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Naval Training Academy

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Apologies if this suggestion has already been submitted. I would like to suggest to the developers that a sea trials like arena called something in the order of, "Naval Training Academy", be made available for new players to the game. This would be an arena where the player could learn to gauge distance and accuracy by the firing of cannon, and to learn how to sail using manual sails.


I learned how to sail using manual sails from watching YouTube video's. I could only practice by first sinking the bot or player, and then had to remain in that battle environment to practice using manual sails. The problem at this point was that my sails were in some form of tatters from the battle, and I also received hull, rudder damage to the degree that it affected the normal sailing dynamic of the ship. 


If the new player was given the opportunity to practice the sailing of a two masted ship so that they could first learn how to 1). Aim and fire cannon with some degree of accuracy using all of the available loads, and 2). Be able to practice sailing using manual sails, then I believe the experience for the beginning player would be more rewarding once they started the game as a pledged member of the nation (or no nation) of their choice.

Edited by Captiva
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Young hit the nail on the head.


Works when you first start to get the hang of the differening modes and cannon type, works later to learn manual sailing.


If you really get hung up on the manual sailing go on your national chat and ask someone to show you the ropes. They can attack a ship larger than themselves and have you join. Once the battle is over you have plenty of time and a coach to walk you through it.

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Thanks for the suggestions, they are very helpful! I was thinking more of having a dedicated training ground, within the game, that the player would be directed to from the game manual. From within the manual would be written instructions and graphical illustrations on how to best aim and fire cannon and how to use manual sails. While your suggestions are a solution, the new player would have to figure this out on his own or learn it from existing players. In real life you wouldn't send a ships captain out to sea to learn how to sail and battle by trial and error, so this might add a little realism to the learning process. I just thought it would be nice for the new player to have a dedicated area within the game to be "shown the ropes". Thanks!

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