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Very excited

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I have been waiting a long time for a quality age of sail MMO so the news is fantastic. I hope you keep the game realistic and dont follow the POTBS developers giving our ships 3 lives and able to teleport from one side of the map to the other instantly. 


Anyway i look forward to joining in the discussions.


Thank you.



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I play potbs since beta, iam super happy that u makeing this game, a legacy of potbs that should be. I play at Uncharted Water Online, there is many good game mechanic that u should look at, besides is stupid manga style.

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I play potbs since beta, iam super happy that u makeing this game, a legacy of potbs that should be. I play at Uncharted Water Online, there is many good game mechanic that u should look at, besides is stupid manga style.


With all due respect Sir, PotBS could hardly be called a simulation game. I played it a lot (since first beta too) as after AOSII there was not much alternative. A true naval age of sail game is not arcadish and focusses on sailing and naval battle. Not economy and missions etc. I have been told there will be no spells & magic in this game, so that is alreay a big thumbs up.


Yours faithfully,



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I agree with you 100% Verhoeven, it is the Age of Sail Naval Simulation aspect that has me excited. Anything with crafting, magic, (privateering preferrably over pirates) etc etc loses my interest, I really hope it is nothing like that. So far from what I can see it looks very naval oriented, so far so good.



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