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Fight Club- PvP 2

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It's not likely.  The Danes are only interested in wiping out nations, at least the eastern-world portion of them in wiping out France.  Raising France again will likely produce the same results, unless there were a defensive pact by France with another strong nation.  I don't want to see the Danes get wiped out if it others were to gang up on them any more than I wanted to see what happened to Spain or Sweden or France, it's not good for gameplay and is ultimately a stupid way to alpha test a product other than to know that devs should correct the issue.


However, I am still waving the French flag till the merger or port reset, or until someone rolls a grenade into my tent.

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It's not likely.  The Danes are only interested in wiping out nations, at least the eastern-world portion of them in wiping out France.  Raising France again will likely produce the same results, unless there were a defensive pact by France with another strong nation.  I don't want to see the Danes get wiped out if it others were to gang up on them any more than I wanted to see what happened to Spain or Sweden or France, it's not good for gameplay and is ultimately a stupid way to alpha test a product other than to know that devs should correct the issue.


However, I am still waving the French flag till the merger or port reset, or until someone rolls a grenade into my tent.


Perhaps you were not around then, but, if you turn back the clock a month, the Danes were in the exact same position (reduced to 2 ports).  Then it seems that nearly all the Swedes & French left the server.  The last remaining Danes rebuilt and are basically pushing E/SE until they find players to fight.


If there enough French players around to build a consensus, develop a proposal and I'll forward to the Danish leadership.  It's only fair, as something similar was done for us in the past by the previous generation of French players.

Edited by RURickJames
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Perhaps you were not around then, but, if you turn back the clock a month, the Danes were in the exact same position (reduced to 2 ports).  Then it seems that nearly all the Swedes & French left the server.  The last remaining Danes rebuilt and are basically pushing E/SE until they find players to fight.


If there enough French players around to build a consensus, develop a proposal and I'll forward to the Danish leadership.  It's only fair, as something similar was done for us in the past by the previous generation of French players.

nice one dude. lets see if the frenchs are up for.

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Perhaps you were not around then, but, if you turn back the clock a month, the Danes were in the exact same position (reduced to 2 ports).  Then it seems that nearly all the Swedes & French left the server.  The last remaining Danes rebuilt and are basically pushing E/SE until they find players to fight.


If there enough French players around to build a consensus, develop a proposal and I'll forward to the Danish leadership.  It's only fair, as something similar was done for us in the past by the previous generation of French players.


Hi RUR.  Thanks for responding to this thread, because I remember you private chatting me in the game but couldn't remember your nickname.  Signs of getting old! :)


I began my journey in this alpha mid-February, and it was as you say.  I entered amid a French port expansion, except I thought (?) I remembered some back and forth fighting, not all one way.  I could be wrong, just a newb then (still am really compared to some of you).  I do remember that French expansion.  However I've always been on nation chat and there was zero talk I remember of diplomacy, it was basically all one or maybe two clans doing the port takeovers and talking if there was any.  Not the whole of the French nation.  Those clans moved to PVP1 all at once, saying their work there was done and now they were bored.  Those players do not represent the goals or actions of any of the French I have been playing this game with in three months or least the last 2-1/2.


Regarding you pushing south and east till you find players to fight, that's not really an accurate statement.  Call it like it is, unless you or your leaders had diplomatic discussions I am unaware of.  It was cold takeover and nothing less, exactly what those earlier French clan(s) did.  Hey it's a game and what's done is done and I congratulate all you guys, it was actually very well played and organized, impressed everyone.  It was unfortunately accompanied by quite a bit of taunting, which I find quite distasteful in any game.  I received several taunting private chat messages.  You yourself sent me a chat message in-game telling me to get out.  I don't recall a diplomatic invite in that message?  Maybe that was a friendly message with a threatening flavor, hard to tell, or just some friendly inside info.  Also I assume in your post above you did not mean the previous generation of French players, you meant TWO generations ago, because the generation I played the game with did not use conquest, they were the shipmakers and levelers as I mentioned above.


Regarding French players, there is no consensus now.  I am one of 2 or 3 active players left, and none left are high ranking officers.  My clan KRABS was probably the largest and it is dissolved, in practice, although still there in name.  All conversations in nation and clan led to moving to another faction or another server, not a comeback.


IMO we might want to see where this fight club takes the server.  It's a good idea that will allow this server to at least exist in some decent form before the merge and/or port resets.  If things change on the French side you will be the first one I contact RUR, because you are the only one of the entire Danish who has shown enough (let's call it...) diplomacy to speak up in this thread, and everyone reading Global chat on pvp2 knows this idea exists.  Not all are for it but at least are discussing it like yourself. :)

Edited by Jean Ribault
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Nyurtle et al


I briefly discussed this last night with one of the leaders of [CN].  (For those who don't know, nearly the entire Dane-Norge population on PVP 2 are members of CN)


He was approached by one of the GB leaders about this.  He is interested, but concerned about timezones.  CN is made up almost exclusively of players from the Western Pacific, GMT+8 & 9.  We thought that perhaps scheduling these events during the weekend would offer the best chance of success/turnout.

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My location suggestions are Cayman Brac and/or iLe-a-vache even, as these seem to be a good middle locale for all. I'd also like to see these in particular rate levels based on PBs; perhaps one night being deep hulls as high rate as possible, and another night being shallow hulls.

In fact, on some nights we could even select a particular port as the trophy. Such that say...all nations each have one port on a particular island (i.e. Jamaica). Then say the first night it is owned by the Brits and on that night the US has the right to buy the flag and attempt the take over. Based on whoever wins that battle then the next night the Danes have the right to attempt the take over.


(Which leads me to the question, what happens if multiple nations buy a flag for the same port. Would whomever got there first to plant the flag be the one with the right for takeover? And then, what if that battle is done before the flag from another nation time is up, do they have the right to battle for it right after that? Or can multiple nations plant multiple flags at the same port at the same time? Interesting indeed.)

If we did one joined island, I would assume we should keep that timer set to whatever time is best for all nations, or even simply keep it open.


We could even set it up such that big fleet battles happen outside that port in a bracket tournament. The port owner would not be able to battle in those fleet battles. The winner of the fleet tournament would then have the right to attack the port. Or, the port owner could have the right to fight in the fleet tournament and whichever nation ends up winning the tournament gets the right to take that port undefended and hold it over night as the trophy.


Anyway, just throwing out some ideas.

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