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Idea for a PvP kill trophy system.

PvP trophy system  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. All in favor of a kill-trophy system similar to EVE online

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So @Ove Gjedde and I were discussing a bounty hunter system in the game, and decided this would be much more fun than just using steam to capture screenshots of your kills. 

The "trophy" would drop on captured/sank player ships and would be something like "The Last Templar's severed head" with info like "kill date" and "killed by"


Just a fun idea for bragging rights and bounty collections in game. 

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In a game where all you have to do is jump in a requin and push a frigate into the wind and rage board, do trophies really have a meaning? You dont need skill to do that, so what is there to brag about?

That's not to say it's not a good idea in principle. If the trophy was earned after a hard fought battle then it would be different. But that's not what it takes these days.

Edited by NethrosDefectus
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2 minutes ago, NethrosDefectus said:

In a game where all you have to do is jump in a requin and push a frigate into the wind and rage board, do trophies really have a meaning? You dont need skill to do that, so what is there to brag about?

As more and more people become aware of the "pushing into irons" strategy, I find it's becoming an increasingly difficult task. I'm not saying that collecting 50 severed seal heads is something to brag about...but to have @Palatinose's severed head, or @rediii's severed head would certainly be something to show off on occasion. 


It's just a fun idea, obviously not a game changer. I would definitely keep a tradeship in dock just for storage of such trophies!

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1 hour ago, Sverne said:

As more and more people become aware of the "pushing into irons" strategy, I find it's becoming an increasingly difficult task.

As you found out at the Misti PB yesterday against my Herc 😁

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8 minutes ago, Archaos said:

As you found out at the Misti PB yesterday against my Herc 😁

If I wasn't out of practice there was one point when I would have had you. If I'd hit the air brakes 1.5 seconds sooner, your ass woulda been sleepin with the fishes!


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