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Propuesta de boicot a las night flips

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6 minutes ago, Galbatorix said:

Queridos guiris, este es el puñetero foro en español, quizá no hayais dado cuenta porque absolutamente todos los mensajes están escritos en gallego, euskera y persa, aún así sería recomendable que escribierais en la lengua de Quevedo u os fuerais a lloriquear al foro internacional.


Y aqui el google translator la jodió :P

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26 minutes ago, Christendom said:

I agree with you.  The current model of this game is unsustainable.  Night fips/day flips aside, even just the current model of unlocking ports by grinding PVE missions is unsustainable.  It's getting old very fast.  I personally didn't mind the old lord protector system, It was definitely more exciting seeing the Spanish pull a flag on Las Torgtugas at 1am and the US scrambling to find the carrier or intercept the fleet.....only to find out it was just one guy named EL LOCO.  There needs to be some happy mix of both systems, but I'm not sure what.  

Mr Christendom,...........  

Me gustaría que entendieras mi postura......... Cualquier forma que intentemos encontrar para desarrollar el juego ( y te aseguro que le he dado muchas vueltas y he buscado todas las formas posibles) se choca al final.............. Cualquier forma, termina en una batalla de puerto.... da igual si eliges banderas, lord protector, el sistema actual........ da igual la forma, todas todas todas, acaban en una batalla de puerto.............

Americanos y europeos JAMAS pueden encontrarse en una batalla de puerto.......... luego, cualquier sistema que intentes encontrar va a acabar en el mismo problema.......... Esa batalla final......... ¿En tu horario o en el mio?........... Es IMPOSIBLE conjugar ambos horarios......... IMPOSIBLE, da igual el sistema por el que llegues a esa batalla de puerto........

No tengo nada contra los americanos, ni contra australianos............. Por supuesto que cuanta mas gente haya en el server será mejor para todos...... Ojalá pudiera haber alguna forma en la que peleáramos unos contra otros cada uno en su horario.......... Pero no la hay....... Y si seguimos intentando conjugar los dos horarios, esto se muere.......

Edited by Alvar Fanez de Minaya
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1 minute ago, rediii said:

My opinion was that US should switch alliance and someone from the east should switch the alliance. You said no.

The next thing from me was that the only good dev made solution can then be that there are 2 servers, EU and US (like now) with different serverwide porttimers on the servers. EU primetime = porttimer EU server and US primetime = porttimer US server + maintenance has to be moved on the US server so you can play in your primetime.

We can't have EUvsUS fights because of the timedifference. It's a fact and if you don't want to be allied to EU nations then we can't aim for a global server.


but TBH you showed a designflaw in the hostilitymechanic which is: If the US sides with the Brits(natuall nation for other timezone players than EU too) then the server gets unbalanced without port timers.


Allying with the Danes was never a possibility after Wilmington.  You say it's our excuse for everything, but it really kinda is.  Sorry, you can't see that.

I agree with you about the hostility mechanics, perhaps for different reasons.  Folks were asking for port timers to come back the second war supplies started happening, it's just the nature of things.  But if you want to just blame us that's fine too.  

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8 minutes ago, rediii said:

Stay on topic. You used the "danes broke the truce" thing to attack danes constantly midweek at night. Now you attack sweden at night.

I blame you for not trying to fix the situation. Because only you guys have the possibility to do this, not anyone of the EU nations.


So you attack one of our ports, we attack one of yours.  What's the issue?  US would be open to just about anything to fix this situation except allying with the Danes.  Come up with a better solution, US limits it's attacking in exchange for ..........something.  We understand the issue night flips are causing, but we do need to have SOME sort of content during the week withing measure.  We're open to reasonable solutions. 

Instead, it's just been 24/7 whining on the forums and nations saying they're gonna quit.  

PS lets take this off the Spanish forums, the other guy was right.  My apologies guys.  

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49 minutes ago, Alvar Fanez de Minaya said:

Mr Christendom,...........  

Me gustaría que entendieras mi postura......... Cualquier forma que intentemos encontrar para desarrollar el juego ( y te aseguro que le he dado muchas vueltas y he buscado todas las formas posibles) se choca al final.............. Cualquier forma, termina en una batalla de puerto.... da igual si eliges banderas, lord protector, el sistema actual........ da igual la forma, todas todas todas, acaban en una batalla de puerto.............

Americanos y europeos JAMAS pueden encontrarse en una batalla de puerto.......... luego, cualquier sistema que intentes encontrar va a acabar en el mismo problema.......... Esa batalla final......... ¿En tu horario o en el mio?........... Es IMPOSIBLE conjugar ambos horarios......... IMPOSIBLE, da igual el sistema por el que llegues a esa batalla de puerto........

No tengo nada contra los americanos, ni contra australianos............. Por supuesto que cuanta mas gente haya en el server será mejor para todos...... Ojalá pudiera haber alguna forma en la que peleáramos unos contra otros cada uno en su horario.......... Pero no la hay....... Y si seguimos intentando conjugar los dos horarios, esto se muere.......


I agree with you, but I think while this game is still in Alpha there only needs to be one server due to the low population.  If you remember that's how this game USED to be, it was just one large server.  The population is simply too low to warrant multiple ones until the game releases.  

Game goes live, bring back the 2 servers and everyone is happy.  

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1 hour ago, Christendom said:

This is a joke. Maybe if you guys actually left your waters they would not be quitting. This game has been dead for months, night flips are just the latest excuse people are using. You know why RUS / RDNN has basically quit the game? Because they can not get into port battles and fight 25v25. They constantly get screened out because their side does not have enough of a screening force. Their allies do not show up in force to help them, chiefly among them the Spanish. The last time to full RUS / RDNN fleet was seen during the Wilmington fight and they were so badly screened out it made them quit the game. No French showed up to help. No Spanish showed up to help. The last 3 times I was at Castries I was part of the screening fleets full of US / Dutch / Brit players. I have yet to see any Spanish over there. I did see 2-3 of you guys over at Santa Domingo, so good job keep it up.  

Night flips are just the latest excuse for why people are quitting this game. Lack of content, slow patches / fixes, Devs never seem to get things right .... you name it. The US has been doing consistent night flips for 5-6 weeks now and if anything the average population has gone up slightly. How do you explain such poor numbers since the fine wood patch? Can you blame all of that on the Americans?  

The US has done nothing but reasonable with the Spanish towards its port battles. One a week, we always show up, both sides have a good fight and we say good game. We have not complained when you re-flip the port at 11am on a working day when there is zero chance of us putting together a reasonable fleet, both of our last PBs I believe were full and had an assortment of US / Dutch / Brit Players. Should we stop boycotting all your morning battles then? Let's boycott everything !!!! It's part of the game, we get over it and move on. The Danes really pissed off the US player based on their Christmas truce bullshit and we've had to go after them, we have not done anything of the sort to the Spanish. We have always had good fights and reasonable dealings for months, it would be a shame to see you guys showing up because you think it would fix the game. It will not.   

What happened to the CELTI fleet that would pull flags on the US in the Bahamas or Las Tortugas at 12 midnight eastern time? Where did your balls go? So much shame

Is good when we can practise  our english. Sorry Chris.

Edited by Jorge
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Just now, Jorge said:

En español socio....

dado que esta haciendo el esfuerzo por entendernos con el traductor interno creo que podemos dejar campo a que conteste en su idioma...y evitar en lo posible malentendidos de la traduccion

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18 minutes ago, rediii said:

edit: Lo siento que nos hicimos cargo de este hilo chicos

No creo que este fuera de lugar, al fin y al cabo es un problema que tenemos todos...  lo que no tiene sentido son las referencias a "politica in game" que no tienen cabida fuera de NatNews

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2 minutes ago, Eishen said:

dado que esta haciendo el esfuerzo por entendernos con el traductor interno creo que podemos dejar campo a que conteste en su idioma...y evitar en lo posible malentendidos de la traduccion

Tienes razón, no me habían cargado en el móvil el resto de contestaciones. 

All ok for me guys , we must Talk always even in english in the spanish forums.:)

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32 minutes ago, Jorge said:

Tienes razón, no me habían cargado en el móvil el resto de contestaciones. 

All ok for me guys , we must Talk always even in english in the spanish forums.:)


It's just that we miss sinking you in shallow boats outside Mimbres Jorge!  come back and fight us.  

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4 hours ago, Eishen said:

No si lo entiendo perfectamente las discrepancias  (estaba alli que coño ) pero tiene ventajas notables evita los night flips (que te quiten lo tuyo) de raiz, y permite que haya una poblacion activa decente. Tienes fiesta (defensa) a las horas que quieres y cuando te venga bien ya iras a buscarla

El "horario de 12:00 a 00:00" es mirarnos el ombligo... y ni siquiera asi ibamos a estar contentos ...para empezar a muchos de nosotros una batalla  a las 14:00 nos jode mucho mas que a las dos de la mañana, para continuar una batalla a nuestras 00:00 es una putada marca mayor para un señor que esta en un horario de dos horas mas (este europa).


Entiendo tu argumento, Eishen, de este post y otros, pero creo que no tienes en cuenta algo importante. A muchos de nosotros puede fastidiarnos más una batalla a las 13h que a la 01h, pero al estar todos, aliados y enemigos en similar franja horaria, a una parte del enemigo le va fastidiar lo mismo que a mí, por lo que hará presión para que la batalla sea en horario "punta" y todos saldremos ganando. Y si la batalla finalmente es a las 13h...... pues todos jodidos.

Con el sistema de LP, las inconveniencias son de una parte, mientras la otra solo tiene ventajas. Torrados vamos a terminar B).

Edited by CeltiberoClearco
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  • 1 month later...

Al fin parece que se soluciona la cosa. Lástima que tengamos que estar separados por que está gente de dedica abusar de exploits. En fin ellos quieren jugar solos, pues ahora tienen la oportunidad, lo que no entiendo es el mosqueo que tienen. Tan prepotentes son que se creen el ombligo del mundo? En fin ellos sabran.

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