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Broadside Control and Shooting in Sequence

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Currently when ranging shots with the spacebar, broadsides tend to fire from left to right, no matter which side your shooting on. On a starboard broadside then, crossing the T of another ship, this allows you to effectively rake your target with single shots, on one gun deck. However, on a port broadside, you have to shift your guns AHEAD of you, past the target, and constantly re-aim as you pass, because they ALWAYS fire left to right currently.


And when a full broadside occurs, well, no matter how you set up the shot, most of it is wasted sailing past a vessel, especially on multi-gundeck ships.


What I'd like to see implemented is a rapid fire, front to back, or back to front, sequence fire broadside, which may also allow you to constantly readjust cannons before they fire. Instead of hitting the left mouse button for a "all gundecks at once" broadside, perhaps holding down the spacebar allows a sequenced, front to back, fire as she bears, all decks fire that is much more accurate, but also requires you to stay in gunnery mode for the duration.


Example: I cross the T of an enemy ship, off my port (left) side. His ship is crossing my broadside right to left. I line the shot up with my front cannons aimed straight at the enemies stern, the majority off to the left of my target. Tap spacebar to range. I have a perfect raking shot. Now I hold down spacebar, and all gundecks start firing, starting from the front, and a sequence of fire starts, and ends with my stern batteries the last to fire as they pass.


Hope that made sense. What do you guys think about more cannon control like this?

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This is a great idea, will also work great if you are in a much larger ship firing at smaller so that you don't waste 50% of your shots. For example you are in a victory and you fire at a surprise, something like this will shorten the firing time and waste less ammo.

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This subject is talked over a few times now. I also suggest you to write such issues into the general damage/ shooting thread .

Its a more likely that more players will see it.

I can see a lot testers only going into this subforum because lately the general and suggestion forums are very active, too.


that said I want alternate fire ordinations, too.

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