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lost 12 PVP marks ?


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Yesterday I took part in 3 battles with PVP marks rewards:

- PB Macao - 11

- PvP near La Tortue - 12

- PvP near Mortimer - 2

Looks like leaderboard didn't register 12 PVP marks I should get for PvP near La Tortue. Not sure was it added to my PvP marks pool.

Not that I care about that 12 PvP marks, but for some new player it can be a real issue. 


I don't have screenshots as I had to re-log in between of the fights due to group issue (could not disband a group).



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Captain, database was reverted yesterday evening to yesterday morning state (maintenance time) due to bugs with crafting and incorrect battle circle spawn.




Hotfix March 8th

  • Ship crafting bug fixed
  • PVP Patrol button is temporarily removed to fix the Battle circle of doom sometimes spawning with an offset killing everyone in the instance
  • Database is being reverted to today's maintenance state due to too many ships lost in events and crafted.


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