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Deleted character on wrong server :(


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I could pull something out of a hat and blame a vengeful younger brother who logged onto my account or something, but I will be completely honest... this is completely my own fault, but can anything be done to restore the character on the PvE server? :(

I was going to delete my character on PvP 1 EU and change it to Pirates to get started on that server.

Character name on both servers were the same (same as here on forum) which is why this mistake happened. Once I misclicked on PvE server instead of PvP the damage was done...

Instead of remaking the character on the PvP server I have accidentally deleted my character on the PvE server, which is where I had the most progress, crafting recipes, ships, warehouses, gold, outposts, buildings... well... basically everything since I started playing the game well over a year ago.

Again.. I know this is entirely my own fault, and also that this is an early access/alpha game so wipes or changes are bound to happen and we may lose everything at some point.

However this huge mistake doesn't just affect me personally but also others who invested time and materials to help me raise the crafting level to help build ships for them... so this is a huge setback for them too and I don't even know to begin to explain this to them...

The magnitude of how bummed out I am from this once I realized what I have done can't even be put into words :(

If anything can be done... please... :( 




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I have a ships and materials on PvE in Mortimer you can have.  I do not play PvE now - I have the 4 redeemable ships, 10 gold mods, 1000 silver, silver coins and the usual misc materials.  Let me know if you are interested and we can arrange a time to transfer everything.

I am on Eastern USA time - so 6 hours different from you I think.

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That's what you get for abandoning your post and turning pirate! 

Just kidding. :P Do note that your crafting level and rank remains the same across all your characters, so you haven't lost the crafting level investment if that's what troubles you the most.

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I appreciate that offer Elric. My intention was never to switch to Pirate on the PvE server though. I dunno how trading works from pirates on PvE to another faction on PvE.

I had made a US character on PvP 1... then decided I rather wanted to play Pirates... so I wanted to change from US to Pirates.

On the PvE server I am (well... was :( ) on the DK/NO faction and had no intention of changing that.

Was hoping it would be possible to revert my PvE Pirate back to my PvE DK/NO.

I know I don't lose the rank and crafting level, but I had many blueprints and had been working for a long time to get money and ships to put together the outposts and buildings and having the materials to be able to craft ships for friends too :(

Right now I am just not touching anything in hopes something can be done. If nothing can be done though I probably need a break for awhile to try and find the motivation to start rebuilding everything...

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  • 3 weeks later...

So seems nothing can be done so far as restoring what I deleted.

I'm too demoralized from this and too overwhelmed by the hours and effort needed to get things back so I will be moving on from this game at this point.

Good luck and strong winds to everyone.

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