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[Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v2.3.3 for UAD


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Ok so I've got another weird thing I've run into involving armor blocking shots it has no business blocking.

I have pretty conclusive evidence that the calculation for armor defeating shells is bugged and shells that should easily penetrate, either partially pen or are completely blocked.

See the below screenshots. I am engaging a french BC with a 6" armor belt and 2" citadel inner belt from a distance of ~6.7km with a 13" gun firing an AP round with THIRTY SIX INCHES OF PEN at 7.5km or over 500m further than the engagement distance. I could understand ricochets and partial pens given the slight angle, but the fact that I have roughly SIX times the necessary penetrating power to go through the main belt means there should be no way the shell is straight up BLOCKED.


49 blocked shots most of those being 13" rounds


36.4" pen @ 7.5km the engagement is currently 6.7km how does 6" of belt armor block that??


avg ricochet angle, a listed pen for side of 26.6" (idk why so low when it should be about 10" higher, so I'm assuming that's the normalized pen value for the angle of the shot)

Am I crazy or do these numbers just not add up?


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5 hours ago, MDHansen said:

pathfinding is not something we can change or alter per now. We can do some tweaks in the files we have access to, but the actual pathfinding is sadly out of our reach

good to know it's not a mod issue, just that the monkeys paw has curled once more when it comes to this games updates and ships seem to be drunk driving

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13 hours ago, halofanjames said:

I feel like this is a no but I want to ask so nick doesn't say "if you're using mods it's not a bug we can fix" does this mod in any way affect pathfinding

If you are referring to how the ships in a division are being a bit odd then that is not something I directly altered. However the mod does reduce acceleration and deceleration so formations being wonky is more apparent. I’m looking into a fix :)

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On 3/26/2024 at 7:53 PM, Halsey said:

Ok so I've got another weird thing I've run into involving armor blocking shots it has no business blocking.

I have pretty conclusive evidence that the calculation for armor defeating shells is bugged and shells that should easily penetrate, either partially pen or are completely blocked.

See the below screenshots. I am engaging a french BC with a 6" armor belt and 2" citadel inner belt from a distance of ~6.7km with a 13" gun firing an AP round with THIRTY SIX INCHES OF PEN at 7.5km or over 500m further than the engagement distance. I could understand ricochets and partial pens given the slight angle, but the fact that I have roughly SIX times the necessary penetrating power to go through the main belt means there should be no way the shell is straight up BLOCKED.


49 blocked shots most of those being 13" rounds


36.4" pen @ 7.5km the engagement is currently 6.7km how does 6" of belt armor block that??


avg ricochet angle, a listed pen for side of 26.6" (idk why so low when it should be about 10" higher, so I'm assuming that's the normalized pen value for the angle of the shot)

Am I crazy or do these numbers just not add up?


Just ruling things out.  Are you 100% certain you have under Options (gear icon in corner) >> General you have the slider for armor quality matched to the armor quality that the enemy is using?  If not, match the slider to it and take another look.

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45 minutes ago, Suribachi said:

Just ruling things out.  Are you 100% certain you have under Options (gear icon in corner) >> General you have the slider for armor quality matched to the armor quality that the enemy is using?  If not, match the slider to it and take another look.

So I just figured out that the armor quality slider is for your gun penetration data. So no I can't say that I had it set correctly.  However, in a current testing battle I noticed even with the armor quality set to the setting the numbers don't add up and I get blocks at point blank range where I'm almost certain you shouldn't.


First off here is my target's armorimage.thumb.jpeg.4807e431c63b59cbaeb2a0f277569373.jpeg


Pen Calc with AQ


Gun Data with AQ





Target damage WITH Armor Quality image.thumb.jpeg.235582525f26fd6c6c78c81b04965e49.jpeg


Target Damage WITHOUT Armor Quality




So two things jump out me (aside from the fact that I'm as close to ideal angle and range to target and still having almost 50% shots blocked)

First is that with armor quality on the penetration data is too high as it says my guns penetrate 60" of side armor but when you look at my gun data it says for that range I should only penetrate only ~30" of armor.

Secondly, the damage table doubles the armor thickness without the armor quality enabled.  

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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.9.0 for UAD

New update to 1.9.0 mostly for compatibility with but I also tweaked the formation system to make them less drunk, reduced the prices of the targeting control towers, and reversed the torpedo damage reduction on transports and destroyers (they now take extra damage).

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@Halsey Looking into the game's penetration model for too long will lead to madness. However as someone who has done exactly that there are a couple of things that could be happening here (neither of which are mod related):

Deck skipping - this is when you get a close range hit but it hits the deck and does not ricochet - deck pen at close ranges is terrible so it gets blocked

Pen overflow - this is when the pen is so much larger than the overpen threshold (which is x3 in DIP) it goes around again and becomes blocked.

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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.9.1 for UAD Opt x1
  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.10.0 for UAD Opt x2

New version 1.10.0 brings Opt x2 compatibility and:

Lowered the threshold that the Ai will (supposedly) stop ordering ships to 90% of their total shipyard capacity (previously this was 125%).
Lowered battle avoidance threshold.
Lowered the AI risk factor to make them fight more aggressively.

I'm aware identification now seems really slow, I don't know why as I haven't changed anything to do with that (I'm not even sure I can)

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hello i just dowloaded the mod . ive done the game maj and then i aply the mod but when i buy ship its like it cost nothing... 

im only paying building cost and maintenance...

if i have 100M of money and i buy for 500M of ship i still have 100M

how to fix this plz ?

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Posted (edited)

Once you’ve saved your design you’ll need to order ships from the ship design screen. This will spread the build cost out over the time to build the ships. So for example if you have a $500m design and it takes 30 months to build you’ll be paying $16.67m per month per ship ordered. This comes out of your monthly balance. Your naval funds will only go down if you have a negative balance or you get an event that uses them.

Edited by brothermunro
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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.11.0 for UAD Opt x3

New update to bring Opt x3 compatibility. In addition:

Made some changes inspired by NAR v8 (thanks @o Barão !) to improve aiming.
Changes to formations to make them less slightly less wonky.
Increased AI aggression (hopefully).
Tried to fix prop shaft 4&5 and oil 3 not showing up in the campaign (will NOT fix this for campaigns that already have the issue unfortunately).

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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.11.1 for UAD Opt x4
  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.12.0 for UAD

New update for Includes some minor changes. Moved the ca_4_blucher 'Large Armored Cruiser' hull to become obsolete in 1935 with the 21,000 ton CA cruiser tech so that you can build max sized versions of this ship in the campaign.
Added a recon boost to the starting tech to adjust the rate of identification of enemy ships. This is currently very fast so I'm looking for feedback on how fast or slow players would like identification to be.

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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.12.1 for UAD Opt x1

Yes and no. It’s a problem in the vanilla game as well but because DIP ships don’t have crazy high deceleration it makes it more visible/worse. I’ve done what I can to make it not as bad; increasing the spacing, making the max division size only four ships etc.

If it really bothers you disband all divisions and make substitute ones using the follow command - this enforces the ship’s maximum speeds and you won’t get ships running into each other

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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.12.2 for UAD
  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.12.3 for UAD Opt x1

Another compatibility update. In addition I've adjusted the transport factor to account for the changes in which, whilst unchanged, were suddenly ten times too big. If you've noticed strange economic effects in DIP 1.12.2 that is why!

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Got some odd goings on.... just updated the game, and the improvement project mod and the latest ship pack - after doing a file refresh on the game. First campaign battle and both mine and the enemy ships keep stopping. I can get mine going again if I take them off AI and issue a command, but if I put them back on AI and do time advance they come to a halt again.


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  • brothermunro changed the title to [Mod] The Dreadnought Improvement Project v1.12.4 for UAD Opt x2

There have been a lot of updates! Here's another, mostly just for compatibility, but also lowered the transport loss penalty. As with many things transport related it got messed up with @RattyB Ships stopping isn't due to the mod (as far as I know) but is a rare vanilla issue. However do not report it to the devs unless you can replicate the error without the mod as bug reports using a modded game are going to mess up their bug hunting efforts :)

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22 hours ago, RattyB said:

Got some odd goings on.... just updated the game, and the improvement project mod and the latest ship pack - after doing a file refresh on the game. First campaign battle and both mine and the enemy ships keep stopping. I can get mine going again if I take them off AI and issue a command, but if I put them back on AI and do time advance they come to a halt again.


Literally moments after pushing today’s update I ran into that issue myself. If you get that (ships freezing) ctrl-alt-delete and end the game’s process. When you reload the game you’ll be back on the map, the battle will regenerate and it should work properly.

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