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Council of French Clans


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Greetings to all of France.

Salutations à toute la France.

SLMFr is making all call for all clans wishing to partake in international politics on PvP1

After the most recent dialog and diplomacy attempt with the US a council of leading clans should be arranged. This council would be able to call for meetings and send a single delegation to other batons to work out diplomatic matters.

The days of each clan working independently should has only proven to create a weakness. We have tried to work together before, but we are no longer Frankish tribes, we are a nation of liberty and the bringers of Freedom.

All clans will to participate please post a desired time for a TS meeting. I'm available 1200-2300GMT. I live on east coast of the US, but will wake to help us all organize. I personally request the following clans partake EDR, SLMFr, MRF, MFL. Any other clan please make your voice known.

Victoire de la France

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