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The Fleet Perk?

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    Why does it even exist? I thought command of crews was the point behind gaining more crew with rank? If we are going to be crippled by a fleet perk at least make it a single slot with different cost per ship you can use. It is silly that your crews suddenly forget how to do things because you decided to bring along an extra ship

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It sounds like it's doing its job. The idea was to reduce the number of players running a round with a personal gank fleets. Also to make parks more of a decision and break up the meta. 

Fleets are now used mostly for trade and less for ganking with annoying ai.

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Gank fleets?  I loved seeing someone with combat ships in their fleet . the AI is worthless in combat unless your an idiot... It spends more time getting in the day of the other AI and the player then being an actual threat. 

Keep the cost just shouldn't be extra slots on top of high perk cost.

Edited by CaptVonGunn
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1 hour ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Gank fleets?  I loved seeing someone with combat ships in their fleet . the AI is worthless in combat unless your an idiot... It spends more time getting in the day of the other AI and the player then being an actual threat. 

Keep the cost just shouldn't be extra slots on top of high perk cost.

I can think of many instances when Im hunting an armed traders brig in a Privateer where I'd want that little bit extra firepower and sail destroying power that an AI fleet would offer.

Bottom line is that its fine how it is now. I have 1 fleet perk because I need to capture ships.

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11 hours ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Gank fleets?  I loved seeing someone with combat ships in their fleet . the AI is worthless in combat unless your an idiot... It spends more time getting in the day of the other AI and the player then being an actual threat. 

Keep the cost just shouldn't be extra slots on top of high perk cost.

doesn't sound like you've faced a single player running a Cony and then a 2nd Cony and Trinc in the fleet. No mater how worthless you feel they are, they still do damage while you are trying to stop a stern camping player. And if they are so bad, why the hell are you bitching on the forums about? 

Sorry, you want the game on EZ mode, I fear you have come to the wrong game. 

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8 hours ago, Daguse said:

doesn't sound like you've faced a single player running a Cony and then a 2nd Cony and Trinc in the fleet. No mater how worthless you feel they are, they still do damage while you are trying to stop a stern camping player. And if they are so bad, why the hell are you bitching on the forums about? 

Sorry, you want the game on EZ mode, I fear you have come to the wrong game. 

Because it makes Zero sense. Controlling x number of men is already built into the game. I want to be able to capture traders or warships with my frigate and not have my Frigate potentially crippled based on rules that make no sense. because without a perk my capitain his officers and crew are somehow to stupid to know how to assign a prize crew and send it home

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7 minutes ago, CaptVonGunn said:

Because it makes Zero sense. Controlling x number of men is already built into the game. I want to be able to capture traders or warships with my frigate and not have my Frigate potentially crippled based on rules that make no sense. because without a perk my capitain his officers and crew are somehow to stupid to know how to assign a prize crew and send it home

Yes it makes perfect sense.. To be able to do that you must sacrifice another perk. It's a game mechanism not a historical recreation. 

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1 minute ago, Daguse said:

Yes it makes perfect sense.. To be able to do that you must sacrifice another perk. It's a game mechanism not a historical recreation. 

8 hours ago, Daguse said:

Really? They sell it as a hard core sim. But all it seems to simulate is screwed up concepts and unrealistic situations.

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Honestly if you want a fleet ship you should have to pay for the other officer to command that ship, AND that means less money for you.   

The crew will come out of your pool of crew but the officers you have to pay for. 


Do you think Sir Pellew just got free officers to command his ships, nope, he paid their wages from the portion of the prizes they captured while under his command.  

So for now the perk offsets that.

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14 minutes ago, Hodo said:

Honestly if you want a fleet ship you should have to pay for the other officer to command that ship, AND that means less money for you.   

The crew will come out of your pool of crew but the officers you have to pay for. 


Do you think Sir Pellew just got free officers to command his ships, nope, he paid their wages from the portion of the prizes they captured while under his command.  

So for now the perk offsets that.

Hey look, it is historical accurate. Thx @Hodo

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59 minutes ago, Hodo said:

Honestly if you want a fleet ship you should have to pay for the other officer to command that ship, AND that means less money for you.   

The crew will come out of your pool of crew but the officers you have to pay for. 


Do you think Sir Pellew just got free officers to command his ships, nope, he paid their wages from the portion of the prizes they captured while under his command.  

So for now the perk offsets that.

That would be fine. But as I said my issue is being required to burn a perk to capture a ship. Not to run it as a part of my fleet. 

  This is why the old capture a prize and send it to capital was at least semi OK( the teleport was still goofy). You shouldn't need the perk to run Skelton crewed prize ships... Only fully manned ships. 

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On 7/7/2017 at 7:01 PM, CaptVonGunn said:

That would be fine. But as I said my issue is being required to burn a perk to capture a ship. Not to run it as a part of my fleet. 

  This is why the old capture a prize and send it to capital was at least semi OK( the teleport was still goofy). You shouldn't need the perk to run Skelton crewed prize ships... Only fully manned ships. 

Honestly though what are you wasting to run 1pt for fleet 1?  

I have all 10 pts burned right now and have fleet 1.  



Double Charge

Fleet 1

Area Control

All you need right there for a decent hunting setup.

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On 7/10/2017 at 6:08 AM, Hodo said:

Honestly though what are you wasting to run 1pt for fleet 1?  

I have all 10 pts burned right now and have fleet 1.  



Double Charge

Fleet 1

Area Control

All you need right there for a decent hunting setup.

Your wasting a Perk Slot not the point... Being able to capture a ship and take it to harbor is something ANY captain could do... Make it so if you captured a sip the first time you dock up it has o be sold,broken up or transferred to your dock.. it drops from "captured fleet " It also Never hs full crew in captured status.. it has skeleton crew and nothing more..

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