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>>>v1.6 Feedback<<< (Latest version: Optx5)

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8 hours ago, Panzergraf said:

So were Gas Turbines removed from the campaigns, or is this some kind of bug?

Not a bug, just a coin toss... Sometimes they're available, sometimes not... I've noticed similar non availables (though not as frequently) with Modern Armour II too.

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Thoughts on giving us admirals the ability to just declare war/sue for peace immediately?

maybe adjust fleet tensions to only occur when there is a BB/BC/CA near another nations port/waters. And never occur when my ships are in a home port.  This could then also be used by the user to immediately start a war when we want to.

AI torpedo accuracy seems like it could use a nerf? They hit much more shots than I do, even using "save" on torps.

Thank you for your continued development of the game.



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 Uploaded optimized version including:
- Optimizations on AI making it more efficient and saving fps performance. 
- Reduced cost of ship maintenance, repair, and ammo replenishment in campaign. This change should give more flexibility in funds for both player and AI.
- Increased the armor damage threshold (the amount of penetration power needed to trigger a partial pen). Ships that are heavily armored will be more durable on average.
- Fine tuning in accuracy factors, increasing the overall efficiency in aiming and gun accuracy.
- Reduced smoke screen effects on accuracy  and duration. 
- An extra fix for the memory leak in campaign that can cause ships to freeze aiming and moving. Thank you for the continuous reports on this.
- Optimization in Ship Constructor, reducing the calculations per second that could cause unnecessary lag.
- Auto-Design further optimization to be faster and more efficient.
You must restart Steam to receive the update

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24 minutes ago, Zuikaku said:

@Nick Thomadis Sorry for asking but if new hulls are added do we have to start a new campaign for them to be available?

Whenever we add new hulls, probably it will need a new save, because, when we add new gun models, replacing older,  then older hulls can break because the new gun models occupy different space or because gun caliber mechanics, which are affected by the actual size of the gun model, will affect costs and weights, causing a ship to either become overweight or lose weight and affect stability and other factors.

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@Nick Thomadis
Is it possible to fix issues with minor ships?
Any minor nation has 0 crew pool and 0 ship repairs capacity, so:
1) when a minor's vessel is damaged  it gets no repairs and remains stuck in th port. Opening saves in JSON  I've seen even minor's ships with 100% repairs integrity  yet their status never changes from "4" ("repairing") to 1 ("ready").
2) when you sell a mothballed ship to a minor ally - it just remains mothballed and never gets commissioned.

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29 minutes ago, vscoof said:

@Nick Thomadis
Is it possible to fix issues with minor ships?
Any minor nation has 0 crew pool and 0 ship repairs capacity, so:
1) when a minor's vessel is damaged  it gets no repairs and remains stuck in th port. Opening saves in JSON  I've seen even minor's ships with 100% repairs integrity  yet their status never changes from "4" ("repairing") to 1 ("ready").
2) when you sell a mothballed ship to a minor ally - it just remains mothballed and never gets commissioned.

We will check. It should not happen. Do you play the latest version of the game unmodded?

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9 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

We will check. It should not happen. Do you play the latest version of the game unmodded?

Can you also check weight balance of japanese torpedo cruiser hull. It is bow heavy case.

Why was fog of war switched off? Now all ships are known and indentified since the start of the battle.

Edited by Zuikaku
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Weight balance for British BC VI is kinda sus

Like I get it's probably going to be front-heavy, but "perfectly balanced with no guns on the bow" front-heavy? How is the center of mass further forward than the funnel (which is supposedly where the engine sits? Although I don't see the red rectangle on the ship scheme anymore) and the front end of main belt is beyond me

Edited by Abuse_Claws
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12 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

Can you also check weight balance of japanese torpedo cruiser hull. It is bow heavy case.

Why was fog of war switched off? Now all ships are known and indentified since the start of the battle.

I believe the identification mechanic was removed to help performance, there was a noticeable drop in frame rate when you moused over ships as their info loaded. I think it is now pre loaded & the game does play much more smoothly. The devs originally planned to have a whole intelligence type mechanic and identification was part of that but that whole idea was scrapped, so it didn’t serve much of a purpose going forward.

Given that it is gone it would be nice to have an ingame copy of Jane’s Fighting Ships so you know what the AI is building

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14 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

Why was fog of war switched off? Now all ships are known and indentified since the start of the battle.

There's this real hi-tech piece of kit that gave sailors the ability to identify an opposing vessel and figure its capabilities, in real time... Only needed a few crude sightings and a couple of minutes of head-scratching... So... unless the weather really was... foggy... chances were you'd have positive I.D. on a target long before entering engagement range...



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Torpedo range is launch range in the game and not torpedo range at all. Torpedo with declared 0,9km range csn be launched at ships from the distance of 0,9km but ,if miss, it will run several time that distance. So, torpedo with declared range of 0,9 will travel 3-5km and 0,9km is only maximum launch distance to target.

Why is this not adressed yet? 


Edited by Zuikaku
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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.6 Feedback<<< (Latest version: Optx2)

Uploaded optimized x2 version including:
- Ongoing fix for the rare memory leak of campaign. Thank you again for your continuous reports on this. It might need one more thing to fix it, if we receive new reports.
- Fixed an issue with ships of minor allies not repairing and being used on fleets.
- Improvement on the hull design mechanics making the adjustment of displacement affecting the hull stats directly. For example, you will reduce the displacement of the ship and parts will play a bigger role in affecting the ship's targeting signature. Maneuverability of the ship and its hull structure strength will be also affected dramatically according to minimum/maximum tonnage settings. Damage model and ship maneuverability aspects got balanced after this new functionality.
- Bad weather probability reduced.
You must restart Steam to receive the update

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Some levels of the “Advanced Battlecruiser Design” description does not explain what the tech does in a concrete way. No displacement or armament changes are listed, the description instead says that battlecruisers are “larger and more powerful.” Is this intentional? Does this technology have any effect at all and if so, should it be listed?

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7 hours ago, xPorkulusx said:

Some levels of the “Advanced Battlecruiser Design” description does not explain what the tech does in a concrete way. No displacement or armament changes are listed, the description instead says that battlecruisers are “larger and more powerful.” Is this intentional? Does this technology have any effect at all and if so, should it be listed?

Depends on the nation you play as. Some have new hulls you unlock with that tech, others don't. (hopefully those nations will have new hulls in 1.7 to fill in these gaps?)

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7 hours ago, Panzergraf said:

Depends on the nation you play as. Some have new hulls you unlock with that tech, others don't. (hopefully those nations will have new hulls in 1.7 to fill in these gaps?)

So the tech does nothing at all for those nations? Why even have it there if there is nothing to unlock?

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35 minutes ago, xPorkulusx said:

So the tech does nothing at all for those nations? Why even have it there if there is nothing to unlock?

because all nations share the same tech tree. there is no individual techs for individual countries.

in my private extensive mod, I have moved all hulls in to their own "tree" (dd/tb , cl, ca, bc, bb) and the "hull strength" is only just that, different hull bonuses.
I have then made so that any country always unlocks a hull in the different hull techs every time. Not historically correct, but that is to no concern for me

Edited by MDHansen
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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.6 Feedback<<< (Latest version:

Fix of the bug that caused ships to freeze aiming and movement due to a code exception (very old bug) caused in campaign rarely when players saved a refit design which involved a change of guns and those ships participated in a battle the same turn.

Good fix, I just encountered this bug recently. Luckily I was able to fix it by restarting the game, but good to know this should be resolved now. 

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Can we, please just have an option to turn autotargeting off? In more than one occasion I just got fire solution and started scoring hits on wanted enemy ship ,only to discover moment later that my ship(s) have just decided on their own to target something else completely ruining any advantage I had.

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2 hours ago, Zuikaku said:

Can we, please just have an option to turn autotargeting off? 

Pretty much this. I know we are the admiral, and not the gunnery officer, but still. Asimple autotargeting on/off.

Edited by MDHansen
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1 hour ago, Zuikaku said:

In more than one occasion I just got fire solution and started scoring hits on wanted enemy ship ,only to discover moment later that my ship(s) have just decided on their own to target something else completely ruining any advantage I had.

Ohhhhhhhh I got that beat... check this out...

Near identical situation, having to be very hands on re targetting. It's taken an age to move a squadron of CL's into prime position for a torp attack at a very tempting opposing cluster of CA's, CL's and DD's... I must have had a bit of tunnel vision, missing that a DD screen had started moving up, on the inside of my CL's, and right at the optimum moment to fire, auto-targetting over-rides, switching to a cluster of opposing DD's broad on the beam. Cue a spread of over 80 torps, launched right into the Khyber Pass of my DD screen, at near point blank range... No time to react, and of course, the active torp avoidance did what it does, i.e. move DD's that would have missed this clusterfuq straight into the torps path, because... why not, right?


Yet another demo of A.I. priorities... Artificial it might be, Intelligent however, not so much...

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