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Can't cap NPC ship?


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I submitted an F11 when this happened but I wanted to make sure this was indeed a glitch and not what was supposed to happen...

Last night (North American time) I attached a player who was sailing an Indiaman with a 3 Indiaman fleet. He fled but was forced to abandon 1 of his fleet ships so it immediately dropped sail and "surrendered". It took me some minutes to work upwind to inspect. When I tried to transfer crew, I got the message that I can not capture a NPC ship. I do have Fleet 1 perk and i was sailing alone. About that time the surrendered ship put up a few sails and started slowly moving. A caught up to him, again got the "X" but the same message about unable to capture. Needless to say there wasn't enough room on my Indefat to take much of the Indiaman cargo. 

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2 hours ago, Atreides said:

The Indiaman was reclassified as a 5th rate ship in some recent patch, so this is indeed some weird bug.

Yes. They were listed as 5th rates when I saw them in OW. 

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