the setup of the ship can make. 

    • Like 1
  6. 54 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Yah I normally avoid boarding AI cause of there mods for boarding.  Players you can pretty much easly rip through them if you get Prep on them and they don't have the mods. 

    I have done the final exam twice today on alts and both times I started by getting prep up and sailing straight into one and boarding it or letting it board me. Immediately you can initiate attack or counter attack and the AI will go to defend then at last second change to fire deck cannons and you will kill around 16 of his crew to your 1, you can then either counter attack into his grenades or musket if you have enough prep left of you can just brace till your deck cannons are ready again. Just watch out in case he attacks and be ready to hit defend. Will take a few rounds to get him down but you should win. Depending on the position of the second AI you may be taking some damage from him, if you have taken too much damage by the time you capture the first then switch ships (dont forget to transfer across your repairs and rum). Hit surgeon to replenish your crew and then take on the remaining AI. With only one then to face I usually dismasted him then graped his stern and boarded once he had less crew than me.

    For dismasting you need to be quite close for your shots to count, on one of my original tries I did the kite method turning now and again trying to dismast and I got around 160 mast hits but no masts. I think that is because they were all at longer ranges. I find when quite close the masts go down relatively quickly. Also if you use the first AI you capture the stern is indicated as loaded with charge so maybe that can help too.

    The final exam is not skill its just knowing the tricks to beat the AI. I still think the final exam should be separate from the tutorial as a separate challenge.


  7. 2 hours ago, rediii said:

    Every player that completes it shows logical thinking and knowing how to solve the problem. Ofc. you need more skills for pvp but with 10 hours into the game or something and doing this exam the guy doing it is pretty good already.

    Not really true, all it shows is that they have learned the tricks to beat the AI either by being told by others what to do or they have watched youtube videos of how others did it. The Devs have already posted a suggested way to complete the exam and others have posted videos and other suggestions on how to do it. Like all AI battles once you learn the tricks they become easy, it does not really prepare you for PvP, as many have said fighting AI actually give people bad habits and leaves them wondering why they are getting wrecked when they PvP.

  8. 9 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Ok I been trying this all day and keep getting destroyed if I try boarding cause the defence mods on the AI are to strong.  I loose on a defence when they attack big time evne though we have equal or I have more crew.  Muskets do nothing hardly against a defence, same with grenades.  What the hell are you guys doing to win these boards to quick?   I know I"m not some elite player and call myself pretty much an average player, but I should be taking all day to do something that should be average players knowledge and skills. I mean i can kill three players in a PvP before of about the same range ships, but that is players.  I'm all ready frustrated and don't even want to try this again.   This should not be in the tutorial. I don't mind having an epic PvP Mission for rewards, but this shouldn't be for new players at all.

    Feel like I wasted most my day cause of bad luck and apparently skill.  I had no problem doing the other parts and the endurance one, but this last part is freaking OP as hell.   

    I found the trick with boarding is to instantly start with attack and switch to fire deck guns into his defend at the last second, repeat this every time your deck guns are available, building prep in between.

  9. 3 hours ago, admin said:

    Remember the pve challenge from early 2017 - who knew you can pass the full demasting challenge in less than 10 seconds. Or who knew that you can sink 3 ships in a row in 4 mins?

    But how many people were able to do this? The leaderboard was almost the same people daily. I never tried the demasting one but I could usually finish in the top 10 daily on sink 3 ships in a row, you just had to learn the trick with the AI and hoped they would do what you wanted. I would hardly call it skill once you knew how to do it, it was just luck to get the good time and the right ship setup.

    I still say the exam defeats the idea that new players can quickly become useful after they have done the tutorial. If the idea was to weed out the new players that are not hardcore and get them to give up, then I think it is a success.

    Even the way that you suggested it can be done is a bad way to teach people to play the game, it teaches people to kite and use multiple repairs, do you want PvP to become more like that with battles taking over an hour with kite and repair?

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, vazco said:

    I play this game for a long time and I was around KPR a lot. Maybe something changed in last 3 weeks when I wasn't there, but I doubt it.

    People from different nations around KPR fight each other often. If they don't fight each other, it's because some huge British revenge fleet decides to attack a few hunters, and a few nations come to KPR to have a fight with this revenge fleet. Since they came together, they don't fight each other in this case.

    You dont have to take my word for it, just check the combat tab and look at the players who sink each other around Jamaica.

  11. 40 minutes ago, vazco said:

    This would be happening if such players could find each other and be able to have fun meaningful fights.

    How can they not find each other? They are all sitting outside the KPR safe zone waiting to gank some poor Brit who attacks an AI. You cannot tell me that all the hunters from different nations hanging around KPR never see each other. How come there are very few fights between them and majority of the kills announced are either so and so sinks British player or British player kills so and so?

    Its not about meaningful fights that they claim, its about easy kills and PvP marks.

    • Like 3
  12. 26 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Well, but the game already disconnects you after a while of not doing anything, right? Would be really annoying to sit like a mouse in some corner and give a life-sign to the system every now and then just for collecting percentages for the 'survival bonus'. I don't think anyone enjoys this.

    You would be surprised the lengths people will go to if the reward is good enough. I have seen videos of people with multiple instances of the game open at the same time running multiple alts. If there is enough profit in it people will do it.

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  13. 29 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    An idea could be the time while you are in open world is being measured by the 'survival bonus counter' only. So you are on a ship and you expose yourself to certain risk someone comes along and tags you. Just sitting passively in harbor of course is no way to gain percentages for a survival bonus, I agree on that.

    Problem is that there are many quiet areas in the OW where the chances of being tagged are minimal. All you would have to do is sit outside a quiet OW port and if you got tagged then enter port. The only way your idea would work is if everyone was exposed to exactly the same risk and there was no way to avoid it.

  14. Would this not just promote less PvP so there was less risk of getting killed and losing your "survival bonus".

    The problem with trying to replicate real life and mortality is that in the game you can totally avoid risk, people can just log on and do nothing so they pick up the bonuses on alts. In game we are not captains in a navy that gives you orders to go places and engage the enemy, with repercussions if you disobey. Traders do not have to ferry goods round the map as would happen in real life. 

    Personally I think a better system would be a review of battles and a ranking system based on that. A ranking system where you could lose rank as well as gain rank. If your ship gets sunk you face a court martial where the review determines the outcome, if you were ganked 3v1 then you would not be at fault for the loss, if it was the other way round then the review would determine that you lose rank points. If you run from battle the review would determine whether it was a cowardly act or a wise act to save your ship and crew and apply or deduct rank points as necessary. The difficulty would be how to implement such a system where battles were automatically reviewed and rules to determine when rank points were given or deducted. 

    • Like 2
  15. 10 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

    You want to fight 1 vs 5 and you want to win or live, yes you need unlimited repairs, but why not play WOT ?

    I guess the issue is more about when you are forced to fight 5v1 rather than when you choose to fight 1v5.

    I do not know how limited repairs would work out, but at present in a 5v1 they can rotate who gets repaired while constantly wearing you down and even your unlimited repairs cannot keep up.

    • Like 1
  16. 41 minutes ago, Wyy said:

    ohhhh im not sure, take a look in this video from rediii, they kept chaining him even at 30% lol. 

    I was not saying they were right to keep chaining, but that limiting the chain they had would most probably not have made any difference in that battle. The attacker had taken them on 1v2 and must know he had a good chance of beating them or of it started to turn bad he could run.

  17. 2 minutes ago, Otto Kohl said:

    Trade good.

    Fair enough, you have obviously found a better trade item than I was able to. But I would still stand by my original comment that in general terms it is easier to make money from fighting AI in PvE than trading as not everyone can do the same trade you are doing as the items are limited and not everyone runs multiple accounts (although the way the game is going multiple accounts are becoming a necessity).

  18. 8 hours ago, Otto Kohl said:

    No it doesn't. Yesterday I made 70 millions by trading. Time spent for buying stuff and moving it during a week - maybe 2h in total.

    Well you are not trading in trade goods if you can do that. Sure some rare crafting goods and items for books and upgrades can make that much in that time but general trade goods cannot. About the best profit I have seen on general trade goods is around 750k per Indiaman and for that you probably have to sail at least 1 hour to deliver it.

  19. 1 hour ago, Hullabaloo said:

    As soon as chain is expended all these tactical elements are taken out of the engagement. Perhaps, as others have said, it can work with limit to sail repair and/or buff to chain damage. but as it stands I think this has just simplified the tactics and that's bad. Let's test.

    I guess in some ways it could bring in new tactics. How do you know all of their chain is expended, maybe they saved some for later in the battle. So there could still be some tactics involved. With repairs and limited chain, you wouldnt want to use up all your chain at the start of a battle. But as you say lets test it and see how it works out.

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  20. 22 minutes ago, Pada said:

    Yes sure that‘s way we have to test it out first. Right now everything are just speculations.

    In my example however I have no chace in running away. The close tag plus lack of stern chasers sealed my fate to fight it out. But you are right that in most battles the natural first step is to pin the player.

    I agree it should be tested and see how it works out. There have been many opinions in this thread but we will not know who is right till it is tested, sometimes changes work different than expected.

    I was only trying to point out that as you had made the tag to face two other players then you most probably knew you could defeat them or be able to run if things went bad.

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  21. 49 minutes ago, Pada said:

    When I think about it this will actually help the casual players to win some fights against veteran solo players for a change.

    Players love to spam chain. So much that they often lose their numeral advantage by simply getting out damaged.

    In this example the 2 enemy players spammed chain for a long time probably to make sure i can't run away. But in that time I could gain the upper hand.

    Now think about it if they had limited chain they might be more likely to deal some damage. Things might become harder for vets and more interesting for casuals.

    I am not so sure your assessment of this is correct. Ask yourself why players got into the habit of spamming chain and I think you will find that it was to overcome the speed meta. The only chance they have of killing you is if they first ensure you cannot run. If they had started doing serious hull damage to you, then you would probably have run.

    You are correct they may have miscalculated by staying on chain too long without seeing that they were taking too much hull damage, but I do not believe limited chain would have allowed them win this battle. They may have had to start using ball when they ran out of chain, but without destroying your ability to run they would still not win the battle. You probably attacked them knowing that you had a good chance of winning and if it went bad you could escape.

    As someone pointed out earlier, limited chain may make the speed meta more important unless repairs become limited.

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