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NAR BETA 3.0.2 "Major Powers update" for UAD opt x3

o Barão

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17 hours ago, rossi191 said:

completely agree with how anoying the Ai is when selecting guns.

is it possible to add a separate tertiary line of guns for the 2-3 inch guns with there own separate ammunition slider possibly even a smaller model of a 2 inch gun so that we can add .50 and 20mm guns to the ships.

It would also be a great fit for American pre-dreads which frequently had a massive tertiary battery in addition to their sizeable secondaries.



"How many guns are we putting on this new battleship?"

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2 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

Ok, I figured out an alternate approach to the caliber limiting and pushed 3.7.0. Note that to take proper advantage @o Barão you'll want to edit randParts some, as well as setting up some per-hull overrides (like for the semi-dreadnoughts).

Thanks I will take a look!! :)

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41 minutes ago, o Barão said:




Minotaur in action. Preview

If you're taking hull suggestions ( ;) )


  • British G3 and N3 (bb_4_britain and bc_4_britain_g3) should use brooklyn_hull_c_wide, they were to have transom sterns.
  • US Des Moines (ca6_desmoines_1 and 2) should use brooklyn_hull_a, since that hull exists now. Also, it should get the param CA_Heavy_USA so it's not stuck using Atlanta (!) superstructure
  • ca_5_usa (Baltimore) and cl_6_cleveland should use brooklyn_hull_b since it exists now
  • The US armored cruisers don't have great hull options. ACR-2 should probably keep the existing hull, but should use maine_tower_main_b and maine_tower_sec_b as its towers. ACR-3 should swap to the Cressy hull, though that has fore and aft wing mounts not midships wing mounts. It's still better though. ACR-4 needs the ability to put 3in mounts on the sides (of the irresistible_hull), which I'll have to do with code (same for a bunch of other early cruisers) EDIT: to make these US changes, you'll need to clone the universal ca_1_small and ca_1 hulls so they can be nation-specific, since at the moment most nations use the same hull. And also by ACR-x I mean that US ship, presumably ACR-2 is Armored Cruiser I, ACR-3 is Armored Cruiser II, etc.
Edited by NathanKell
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54 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

If you're taking hull suggestions ( ;) )


  • US Des Moines (ca6_desmoines_1 and 2) should use brooklyn_hull_a, since that hull exists now. Also, it should get the param CA_Heavy_USA so it's not stuck using Atlanta (!) superstructure
  • ca_5_usa (Baltimore) and cl_6_cleveland should use brooklyn_hull_b since it exists now


Done! ;)


Edited by o Barão
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45 minutes ago, o Barão said:


Done! ;)


For me being a total modding noob. What am I seeing here? Is this a shared design or do you present some changings in hulls and other components, that make USS Des Moines possible? It's sometimes hard to follow your discussions here. :D Yet I am very interested.

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2 hours ago, Peksern said:

...or do you present some changings in hulls and other components, that make USS Des Moines possible?

Yes that is correct! By editing "parts" file, we can create new or edit already in game hull packages, and edit ship parts stats, size, etc. If creating a new, we need to add them in the "technologies" file.

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"And before you think I'm being just in favor of the USA here, the Chinese Medium Cruiser would be an excellent match for the British Minotaur-class of 1906, their final armored cruiser design before switching to battlecruisers."


I'm seriously going to disagree with this, the Chinese Medium Cruiser is flat all along it's deck, whilst HMS Minotaur has a raised forecastle. The Armoured Cruiser V that is already in place serves this role well and doesn't need to be changed. It even has turret mounts along the sides for the 7.5" guns.


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3 minutes ago, Liondrome said:

"And before you think I'm being just in favor of the USA here, the Chinese Medium Cruiser would be an excellent match for the British Minotaur-class of 1906, their final armored cruiser design before switching to battlecruisers."


I'm seriously going to disagree with this, the Chinese Medium Cruiser is flat all along it's deck, whilst HMS Minotaur has a raised forecastle. The Armoured Cruiser V that is already in place serves this role well and doesn't need to be changed. It even has turret mounts along the sides for the 7.5" guns.


Echoing this here, the Armoured Cruiser V hull looks like it was purpose built to represent the Warrior and Minotaur classes already. Works for the Duke of Edinburgh in a pinch as well, though it doesn't have the mounts for the hull 6-in casemates.



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3 hours ago, caasicam said:

Echoing this here, the Armoured Cruiser V hull looks like it was purpose built to represent the Warrior and Minotaur classes already. Works for the Duke of Edinburgh in a pinch as well, though it doesn't have the mounts for the hull 6-in casemates.



You are right. It also looks better.👍

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41 minutes ago, Peksern said:

Another small update coming out some minutes ago. q.q ... NAR Update still coming this week? 

The mod is almost ready for the 1st version, around 98%, but there is a strange bug that I am trying to find a solution first. If I can't find a solution I will release the mod tomorrow probably and will try to find the solution later.


ATM implemented: New nations, with historical governments, admirals names, ship names, nations text descriptions (with the help of chatgdp 😁), nations diplomatic relations, ships & guns. New armor code which will make a BIG difference in how AI ship will be design and perform in battle. New speed code, that will force the AI to make ships with reasonable speeds without wasting hull tonnage with nonsense. Improvements to components weight to force the AI to think more like a human (there is room here for more improvements later)


The politics screen was fixed by Nathan this morning. Much better now. ;)


Also this morning nathan introduced a new code that allows me to set a caliber limit value for the AI to follow per hull. This is helping the AI a lot to get a good design faster, which will translate with quicker campaign starts or quicker turns loadings.

As an example, no more stupid AI trying to fit 20" guns in the Bismarck superstructure.



The bug....


Neutral provinces can have 0 soldiers or millions. Clone wars. 😭 Not a crucial bug for the 1.0 alpha version but I am still trying.


I am guessing there is a conflict somewhere with my editing in the "provinces" file that is the cause for this situation.

Edited by o Barão
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41 minutes ago, PalaiologosTheGreat said:

Will you be releasing it for or but should work with any recent update the way the files works now.

No more resource.assets file compilation. It is all in csv files. Easy for anyone to open and change stuff.😁

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5 hours ago, o Barão said: but should work with any recent update the way the files works now.

No more resource.assets file compilation. It is all in csv files. Easy for anyone to open and change stuff.😁

In fact it's even easier to change stuff: users can put only what they want to change in xxxx_override.csv files (like parts_override.csv) and only those parts (or techs or whatever) will be changed, so if they update the mod, they'll get the other new changes (and won't have to redo their own). :)


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  • The new caliber limit code from Nathan
  • 6", 7", 8", 9" size rework mk1 and mk2
  • Implemented a minimum - 5% beam and -5% draught
  • The new armor code by nathan with my custom values.
  • The new speed code by nathan with my custom values.

And now the AI will never struggle to come with a good design for this hull. French armored cruiser III (AI design)


This is just an example what it is possible to do now. With many hulls ingame, this will take time to be fully implemented but you can expect in general much better AI designs in the next update.

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  • Max bulkhead always.
  • Secondary caliber limit implemented making the life for the AI much easier (as an example, notice how the AI will use now the superstructure right places for the secondaries in the Bismarck) *status being implemented in all ships W.I.P.
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32 minutes ago, o Barão said:




  • Max bulkhead always.
  • Secondary caliber limit implemented making the life for the AI much easier (as an example, notice how the AI will use now the superstructure right places for the secondaries in the Bismarck) *status being implemented in all ships W.I.P.

80k tons Bismarck. :D 

Refering to this I have another question. USS South Carolina (about 1910) had a max speed of 18,6 kts. About 18000 tons displacement, 12 inch main belt and 4x2 12 inch main guns with a reload time of about 30 seconds. But its practically impossible to get a ship with these stats ingame. And it's only one example. It's also impossible to make a bismarck or the Iowa etc. with the combination of historical correct armament, armor and weight. Not to mention reload times (1910 it's more like 45 to 60 seconds) But... why? 

Edited by Peksern
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alpha 1.0 "Major Powers update"- N.A.R. changelog:

  • Updated to UAD


This special update marks a new era in the UAD modding community and all thanks to the brilliant work from @NathanKell adding me the tools I needed to expand the game possibilities. Also a special thanks to @MDHansen which helped me a lot about how to implement the new nations.

Please note, that many things were added or are still being added and tested. Expect bugs and annoying things.



  • 7 new nations (Portugal;Netherlands;Ottoman empire;Greece;Brazil;Argentina;Chile) *status:implemented
  • New nations text descriptions*status: implemented but should be improved.
  • Ship names for the new nations*status: implemented
  • Admirals names for the new nations*status: implemented
  • Historical government changes for the new nations*status: implemented
  • Historical diplomatic relations for the new nations*status: implemented
  • Historical flags*status: implemented
  • New nations ships and guns*status: implemented
  • New armor code for the AI to follow by Nathan with my custom values. *status: implemented.
  • New speed code for the AI to follow by Nathan with my custom values *status: implemented.
  • New bulkheads code from Nathan.*status: implemented.
  • New caliber limit and variation code from Nathan with my custom values*status: partial implemented. Most modern BBs and BCs and some early light cruisers already have this code implemented.
  • Provinces editing *status: !!BUG!! minor nations can have 0 soldiers or millions. For that reason the WWII scenario was not implemented until we can fix the issue.
  • New politics screen code improvement to allow more nations on the screen from Nathan*status: implemented.
  • Some improvements made to the american modern cruisers as suggested by Nathan.
  • New mine mechanic improvements code by Nathan with my custom values*status: being tested.
  • New subs movement around the map by nathan*status: being tested.
  • New scrap behavior code by Nathan with my custom values*status: being tested.
  • Many other small things improved under the hood but not worth it added to the list.



--- New nations features ---

  • Greece - The David vs Goliath experience. Small army, small economy. 1910 campaign starts at war against the Ottoman empire.1940 campaign starts at war against Italy. DDs & TBs from Britain, Cruisers from Italy, BCs from Germany, BBs from France and USA. Small italian guns, medium french guns, big american guns. (recommended only for hardcore players)
  • Portugal empire - Small army, small economy with many provinces around the world to protect. Starts with a small shipyard. Ships and guns from Britain (recommended only for veteran players)
  • Netherlands - Mix german/austrian hulls and guns. No super ships +60k tons because of shallow waters in home ports. Important colony in far east needs protection.
  • Ottoman empire - Mix german/british hulls & guns
  • Argentina - American capital ships in general, with some from Germany, France and Italy. Italian heavy cruisers and british light cruisers. Destroyers from Britain, France and Germany. Guns a mix from Italy, USA, German and Britain. Starts with only one port.
  • Brazil - Full british with some late era american DDs on the mix.
  • Chile - Capital ships: French pre dreadnoughts until 1900, after mainly British BB/BC with some german/american in the mix. Remaining classes mainly british with some Italy and germany on the mix in late era. Guns british, german and french



--- Installation ---

Go here and follow the instructions. Don't forget to add a 👍 in the page to show your support to Nathan brilliant work.


Next download NAR mod files and extract the content:


Mods folder go here C:\....\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

English file go here C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts_Data\StreamingAssets\Languages



Inside the Mods folder there is the option to change the guns accuracy. By default is using the realistic option, but if you want to switch to arcade just open the folder "A-arcade accuracy-choose one" copy the guns file and place them in the mods folder. Click yes to replace.

Happy hunting!! The Baron.

...going to take a break, go out, see the birds singing, drink a beer... you get the idea.

Edited by o Barão
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  • o Barão changed the title to "Naval Arms Race" mod overhaul. alpha 1.0 "Major Powers update"

Is it meant to be that guns have no armor at all by default?

Edit: Every type  of armor (both hull and guns) is by default set to the minimum (often 0). That supposed to be?

Edited by Peksern
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