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crashing far to regularly

Captain Clark

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I have flag that my NA has crashed in the past, and that endless crash reports have been sent automatically by NA.

I have reloaded windows 10,  Steam, NA, read the forums, measured GPU temperature  but it was never above 60C

reduced the resolution , set OW frame rate to 30 frames as per dev suggestion, but honestly I am over it completely.

I play as Captain Clark on PVE us

the total lack of feed back is probably what really annoys me, but just for the record


please find attached error log


Unity Player [version: Unity 4.6.8f1_583461196f73]
Unknown caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module Unknown at 0033:780ff1a0.
Error occurred at 2016-07-18_154224.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action\Client.exe, run by ianhero.
14% memory in use.
32689 MB physical memory [27954 MB free].
37553 MB paging file [30767 MB free].
134217728 MB user address space [134213030 MB free].
Read from location ffffffff caused an access violation.
RDI:    0x73d4b848  RSI: 0x780ff780  RAX:   0xc10688b0
RBX:    0x33122bf0  RCX: 0x17ec5628  RDX:   0x3e8fc22c
RIP:    0x780ff1a0  RBP: 0x010fedb0  SegCs: 0x00000033
EFlags: 0x00010293  RSP: 0x010fed30  SegSs: 0x0000002b
R8:    0xc1a000ab  R9: 0x17ecf050  R10:   0x00000003
R11:    0x00000000  R12: 0x010ff450  R13:   0x05684d48
R14:    0x00000000  R15: 0x780ff780
Bytes at CS:EIP:
88 fd da 0e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Module 1
Image Base: 0x00400000  Image Size: 0x0001e000
File Size:  107368      File Time:  2007-04-04_175422
   Company:    Microsoft Corporation
   Product:    Microsoft® DirectX for Windows®
   FileDesc:   Microsoft Common Controller API
   FileVer:    9.18.944.0
   ProdVer:    9.18.944.0
Module 2
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\vstdlib_s64.dll
Image Base: 0x5ee20000  Image Size: 0x0006c000
File Size:  348240      File Time:  2016-07-13_090514
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam
   FileDesc:   vstdlib_ s.dll
Module 3
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\tier0_s64.dll
Image Base: 0x5ee90000  Image Size: 0x001e4000
File Size:  330832      File Time:  2016-07-13_090512
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:     tier0_s Dynamic Link Library
   FileDesc:   tier0_s Dynamic Link Library
Module 4
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamclient64.dll
Image Base: 0x5f080000  Image Size: 0x00c57000
File Size:  12693664    File Time:  2016-07-13_090512
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam
   FileDesc:   Steamclient.dll
Module 5
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action\steam_api64.dll
Image Base: 0x5fce0000  Image Size: 0x0002e000
File Size:  166080      File Time:  2016-07-17_131436
   Company:    Valve Corporation
   Product:    Steam Client API
   FileDesc:   Steam Client API
== [end of error.log] ==
Edited by ianhclark
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re installed everything at least once, took the machine back to formatted disk, not much more reinstalling I can do.

Perhaps if devs look at the 30 or so crash reports

that have been automatically sent each time, them perhaps I might have some where to go.

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What kind of processor do u use and what kind of graphics card..? Mayb u should search it in your onboard graphics.. do u have an integrated graphics..? if so.. to disable thats one or trie to force the game to run with your Graphics card in options..

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