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[Competition] Best Naval Action Gameplay videos (a suggestion)

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Release is reportedly closing in, things are moving forward rapidly. The day might finally be in range that this game will be released.

My suggestion is simple: in the last, say month, month-and-a-half before the actual release, when the date is set and just the fine-tunings are left. I would propose that a/the testbed-server is opened up again, and on it everyone is given access to redeemables of every ship in the game (Pandora included), every cannon class and everything we might possibly need.  And that there is launched a competition for us players to make gameplay-videos, possibly in multiple categories, to showcase all of the best aspects of this game. 

To allow us to make (these could be competitions):

-Tutorial walkthroughs, with the final damage model - ready for release

-Cinematic videos of battles

-Videos showcasing every single ship in the game, individually and/or together in one video



The best videos (overall or in each category) could be rewarded. Based on developer decision or player voting - or both. And all videos would be available for Game-Labs to use in promoting Naval Action and showing off all the best parts of the game, the content (ships), and battles.

For the latter to work, some restrictions might have to be set, such as on what, if any, music we would be allowed to use in our videos - to avoid licensing issues.

But beyond this I think there is great potential in this idea, in engaging the community leading up to release and during the wipes that will come, and for allowing players ourselves to show off to potential customers of this game, what are the best selling points of the game.

You already had an initiative before, to have regular streamers be featured on the Steam Page, and you indicated that a future initiative would be directed at those making regular videos. I think this could be one way to do that, though streamers would of course also be able to join in this effort.

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anybody tried editing parts of battles that have already taken place ?


i quite like watching the battles as they unfold and have enjoyed the commentaries where people have tried to engage with the streamer , less so with some of the dick heads turning up just to be salty

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