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Everything I can gather about campaign between "help" section and website

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help section

1: It will be turn based with a "special event" card/decision every turn

>Currently you can only trigger war with the answers you choose in special events that appear at the start of a campaign turn.

2: As of right now AI can only declare war on you, not other AI nations.

>War at the moment can only happen between you and AI ai nations

3: You can have ships end up like Graf Zepplin where if you don't want to scrap what you have, and you don't have the resources to finish it, it will stay in a sort of limbo.

>suspend: this option is very useful to control your expenses if you are low on funds.



1: Yes the minor nations will be there and have an effect, they simply are not playable. Similar to a Total War game

>The campaign is set in a global scale over a complete map that includes all countries of the time period (minor nations are not playable)

2: Rebellions will be a thing, as well as change of government types.

>Significant political events can include rebellions and the change of a government from Monarchy to Democracy.

3: Battles are randomly generated but they can be small things like convoy raids, or large pitched battles

>This system generates missions by evaluating several strategic factors, affected by fleet composition, ship operational range and naval techs. In those generated missions, which vary from small convoy raids to major fleet actions

4:Submarines are not designable.

>Similarly, the ASW ability of your ships is auto-calculated according to the amount of destroyers, depth charge equipment, submarine mines, torpedo nets and several other technologies currently researched

5:No land battles/landings.

>As chief admiral for your nation, you will not directly control events on land.

6:Yes you can take seize ships, as well as make treaties similar to the Washington Naval Treaty.

>war reparations, exchange of provinces, ceding of ships or naval treaties that limit naval

7:Yes crew deaths will be a thing.

>Shell and torpedo hits can kill crew and if losses are great, the ship’s overall effectiveness can deteriorate significantly.

(I want to recreate the 2nd Pacific Squadron's voyage.)

8:It appears you can end up having rival admirals, or at least get to know the personality of your enemy.

>The dynamic AI behaviour is going to be enriched with AI personalities, that make the AI more defensive or aggressive depending on nation fleet.

I'm too tired to look for anything else. Enjoy the thread and also

>All the existing, hundreds of hull variants accompanied by the new destroyers should be more than enough to cover the needs of the upcoming first campaign version

C A M P A I G N  H Y P E

Edited by BobRoss0902
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Hope we can at least land troops on a beach watch them scurry up the beach while you provide artillery missions and support from yer ships, even if we cant control the troops them running up a beach firing, dying, taking cover assualting fortifications etc.

Loving the rival admirals thing, hope we get espionage, fort building (maybe even design pls kthxbye!). Not sure if i like randomly generated battles, would prefer a total war style where you can physically move fleets around and have them engage each other, but eh it is what it is for now.

Cant wait myself!


gib california hull pls.

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I have two questions about this topic: 1.

10 hours ago, BobRoss0902 said:

Submarines are not designable

May you tell me where is this written, please?


10 hours ago, BobRoss0902 said:

No land battles/landings

This is what is written on the page: Your naval strength will play a crucial role in all those events, but most importantly in military engagements, since the control of the seas may cripple your opponent via naval blockades, secure your army’s supply lines and open up opportunities for naval invasions.

No land battles for sure. But landings will happen (but I suppose you wont have controle over land forces) so I am curious how this will be made since marines were under controle of navy. Maybe in this game the actual landings will be simply done by the army but then comes another question: will player tell army to land somewhere while player will try to maintain control over the sea region or will player get a task from goverment/army to maintain controle over the sea region?

Edited by Aceituna
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2 hours ago, Aceituna said:

I have two questions about this topic: 1.

May you tell me where is this written, please?


This is what is written on the page: Your naval strength will play a crucial role in all those events, but most importantly in military engagements, since the control of the seas may cripple your opponent via naval blockades, secure your army’s supply lines and open up opportunities for naval invasions.

No land battles for sure. But landings will happen (but I suppose you wont have controle over land forces) so I am curious how this will be made since marines were under controle of navy. Maybe in this game the actual landings will be simply done by the army but then comes another question: will player tell army to land somewhere while player will try to maintain control over the sea region or will player get a task from goverment/army to maintain controle over the sea region?

2:When I said this it was in reference to the land battles Ultimate Admiral Age Of Sail had.


1:The specific exert of text I used for submarines is in the destroyer section of the submarine ASW section of the campaign description on the website.

Edited by BobRoss0902
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7 minutes ago, BobRoss0902 said:

1:The specific exert of text I used for submarines is in the destroyer section of the submarine ASW section of the campaign description on the website.

Maybe I am just blind but I just don't see that written here:

Submarine and Anti-Submarine Warfare 
Submarines will have a special function in the campaign. Expensive to research, submarines sacrifice funds that could be spend on other warship technologies. However, once they become available, each campaign turn you will have the power to sink enemy merchant or military ships without any opposition, unless the opponent has sufficient Anti-Submarine-Warfare(ASW) technologies.

You control submarines by deploying them on the map and choosing their rules of engagement. During wartime, their effect is calculated per turn according to the strategic situation on the map. Similarly, the ASW ability of your ships is auto-calculated according to the amount of destroyers, depth charge equipment, submarine mines, torpedo nets and several other technologies currently researched.

Submarines can open Pandora's Box for the side that chooses an unrestricted warfare policy. An accidental sinking of a neutral ship may drag other nations into a war against you.

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32 minutes ago, Aceituna said:

Maybe I am just blind but I just don't see that written here:

Submarine and Anti-Submarine Warfare 
Submarines will have a special function in the campaign. Expensive to research, submarines sacrifice funds that could be spend on other warship technologies. However, once they become available, each campaign turn you will have the power to sink enemy merchant or military ships without any opposition, unless the opponent has sufficient Anti-Submarine-Warfare(ASW) technologies.


You control submarines by deploying them on the map and choosing their rules of engagement. During wartime, their effect is calculated per turn according to the strategic situation on the map. Similarly, the ASW ability of your ships is auto-calculated according to the amount of destroyers, depth charge equipment, submarine mines, torpedo nets and several other technologies currently researched.

Submarines can open Pandora's Box for the side that chooses an unrestricted warfare policy. An accidental sinking of a neutral ship may drag other nations into a war against you.

During wartime, their effect is calculated per turn according to the strategic situation on the map. Similarly, the ASW ability of your ships is auto-calculated according to the amount of destroyers, depth charge equipment, submarine mines, torpedo nets and several other technologies currently researched.



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27 minutes ago, BobRoss0902 said:

During wartime, their effect is calculated per turn according to the strategic situation on the map. Similarly, the ASW ability of your ships is auto-calculated according to the amount of destroyers, depth charge equipment, submarine mines, torpedo nets and several other technologies currently researched.



So I suppose that you say that if ASW works similar way as submarines than we won't be able to desing subs because we are not able to put ASW on our ships in designer. Is that correct?

If I understand yout comment correctly then this is not what the text says. There is written that they will act similarly in-game. Specifically: that the ,,score'' of both subs and ships with ASW equipment will be auto-calculated.

But they talk only about the way these vessels fight. They don't talk about the way they are designed.

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