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Has anyone managed to finish this scenario? I have completed everything else, but this one. I went with a BC, 2 CA, 5DD all in different configurations (torp heavy, medium gun heavy, big gun heavy, faster, more/less protection, etc). I came closest with the 5DD, but it was down to 1DD with no damage, 1 with medium and one on his last legs plus one the the CL which was without engines against three enemy DD whit no damage (sunk the CB, CA and CL). I couldn't finish tem off as every time I got close he launched a mass of torps and I lost the two damaged DDs and had one left. I just can't hit those DDs, they are fast a hell and have 120 torpedo tubes each (or so it seems) and my 5" guns on DDs can't do anything. Everytime I went with a bigger ship I destroyed 1 or 2 of the big ones and then the DDs just covered me with torpedoes.


Has anyone won this one and if so, how?

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The most important imho is how you manage your 2 CLs before you can close in. In order to make them drag as much fire as possible, move them flank, spread out their formation. Use smoke when the ennemy begins to get accuracy bonus, be ready to manually avoid torpedoes and try to stay as far as their big ships as you can while you start damaging the small ones.

I designed a 36knots BC with 4 triple 15' guns, she ripped the AI apart while my CLs were slaloming betweens salvos

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This is how I did mine:


I don't claim that it's absolutely optimal, but it was good enough. Notes:

  • I picked Survivability & Maneuverability, which is IMO generally the best pick in Alpha 4 since a) Target Signature doesn't matter as much as it used to, meaning you don't need to pack as much firepower into as few turrets as possible with Firepower, and b) you really want to max out your Target High Speed modifier (up to -90% chance to be hit!)
  • Exceeding 38 knots by a good margin allows to get maximum Target High Speed modifier to avoid incoming fire while being able to stay at cruise speed or sustaining minor engine damage.
  • 2", 9", 12" guns are still favored in accuracy as noted by @arkhangelsk. 9" in particular has phenomenal accuracy in this scenario compared to other calibers. Usually the enemy BC doesn't have super great armor but I haven't played that many times.
  • Torpedo protection is bad but you can generally avoid getting hit by them. If you are ahead of enemy torpedo ships, it is difficult for them to get enough lead to hit you. If you are behind them, just make sure you put your rudder several degrees to one side and don't get too close. Torpedoes aiming always assumes you keep your current speed and heading.
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My meta worked really well on that scenario, the only thing you have to do is to delay with CL as long as you can. If you are lucky, they will have long range torpedo, if they do then use them to turn away the BC. You might even get a hit. Alternatively, if they have armor, keep the distance and try to score some hit on DDs.

Once this BC get into play its more GG for them. Just keep a eye on destroyer and their torpedo tube status.

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These designs do a great job of highlighting the shortcomings/peculiarities of the current state of things.

30,000 ton ships designed to exceed by a ridiculous margin any surface speed achieved by any gunnery capital ship every built clearly demonstrates what we've been saying for a LONG time, namely that the "target ship fast speed" modifier is both far too crude AND grossly too meaningful.

I for one would like to start seeing some sort of "current list" of issues grouped under their relevant headings (gunnery model, amour, damage etc) where we know what we've been raising and then have THOSE moved by the devs to a list of "to be addressed".

That way we're putting all our stuff together for the devs to see in an easy format and then WE get to see what the Devs have chosen to accept as valid/significant feedback they're planning to include as they continue development.

Thanks for sharing the designs, very interesting.


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@Steeltrap I agree. Note that the problem is not top speed per see but the malus that come with it. Speed malus is currently too good to be ignored. The fact that it increase non linearly and cap at 37 make it a go too speed. However I think that speed as armor should not be killed off. The best would be a bit more linear increase of the malus.

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Thank you guys, your input helped a lot (and there was a little luck since I got 8” and torpedo mounted CLs). The CLs torpedoed the CA and CL and did some damage to the DDs before going down. For the BC I went for a lot more speed, lower caliber guns and less armor then usual and it worked. In the end it was a relatively easy and quick.

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