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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 20 minutes ago, Liq said:

    To me this sounds like the broken part

    Dont like the spawn options in reinforcment zones.

    Those are the RoE for the green zone, you dont like them then do not play in the green zone. The issue I am raising is that the RoE for engaging is that I should be able to commence the tag once I reach the outer circle of the target, the fact that I could not till well within the circle is where I have issue. This may be as some say due to ping/packet loss or OW speed compression, but I am just raising the point that it seems awfully suspicious to have it happen with the same person when different people try to tag him. I am a firm believer in the saying that there is no smoke without fire. Maybe eventually when there are enough reports they may look into it.

  2. 14 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    It's no cheating. Packet loss + bad ping + ping difference + OW time compression do the trick. 

    Easiest fix would be reduction of OW time compression, but not many are up to that. So we have to accept sometimes those weird stuff.

    I am not computer savvy with regards to ping and connections etc, but can packet loss be manipulated, could someone have the ability to disrupt packets to create such an issue? I have experienced being able to initiate the tag before reaching the circle and sometimes after entering the circle which would be the 1 or 2 seconds down to ping, but I have never experienced before being half way inside the tag circle before being able to tag and I must assume that would require such a huge ping difference that the game would be unplayable for one of the players. The fact that this has also being reported several times with the same player makes it suspicious enough to me that I felt it should be reported.

    All I can say is that if it had happened to you, then you too would be suspicious.

  3. Just now, Banished Privateer said:

    Consider that OW speeds are like 30-40x higher than battle speeds making the delay between ships much more noticable. We are not talking about the number 15 / 30, don't forget that travelled distance in OW is much higher due to scaled world. 

    The increased OW speed does not have much relevance here, two almost identical ships travelling in same direction at full sail with no course alteration, the number of seconds it takes to go from the edge of the tag circle to 50% into it is not just 1 or 2 seconds, in fact it was probably even longer than 15 seconds before the attack button became available, this cannot be just due to a ping difference that would cause a 1 or 2 second delay.

    I do not understand why you keep trying to rationalize it away by saying it is a ping/connection issue. I noticed something strange and have reported it to the Devs in case it is a flaw or weakness in the game, what they decide to do with the information is up to them.

  4. 1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

    The issues with a certain player can occur because he has high ping / bad connection. This was discussed with the Devs already, it's a sync problem. 

    Players ---> Server ---> You so it's pretty much your enemy player delay/ping + yours combined + server processing times. I believe this can result even in 1-2 seconds delays/lags. Is it a game issue? Yes, for sure. Should be in the Support section.

    Its just strange that this has been reported a few times with the same player. I play with quite a low ping of around 38, if the other player had a high ping surely it would affect them in battle too with mistiming of their shots etc. It is amazing that it corrects itself when in battle and his high ping disappears. And you are not talking about 1-2 second delays here, we were two almost identical ships on the same course both with full sails and I could not initiate the tag till I was 50% of the way inside the tag circle, that must have taken at least 15 seconds and then the attack button flashes rapidly for several seconds before being able to tag. It is just too coincidental as well that the only chance he had in the battle was to get me in a 1v1 and that was only going to happen outside the green zone and amazingly the timer runs out just as we drop out of the zone. 

    Again I say it is all very well dismissing it as a ping/connection issue, but I still think it is in their interest to look into ways that people could possibly be manipulating the game.

  5. 1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Coincidence + Server Lag/Delay. The case can be dismissed. Tribunals always need to mention names, Accuser and the accused player + best video or screenshots evidence.

    I may have posted in the wrong section, I am not looking for someone to be punished, I am trying to alert the Devs to a possible issue in the game. There have been many reports of the same thing happening with the same player, I have no proof and that is why I do not mention names. We are testers in a game that is in alpha stage and as such it is our duty to bring possible issues to the attention of the Devs. There are many things that people say cannot happen that eventually are proved can happen and all reports of such instances can only help in eventually discovering if there are any flaws that can be exploited. 

    So maybe its not a tribunal issue but rather a flaw or vulnerability in the game, but as there is no specific section for that I thought best post it here. And who are you to say whether this should be investigated or not? You had nothing to do with the incident so you should not even be posting here according to the forum rules. I have related the facts as I saw them and it is up to the Devs to decide if they wish to look further into any possible issues.

  6. I know this will probably be dismissed due to lack of video or other substantiating information, but I would urge the Devs to look into any ways that people may be able to manipulate the game to their advantage. I will not mention names as I do not have evidence but needless to say I have heard similar reports and warnings about the same person, which is why I cannot put this down to a one off game glitch or timing mismatch.

    After getting the kills twice on a particular raider in the green zone around KPR yesterday I had information that the person had been seen heading that way again, so a few of us gathered to intercept him. He was duly sighted and we gave chase, I was in a fast ship that I knew could match his speed and the others in the group were in heavier ships. He was still within the green zone when I reached the edge of the tag circle but the Attack button still remained greyed out, I was half way between the edge of the outer circle and target and the attack was still not available and then started flashing on and off rapidly as if I was just in range. Immediately the attack button was able to be clicked I initiated the tag and the target also initiated a counter tag. This so far could be put down to a lag issue apart from the fact that many have reported the same issue with the same player, but the other thing that happened that makes it even more suspicious is that the tag counter ran out literally the second we left the green zone. Now that may be a coincidence but its a very strange one considering the circumstances and the difficulty in timing such an operation. Had the tag happened inside the zone then the rest of the team could have joined positionally to trap the person rather than miles away and chasing.

    All I ask is that you look at possible ways that this could be achieved and not just dismiss it outright due to lack of evidence as a video would only show exactly what I have described here and provide no other detail.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Liq said:

    Rewards could be an extra title in game or paints

    Warthunder had special decals you could paint your plane with for the tournament winners

    Something that makes players want to participate but doesnt give stat boni. Id hate to see a 5% speed module as reward for the winners.

    This is exactly what I mean. Players should be rewarded for their skill but it should not be with something that gives them an added advantage. Special paints, flags, sails, titles etc should be sufficient incentive for people to take part.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Roronoa said:

    Why are some people against it? If you dont want it, dont be a part of it.

    And as @z4ys said:

    Let us have some fun :D

    I'm not against it, its just the rewards that are being offered for very rare ships and OP modules make the gap between the average player and elite player even bigger. If it was just a reward of paint or other cosmetic item I would have no issue. The more the game caters to the elite the more they alienate the average player to a point where they will not even bother to compete.

    All we ever seem to hear about now regarding new ships is that they will be super rare or premium content. Now I can accept to a degree premium content as the work to put this content in the game has to be paid for, but only giving rare items to elite players which gives them a further advantage in game is not right. To use the football analogy, the winners of the world cup do not get as a reward some super rare set of football shoes that makes them play better, no they get a cup and the winners medal which gives them no on pitch advantage in their next match apart from maybe self induced fear their opponents may have that they are facing champions.

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  9. The biggest problem is that once you have finished grinding all the slots on all the ships and you still have not gotten all the drops required for the best skillbooks it gets very disheartening to carry on grinding just for the chance of getting that rare drop. I have now eventually managed to complete the rare skill books, but that was only because I traded for some that just would not drop for me, yet others I get multiple drops. (6 drops of Table of parts of ships of war, but no means of directing fire or L'Horizon Balistique)

  10. 3 minutes ago, HachiRoku said:

    Then propose something better. 

    All I am pointing out is the more rare and OP items you give to the elite the more you alienate the rest of the playerbase. I am not saying they should just give away items to everyone, but there should be different routes to obtain such rare items not only the same group of hardcore elite players getting it every time. I have no issue with them having tournaments and other such content, but it is the giveaways of super rare items and OP mods to the same group all the time that gets me. (and dont worry I know the response from the super elite will be "git gud").

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Don't know either, except that best chances is 4th rates and strong ( this is confirmed ), but my attempts at it show to me that the results were, by sheer chance, better overall.

    Best chances are Epic Events. You are definitely facing terrific odds.

    That should be a clue ?

    Equating OW AI fleets difficulty to Epic Mission difficulty is not correct as they are completely different content, same a saying entering a fleet mission solo would give greater drops because of the huge BR difference, the fleet mission would still not give greater drops because it is not programmed to give rare drops.

    Can you point me to where it is confirmed that 4th rates and stronger give better chances? Not to disparage your attempts, but you are known for not doing PvE so your random sampling results is questionable at best and not much reliance can be placed on the results. I remember after one of the changes regarding drops and skill books a while back (before green zones) I did a couple of AI fleets in OW and on each I got a copper plating drop, I thought that copper plating was common because of this and installed them on trader brigs, I did not get another copper plating drop for several months after that.

  12. 4 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    i used Naval action Wiki to clac BRs

    the pavel + 3rd rate = 750 BR

    Consti + Essex + Belle Poule + Reno + Privateer  + Privateer = 955 BR

    Maybe the amount of ships although count?

    Number of ships will of course increase the drop chances same as having more tickets in a lottery, but I am still not convinced that you get a better drop rate for facing greater odds (epic missions aside) and I am still not convinced that OW fleets outside the green zone give better drops than inside it (although I think they should). I did a lot of grinding of OW fleets in Belize green zone before the change in RoE and always open battles, but changed to a quiet port outside the green zone when they changed and I have not seen much difference in the drop rates or the rarity of the drops increasing.

  13. 2 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Can you give BR examples?

    I am not sure of BR values especially recently since you do not see the BR value of the fleet in OW, but I have taken a Bellona out against 2 or 3 large vessels, so a Bellona against a Pavel and 1 or 2 third rates. Or I have taken a Bellona out against 4 mediums and 2 or 3 small, with the mediums being Constitutions, Essex, Belle Poule etc. and the small being Cutter, privateer, snow etc. I guess you could work out the BR from that.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    As a test , to attacks on OW AI fleets with Trinc and Indefatigable, against the odds 1:2 and 1:3, 4th rate fleets [ Constitutions with belles and renos in fleet] dropped 2 encyclopedia parts books plus a mix of everything else.

    - Table of Parts of Ships of War

    - Notes on Best rudder angles

    Sorry to say, but I seldom do not pve but as a sample:

    - attacked 4th rate fleet

    - attacked much stronger BR AI fleet

    - rewards were really according to the challenge


    In truth, everytime I went overpowered against the AI the rewards were meager.

    I do not think that is strictly true, although I would like the Devs to confirm. From what I have seen it makes little difference, some of the best drops I have had have come from cutters or privateers that have been in fleet with larger vessels, while the larger vessels in same fleet only drop rum or cannons. It appears to be completely random RNG as to what drops you get rather than their strength relative to you.

    I have taken a 3rd rate against 2 2nd rates and come out with no books at all, only rum and cannons or maybe repairs, yet I take the same 3rd rate out against a fleet of 6 or 7 mixed 4th, 5th and 6th rates and I get lots of books, although most are basic worthless books.

    I have ground all slots on 1st, 2nd and 3rd rates, purely on OW AI fleets as well as most 4th rates and some others, so I have a good idea what the drops are like and majority of the time I try to go against higher BR just to keep it interesting and to introduce some risk.

  15. 23 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Missions + OW AI in reinforcements zones have very high chance of basic upgrades while OW AI outside the zone have high chances on rare stuff

    There is still a very high chance of basic upgrades from OW AI fleets outside the green zone. In fact I have noticed very little change in the drop rate of rare books from doing OW AI fleets in green zone to doing them outside the green zone (and I have done a lot in both areas).

  16. 4 hours ago, Lovec1990 said:

    I like this idea 1st rate should be a flagship and pride of navy they could be limited 3 per nation plus it would be way more awsome if nations could only craft national ship like GB only victory and french only Locean.

    3rd rates should be common SOL while 2nd rate should be rare

    That would only work if all nations 1st rates were balanced, so they would all be the same ship but just different names, which would take away the historical context.

    Regarding some of the other suggestions to limit 1st rates e.g. like limiting them to 1 per player or only allow a player build one a week or even give the players one a month, these suggestions will only make it more necessary to have alts to gain the advantage.

  17. 16 hours ago, AeRoTR said:

    Why not spawn a wreck independent of a bottle, reveal position on map, message to players, ship wreck sighted ne of la navasse. This is pvp generating content. 

    Is this not what the treasure fleet events are? They are announced and a location appears on the map and people rush to get the loot. I don't think it generates that much PvP and especially if you could part loot a wreck, as people would just use a very fast ship and take all the skill books and light stuff from the wrecks and be gone before anyone could catch them. It would become a lottery as to how close they spawned to where you had a fast ship.

  18. To be honest the current crafting is not that bad apart of the amount of space needed for all the different woods and components and the fact that you always end up with bits left over. You can use up your labour hours in a couple of minutes each day and go do something else. Even if you had 10 times the LH you have now it is still no more than a few minutes to use them for crafting.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    - Personally I think the reinforcements should stay as is, I made my peace with the zones, should mirror the enemy ships. Rate by rate, gun by gun, perk by perk, module by module. The models that can't be captured, can't, must be sunk.

    If they make the change to RoE that they mentioned, that battle only stays open for nation whose green zone it is, then the need for owerpowered AI is reduced as own nation can also assist.

    But just wait for the uproar when this change is introduced, from the people who like to gank new players in the green zone. 

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