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Doxing Attempt

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Fellow Naval Action community members and Devs. There seems to have been an attempt to "dox" myself and my twin brother which is not cool in anyway. The player is Cirus of K33N clan. I understand disagreeing and even shit talk in game. However to search for and publish photos, IP address and physical address for harassment is also very dangerous for real life and puts my family at risk. This is not cool and I would like to submit these screen shots for the community to address this issue please. 

Edited by Ink
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Doxing attempts are illegal in many countries and should be handled by the platform where they happen.

For example for naval action it would be naval action game, naval action facebook and naval action forums. The screens your provided do not belong to Naval Action or Game Labs platforms, are not official and are not managed by Game Labs. By posting and being present on unofficial platform you are not protected by GL. If they have the official name in them its illegal. Please provide the links to the platform.

If you believe someone doxxed you on those platforms please report this to platform mods, then if they don't act to the platform, and if they don't act go to the local police. 

For example if you were doxxed on unofficial discord or unofficial reddit you should first report the case to mods and file the complaint using the privacy help line of the platform (usually they have one). Most platforms take these cases very seriously and will ban the person who doxed you. If you want to continue this further, file the report to the police (USA and EU will most likely act on it). Posting private information is against the law in many countries.

Unfortunately we cannot help more as we are not even present in that discord and they are private to us. Some unofficial platforms are biased against the devs or a game and might not help you at all (in this case go directly to platform privacy violations channels).

We encourage users to use only official platforms like Game Labs forums as you are protected from doxing and we do not even allow posting private anonymous messages here. 

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Above is an official position of GL.  The reasoning is simple.

Screens can be manufactured and only discord can check their validity. If we ban on screenshots and not logs it could lead to too many false cases. But if enought proof is established you have several options that can lead to complete bans of their accounts on Steam.

But we hate doxxing and understand your view. Here is what i would do if i were you.

1st you have to establish the proof. You can do it by reporting those users to discord and if discord bans them (discord has logs) we can use it as a ground for the following. 

  1. The doxxer could be banned in game for quite a while (all participants of that chat screen could be warned or also banned) 
  2. They will be reported to steam and this can cause temporary punishments or complete ban of their steam accounts (as doxxing or harvesting personal info in relation to steam products is against steam EULA).

Find the way to report them to discord and once discord responds to your ticket let us know in private. When this happens this will establish the foundation for steam reports as well.  The ban could be applied to all participants of the chat who said a word (unless they come forward and explain themselves in tribunal). If the chat screens are not fake some of the chat participants are breaking several EULAs (steam, naval action and discord and maybe twitch). 


Rules covering the situation


User can be reported using his profile. We will then be able to identify them. But you must establish the validity of the screenshots and the best way to do it is to report those users to discord. Once they are warned or banned we can report the steam eula violation to valve.



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13 hours ago, Mr Kemosabe said:

Fellow Naval Action community members and Devs. There seems to have been an attempt to "dox" myself and my twin brother which is not cool in anyway. The player is Cirus of K33N clan. I understand disagreeing and even shit talk in game. However to search for and publish photos, IP address and physical address for harassment is also very dangerous for real life and puts my family at risk. This is not cool and I would like to submit these screen shots for the community to address this issue please. 

In your report you also linked the twitch video.

Twitch is very harsh on the doxxing so you can also try reporting the doxxers on twitch. Maybe doxxers and chat parcitipants will understand that its not something they should have done or discussed and will come forward to you and try to apologize and mitigate the situation.



We will review your clip and the person using your real name on twicth IN GAME and will come back with answers later.

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