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Specific, actual ships vs "____-class"

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I would like some clarification on this. What got me thinking about this was someone mentioned wanting to have USS United States added to the game, and an admin implied this might be a possibility. What doesn't make any sense to me is that United States is the same class as Constitution -- a 44-gun frigate -- built to the very same specifications as designed by her shipwright. Meaning all else being equal, "under the hood", they are the same ship. They would differ only superficially. How is this not redundant? Especially considering we are supposed to have the freedom to customize our ships anyway.


Which brings up my next question. Come release, am I to understand everyone will be sailing one of a handful of individual, specific vessels? I had assumed that all the current models represented entire future classes of vessels in-game -- ie. Trincomalee serves as the model for Leda-class frigates, Constitution serves as the model for 44-gun frigates (US), Surprise is the model for Unite-class corvettes, etc... So is this not the case? Because flavor-wise that just doesn't jive with me. When I purchase my first 5th-rate frigate, am I buying a Leda-class frigate (perhaps more correctly, Repeat Leda class) or "an" HMS Trincomalee? 


Doesn't it make more sense to set things up by class of ship? When getting a new command, should you get "an" HMS Trincomalee (even if you could rename it, this still does not really make sense), or should you get a generic Leda-class frigate, a blank slate, for you to customize as you see fit?

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Would be something unique if we could adjust our ships a bit after we bought it. But I would like to get a "standard version" of the ship first and would like to upgrade it after knowing the ship a bit. A good thing would be to upgrade it according to my preferences. If I am a person that is focusing on sail and rudder i get sail and rudder upgrades (with differences in how ship looks like) so it turns better. I could get better hull so it is faster. One more cannon. More capacity to load goods. Etc.

Normally in games like War hunder and World of tanks we get fixed upgrades that ALL get. It would be nice to have a menu of fifferent upgrades so that all does not get the same upgrades.

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( specific, actual ship vs."_-class") I don't like they idea to have same upgrade as war thunder ore world of tanks, because they ship are build like they are. it is already possible to change they calibre of they gun . Only one idea I see would be to take some gun of, so you can have bigger gun on they main deck  ore more cargo, men, speed. All after what you want whit they ship.

Salute batman43

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I think instead of having ships have their historical names we should go with something simpler.


(This picture is just an example of names, some are completely based on historical ships, others not so much(This is from Voyage Century Online, was a fun game that turned to shit with magic and cowboy dinosaurs))


When the Devs get that far I think this is a much better option to having every 44 gun ship be the same(and other ships). 

The Devs should make the ships basic and allow it to essentially to be a shell for the player to add upgrades and change their appearance how they want.

Save the famous historical ships for premium ships and or add completely new ships you fella's have designed(as long as it is believable.)


I understand that this is a long time away possibly years so this is just food for thought.

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