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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Tutorial, so far in this first iteration, is about combat. I am certain as development progresses we will see tutorial for the other parts of the game.

    This is a unreleased game with parts still under development. Maybe all of you should actually answer him and explain certain things. But easier to forget the obvious ?

    C'mon guys, you are not around for a couple days. And I am certain this is not your first Early Access game as well.

    The thing is the guy never asked a question, he just went to post a bad review on steam. I have seen the same question asked by a person in nation chat and they got plenty of help. Most of the community are very helpful even to the extent of gifting ships to new players and giving them gold.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Yes. Players should read... properly. Somehow I feel it is a problem beyond NA, have seen that same similar comment in other games.

    Tutorial explains how to shoot with the exact controls usage.

    I am certain he wanted to shoot in the OW.

    But that may be the problem, there is no mention in the tutorial that there is a difference between OW and instances.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, Sir Loorkon said:

    I purchased it, too and I do not have a single additional ship- or warehouse slot.


    I started steam again, but nothing changed. Does it take a while until the DLC works or is it a bug?



    have you applied the redeemable?

  4. 10 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    More outposts guys is making the game paytowin because of the massive advantage it gives to the player.

    I agree that outposts may be a bit P2W but with the current low numbers in game there is a desperate need for more outposts. I would not have a problem if this was increased for all players.

    Personally I have purchased the 3 DLC released today, more to support the development of the game than anything else, but as a ship crafter I really need those 10 extra slots as advertised.

    • Like 1
  5. I purchased the DLC admiralty connections and it only gives me 5 additional ship slots.

    My dockspace was already expanded to maximum of 20 and now I can only have 25, is this a bug or a mistake?

    Also additional outposts would have been handy.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, William Death said:

    Must have been some slow frigates or else they weren't trying to run away from you. They should have easily outran you downwind if they wanted to. I don't think any semi-reasonable Xebec build can hit 13km-14kn+ running broad reach or running before the wind. If it can...well that would need to be changed I'd think. Trinc and Endy can both reach those speeds at downwind angles without sail force modifiers.

    But I do tend to agree with you about it being a good troll ship. Tiny upwind boats (Lynx, Privateer, Gunboat, Prince, and Xebec) make great trolling boats...they seem to be frequently used for that purpose too. "Just keep them tagged in battle while we assemble the fleet outside," situations are common uses for them. They'll be fast enough even at their worst point of sail to keep many slower square-rigged ships tagged long enough to serve that purpose. 

    Thats not to say that this is all they are good for: there are plenty of examples where 6th rates beat other 5th rates or larger in PvP, but their trolling/griefing ability seems to be used frequently as well.

    I did some testing tonight and with the wind on the beam I can reach 15.5kts and maintain it till about 15 to 20 degrees into the wind, from wind abeam till running with wind I reached 14.5 kts at 45 deg, 13kn at 30deg, 12.4kn at 20deg, 11.7 at 10deg and 10,4 running with wind, all done using autosail. That is on a teak/WO build with pirate rig, navy hull and copper plating and running art of ship handling and speed trim, with 32lb carronades and carrying 63.9tonnes of repairs and rum in total. So it is possible to achieve speeds to keep most 5th rates in battle if they are not running elite spanish to run with wind.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, DeRuyter said:

    I wouldn't  think that the xebec wouldn't be able to out run those ships going down wind. Maybe at 180 going wing on wing but any other angle greater than 90 xebec should be slower.

    Well I was able to keep up with them and had to actually slow down so i did not get too close running with the wind and if they turned to chase me I just ran close to the wind and was doing 15.5kn and that is in a Teak?white oak build.

  8. The Le Requin is the ultimate troll ship due to her good speed at most points of sail and the strange hitboxes for her sails. 

    In a battle last night I was jumped by a Surprise in the Belize green zone and with the aid of reinforcements defeated him easily, but before the battle ended a Trinc and Endy joined on his side and although more reinforcements joined on my side they were too far away and ineffective. But I was able to keep the 2 fifth rates in battle for as long as I liked by either chasing them when they tried to run and keeping my distance so their stern guns did little damage, or if the chased me I could run upwind at 15.5 kts and pace it so my stern chasers could keep them tagged. If I wanted I could have kept them in battle for the full time unless they had managed to get a lucky hit on my masts and even then I am sure the sail repair would still have let me get away. I noticed too that it is very difficult for them to take your sails out with chain, not sure if this is to do with the positioning of the sail hitboxes.

    I know this has been possible with other ships but the Le Requin is master of doing this.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Wynkyn de Worde said:

    Ok I missed the mines being wiped. But gold and silver ore are not mentioned. Why don't the devs simply tell us the plan? It is because some players with that knowlegde will be at an advantage? What not tell everyone what is going to happen? We are cannon fodder, PVP prey and testers in an Early Release Alpha game right? Well I WILL NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN PARTICIPATE IN AN EARLY RELEASE SCAM. Two years of early release! I am a professional software developer and the most difficult project I have ever worked on was a cash management system for POS - real time updates of terminals, 500K transactions per minute and it took 18 months. This game should be flying missions to Mars by now.

    The Devs have said many times that they have achieved and surpassed what was originally intended for this game. They did this after listening to the players and trying to give them what they want. Yes, I agree they may have made some mistakes by listening and trying to implement some of what players have suggested but when you compare it to a project you have done where you had set goals and well defined outcomes and targets then it bears no resemblance. By your measure they would have released this game a couple of years ago with less than half the ships we now have and no open world play and they would have achieved their initial goals successfully.

    Its an early access game where it is clearly stated that the game may change significantly and the final product may be totally different from what was originally described. You accepted this when you started playing and to tell the truth there have not been as many wipes as I would have expected in such testing.

  10. It appears that when you start a tag in the OW by pressing the "Attack" button, if your mouse pointer remains over the "Attack" button you lose control of your ship and cannot alter course or reduce sails till the mouse pointer is off the "Attack" button or the tag timer runs out and you are in battle or have overshot the tag circle and the tag fails.

  11. 2 hours ago, Palatinose said:

    Out of curiosity: could any historically versed user confirm this?

    I do not know if that was the case historically, but I do know that it is easy to transfer people across if both ships have matched speeds. As part of the lifeboat coxswain certificate we had to match speeds between two lifeboats to transfer an injured person across. I have also done a cargo transfer of 20 tonne lifts from my vessel to a pipelaying barge that was under tow doing 6 knots through the Singapore straits. Modern navy ships also regularly replenish at sea while still maintaining a good speed. So I could easily imaging two sailing ships where the faster one comes alongside matches speed and grapples, once they are grappled together they will both be at same speed and boarding is not dependent on what speed they are doing.

    • Like 1
  12. 32 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Yea so I can magically grow back masts several times in battle, repair my ship like new, revive dead crew members with rum....but yea boarding a demasted ship is unrealistic..


    I do not see the relationship between having masts and being boarded. In game the only difference having masts and sails makes is that you can keep your speed above the 3.5kts required to board. In reality boarding could probably have been done at higher speeds as long as the relative speeds were similar. But having no masts does not make the defender less determined and in fact would probably free up more crew to defend against boarding as they would not need to tend sails, assuming of course that they did not lose too many crew in the demasting.

    If you have demasted a ship you should have plenty of time to decrew him to make DD ineffective.

  13. I thought the next patch was going to help reduce the need for additional warehouse space by removing all the intermediate craft items.

  14. 23 minutes ago, admin said:

    Prolific forger will also provide name change opportunity starting from the next patch.

    Please show the name history with a name change so people cannot just do something bad to fellow players and then hide behind a name change. Make it so that info still shows previous names.

    • Like 7
  15. 22 minutes ago, Louis Garneray said:

    The story is a little different.

    Amiral Lou and Orient got attacked in the British green zone.

    The battle was underway when they called for help I think they were at 5v2. So we came. And between the time of the call and when we arrived some more Brits entered the battle (they were 7 when we entered). Orient died by the time we were able to get close in the fight. So we were 7 vs 4 with Amiral Lou's Bellona in bad shape. And then after that 6 more came.

    I think the main difference between their group and our was the discipline of command (Aster was commanding) and we tried to focus our fire as much as possible.

    It kind of sound easy just by saying it but we had a few close call.

    But I take it you all came together to the green zone looking for a fight? Its not as if you mobilized at short notice from the nearest French port when they called for help.

    You are correct in the discipline of command, in many of the fights I experienced in the green zone as coastguard too many of the defenders rely on sheer weight of numbers and once one of the attackers gets badly wounded and is unable to escape they all descend like a pack of dogs to get their shots in to get the assist and in the process ignore the other enemy, crash into each other and hand out friendly fire liberally all for the possibility of getting maybe 1 pvp mark.

    When a good group gathers for the coastguard the result is usually that the attackers run or get totally wrecked. But even in the case where they get wrecked it would not be worth posting a screenshot as a good battle as it would show something like 20 vs 4 which would be nothing to boast about.

    But its good to hear the story from your side.

  16. 4 hours ago, Lars Kjaer said:

    Let tow to port go to the nation capital and removing the current use of the mechanic..

    And for the cartoon nations just remove the tow to port.. Should be hardcore anyway..

    That would be a major exploit, as most trade goods sell well in nations capitals you could load up anywhere in OW and safely transport goods to capital.

    • Like 1
  17. 57 minutes ago, Liq said:

    On steam release we didnt have any kind of safe zone,

    That is not entirely correct, you had reinforcement zones around every one of your nations ports where as long as you were within a certain range of your nations port you could call reinforcements that matched what the attacker had. If I remember correctly this was removed due to player complaints about having to fight AI if they attacked someone, but also because it was being abused to generate AI fleets to attack and get loot and xp from. So you could also say that we had a full server when there were more wide spread reinforcement zones in the game.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Ink said:

    Captains, please capture a video or provide some clear screenshots with the problem

    The problem is you would basically have to be recording all the time to get this evidence. Is it not possible to set up a test with people with wildly different ping to see if the problem can be recreated.

    I can see what people say regarding differing positions for ships in OW but surely if the positions are so out of sync that the tag does not become available till 50% inside the tag circle then the distance when they appear in the instance will be the same as if they were at maximum tag range rather than at a range that matches the relative positions when the tag completes i.e. When the tag completed I was in the instance at a distance I would have expected to be rather than at extreme range.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Moved to a more "supportive" place.

    Please record video of the situation.

    As I said a video would not have provided any further evidence to the facts that I have stated here. Most people do not continuously record their gameplay, so expecting video fottage before people will even start to believe what you say is just a cop out to avoid investigating possible issues.

    Thankyou for moving the thread to a more appropriate area and can you please remove any posts referring to a player by name as it was not my intention to accuse any player without proof, but to bring to the attention of the Devs a possible problem. I do not know if what happened is possible to manipulate but the occurrence was strange enough to me that I felt I should raise it as an issue.

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