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Idea for Newbie help device.

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 make a perk/claimable device that can be used up to a certain level that, upon every PVP loss of ship has an increasingly higher chance of spawning a ghost ship upon PVP battle entry to assist the holder. Call it the Cursed Doubloon.  the spawned ship maybe should match the level of the highest attacking ship? lots of details would need to be wrung out 

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On 2/26/2020 at 4:40 PM, Gimpy117 said:

 make a perk/claimable device that can be used up to a certain level that, upon every PVP loss of ship has an increasingly higher chance of spawning a ghost ship upon PVP battle entry to assist the holder. Call it the Cursed Doubloon.  the spawned ship maybe should match the level of the highest attacking ship? lots of details would need to be wrung out 

A year or two ago we had something sort of like you describe in game. Around all noncapturable ports was a Reinforcement Zone. If your ship was attacked within your Reinforcement Zone, you could hit a button and instant, super AI reinforcements number in size and strength of your attackers would join you in battle. Here's the problem. It was easily exploitable. As good as our AI buddies are, they are still no match for some planning and skill on the side of the attacker. They are easily led astray, manipulated, steered into a friendly's way, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. There's a reason you rarely see the most skilled players in game using AI fleets in combat. This was true of those reinforcements, even tho they were buffed, they were easy to fool. I recall very few if any players liking the Reinforcement Zones. Initially new players and traders liked the idea but saw quickly that they didn't save them.

The Devs could make the reinforcements into those super AI like the Raider fleets but unbeatable AI are not really good for the game either. We want few brick walls --situations where if you do this, you will definitely die.

Another problem with your idea is with our current BR rules of engagement for reinforcing the weaker side, you would close yourself off from getting useful help -- help from players -- and just allow more bad guys to get in to your battle.

Your mechanism could also be exploited by experienced players using low level ALTs or rerolled captains.

Good luck.

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fair enough, I just think the preponderance of in game meta can make it difficult for newer players, or lone traders in game. I'm just spit-balling ideas. I see too many locked battles where players cannot get assistance because of the way the game is set up 

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