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Random, frequent, rapidly resolved disconnects

Preechur Blackheart

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For the past week I have been having frequent, random disconnects, though teamspeak stays online, so the internet is not dropping. These disconnects happen under multiple conditions. I cannot force the disconnects by any particular action. I disconnect in open world sailing, in port, and in battle. When this happens, I can reconnect immediately and I reenter within a few seconds. I do lose the to-date battle summary (my hits etc are reset to zero) but I still get about the right amount of xp, and credit for ships I sank earlier in the fight. 

There have been a couple of days in this week where I did not disconnect at all. Then other days I can disconnect 4 or 5 times within 5 minutes. This is very annoying, though I can still play the game. 

I have a high-end video card, and my ping rate is stable at 100. Any suggestions? Last occurred last night around 11:30 CST. 

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Same ..

east coast? .. 

this has been going on june 15- 16 .. on and off all day with naval action 


g suite tool .. web site traces ping worth looking at


with command prompt

from a very old post  (2015) ..

- doing a ping test with command prompt some packet loss (44%) when the problem hits the game

- when the game is running - ave ping 90 .. no loss

- still the correct server address admin?




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13 minutes ago, Preechur Blackheart said:

For the past week I have been having frequent, random disconnects, though teamspeak stays online, so the internet is not dropping. These disconnects happen under multiple conditions. I cannot force the disconnects by any particular action. I disconnect in open world sailing, in port, and in battle. When this happens, I can reconnect immediately and I reenter within a few seconds. I do lose the to-date battle summary (my hits etc are reset to zero) but I still get about the right amount of xp, and credit for ships I sank earlier in the fight. 

There have been a couple of days in this week where I did not disconnect at all. Then other days I can disconnect 4 or 5 times within 5 minutes. This is very annoying, though I can still play the game. 

I have a high-end video card, and my ping rate is stable at 100. Any suggestions? Last occurred last night around 11:30 CST. 

Greetings Captain.

You can experience temporary connection issues like packet loss but your connection will stay online so it might not be related at all. Once you start to experience lags or disconnects, please try ro run connection test report via Naval Action launcher in Steam (3rd option there), once the report is done it will be auto copied, so paste the number here. But it is important to sent it right away you noticed issue.

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I have also started experiencing this, US East Coast. Started Yesterday after maintenance (June 15). I have run many connection tests after disconnecting. I have also uninstalled and re-installed the game, Verified integrity of game cache, and reset my modem. Please let me know what else I can do! NAS-1403862 is my most recent connection test. I actually just managed to get the disconnect again. Here is the connection report number : NAS-1403895

Edited by Phlony
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Since sometime last week I'm getting frequent random disconnects, maybe as often as every 10 or so minutes, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. This occurs in open world, battles, port, etc. Ping is stable around 100, then when the issue occurs it spikes to the thousands and kicks me to the sever selection screen. I can get back in after waiting 5-10 seconds for it to resolve and log back in. This is a new issue I haven't experienced before in the two months I've been playing prior. It just now happened right as I was hitting X to loot a ship, then when I got back in I was in OW and so much for that battle which took 20 minutes (and I disconnected once while in it). I've disabled any anti-virus, firewall, etc, have pretty idle network traffic otherwise too. I've verified local files through steam as some clan member suggested but that didn't help any.

Just ran a connection test:


Thanks in advance!

UPDATE: I found the ip for the peace server, and ran a continual ping (ala "ping -t") while playing just now. Pings were consistently in the ~110ms area with no loss, then after 10 or so minutes they timed out, after 5 or so timeouts in a row I got disconnected, saw another 5 before the pings resolved again and then was able to get back in. 

UPDATE 2: Did some research and tried something (posting this in case it may help others). I connected both ethernet ports on my PC to the router, and used Speedify app to bond the two connections. I see that sometimes there is a massive lag spike on one port, but the packets then goes over the other one. In light of this balancing, I have now successfully been logged on for 4.5 hours without any disconnects. Thus, I think one can draw a conclusion that potentially this is ISP/Router/NIC based problem reaching the server.

Edited by Drunk Sailor
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I have been having disconnects too, but only a few. Overall, in the past two weeks or so I have noticed that it takes much longer for the server to reply when: teleporting, crafting, towing, battle instance loading etc. I do not have any connection issues with other online apps or games, only NA is having problems.

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Has been better tonight .. steam had a maintenance issue yesterday and today (would have thought more players with this issue) but it does seem better. 

ping has been between 88 94 most of the last four hours .. 




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Played 90 minutes tonight, had 10 random, rapidly resolved disconnects. Makes the game almost unplayable now. Here are the first few reports:

NAS 1404483 5.33 CST

NAS 1404490 5:46 CST

NAS 1404496 6:12 CST

NAS 1404504 6:20 CST

also it disconnected at 6.25, 6.32,6.45,6.57. 6/55 and 6.59 when I gave up.


What other info would you need to help fix this?


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4 hours ago, Preechur Blackheart said:

Disconnected 13 times in 2 hours - 10:35, 10:37, 10:49, 11:02....CST....you get the picture. If it was not for the rapid RECONNECTS, the game would be literally unplayable for me, after 3500 hour in game. I hope we can get this figured out... 

Captain, do you have an option to temporary test the game on different source of connection, e.g. mobile internet?

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Yes...after a full day yesterday of playing, with the disconnecting continuing randomly, I borrowed a friend's hotspot and the game did not disconnect for the full hour I ran the computer that way. My computer accesses the internet off a landline (Frontier), while the hotspot accessed the internet from a different provider - Verizon. 

What does that mean for resolving the problem?

Thanks for your help!

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12 minutes ago, Preechur Blackheart said:

Yes...after a full day yesterday of playing, with the disconnecting continuing randomly, I borrowed a friend's hotspot and the game did not disconnect for the full hour I ran the computer that way. My computer accesses the internet off a landline (Frontier), while the hotspot accessed the internet from a different provider - Verizon. 

What does that mean for resolving the problem?

Thanks for your help!

There could be a temporary issue on your ISP side, is the problem still there?

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yes, it has been happening for two weeks now, but with such irregularity. Some sessions I will hardly disconnect at all; others I will disconnect so frequently that I give up on playing. Within the same session, I may go as long as 30 minutes without a disconnect, and then get several within 10 minutes. Should I contact my ISP provider? Wipe and reinstall my game? Ask for a different router? 

I have had other disconnects that happen when I first enter battle, or first enter the open world. Those disconnects take longer to recover from. These new ones, thankfully, happen but then I reconnect and resume gameplay within 45 seconds - sometimes the other players do not even notice. It has actually been an interesting gameplay expereince - no enemy expects me to suddenly drop all sails and hit a speedbreak like that lol/

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Yes, the problem still exists, but it gets better and worse sporadically. Two days ago I had 2 disconnects in 5 hours of play. Yesterday I must have had 20 or more in the same amount of time. I will run another game session tomorrow off a borrowed hotspot to confirm that the disconnects only happen when playing through my Frontier ISP...if that is the case, is there a course of action you recommend? And if I have disconnects while on a non-Frontier hotspot, what would that tell us?

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Ran off a hotspot for 2 hours with no disconnect. Returned to Frontier and have had more disconnects. Weirdly, in the PZ just now, disconnected near end of long battle, and when I recovered I was in the OW and had earned 0 xp. Which was the point of the PZ. I would have had at least enough for 10 combat medals. I may to quit this game (sigh)

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5 hours ago, Preechur Blackheart said:

Ran off a hotspot for 2 hours with no disconnect. Returned to Frontier and have had more disconnects. Weirdly, in the PZ just now, disconnected near end of long battle, and when I recovered I was in the OW and had earned 0 xp. Which was the point of the PZ. I would have had at least enough for 10 combat medals. I may to quit this game (sigh)

Captain, sorry to hear this, but unfortunately we cannot help you with this case as connection issues are clearly caused by your ISP

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