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Everything posted by Gentry

  1. Eve handles it by actually using lots of different servers. But they make it look just like one server, which isn't true. They use a single database though. When you jump through to another system, that loading screen is you connecting to another server.
  2. I can't stand this faux pirate speak that some people insist on using.
  3. Its been a good read, though I'm slightly concerned at the idea that the meta is foolproof. Nothing really is. Maybe its because I've come from Eve where a doctrine's success is often down to its simplicity and accessibility. There are many 'elite groups' in Eve, but they only seem to have a local or immediate significance. Where if you can get a body of average players drilled into a simple but mostly effective doctrine lead someone who knows exactly what they're doing - then you will emerge victorious over an enemy fleet of duelists more times than not. I wouldn't be surprised is the most effective meta for group v group emerges in OW simply to be the side who can follow simple instructions the closest, stay in formation behind the fleet commander and simply exchange broadsides with DPS improving mods and officers. This is all conjecture and musing on my behalf though. I did just have some duels with someone from your group, who told me to read this guide and he did solidly beat me every single time so I don't dispute that all this is very useful stuff to learn.
  4. On top of that, I think the enemy should remain 'nameless' until you somehow learn the flags of particular enemies through some ingame mechanic in the OW. Perhaps dependent on how educated your captain is on enemy insignia or from past battles.
  5. I've played Eve Online for eight years and this idea, or anything like it, would never float in that game either.
  6. Perhaps a little overly complicated in my opinion. An overall timber quality rating for when constructing should suffice.
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