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Switch Nation 30 Day Timer.

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I was thinking about how easy it is to switch a nation. 


If you have friends, u can play port battle on one nation in the morning, then switch to another nation in the evening.




The game lacks passion and loyalty to a nation.    



Maybe 30 Day timer on a Steam Account to switch a nation.    It can only be good.  


Or Exp you grind is locked to a Nation, but i don't like this one. 




Best Solution would be, 1 Char per steam account, 1 nation.  If u delete = loose everything.  



Going Pirate any time [should be] removed from the game. ( With a little bit of planing all server can go pirate just to show developers how bad it can be)

                              maybe to strong here.



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First of all the Brits deserve that :)


I started to play as a pirate and I am loyal to them since the start. Now I see how the pirates slowly became the most populated and succesfull nation of all. This is because of turning pirate mechanics. 


When Spain was reduced to few ports, many players joined pirates, when Swedes were defeated, many of them turned pirate. Now many of Brits are turning pirate just because their side is losing. I am also experience a big growth of russian players among the pirates, because the chat is now full of cyrilic. This could also be a reson for Pirate-Danish cooperation.


I am little bit disgusted from the pirate nation right now. We control the center of the map and what was once a PVP rich area, turned into super protected PVE fortress now. I have to sail 1 hour to get into hostile waters from the capital. That is sick. I will probably switch to smaller nation in near future. Pirates became big BLOB and super zerg nation.

Edited by Porpoise
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I think there should be a "cooling" of period or a demotion in rank for turning pirate. The mechanic is being used to settle nation clan disputes as we are currently seeing with SS and the American clans. There is a real danger imo that pirates will become over populated which would not be good for the game over all. I would like to add that a nerf for pirates in general would also be a bad just make it a little harder to switch.

Edited by SirLeggit
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I think there should be a "cooling" of period or a demotion in rank for turning pirate. The mechanic is being used to settle nation clan disputes as we are currently seeing with SS and the American clans. There is a real danger imo that pirates will become over populated which would not be good for the game over all. I would like to add that a nerf for pirates in general would also be a bad just make it a little harder to switch.


Pirates are overpopulated on PVP1. More people and even clans are comming every day. I do not see the reason why, but they do. 

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Lets ignore the political situations on pvp1.    


From the game play itself: should there be a reason to swich nation with out some kind of penalty or not ?



As for pvp 1. I think it will not take long for all server to go pirate.


It is E A game. we should show developers whats working and whats not.


Even in real world Free markets are good idea overall, but left alone they start exploiting laws.  Regulations as minor as they can be still needed.

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Lets ignore the political situations on pvp1.    


From the game play itself: should there be a reason to swich nation with out some kind of penalty or not ?



As for pvp 1. I think it will not take long for all server to go pirate.


It is E A game. we should show developers whats working and whats not.


Even in real world Free markets are good idea overall, but left alone they start exploiting laws.  Regulations as minor as they can be still needed.


Well yes. It could be a signal to devs that current national mechanics is not working as intended and is not atractive to the players. I still wonder why players tend to leave for a stronger or bigger faction. It brings you no advantages IMO. 

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Pirates are overpopulated on PVP1. More people and even clans are comming every day. I do not see the reason why, but they do.

Very simple answer. It's the danish-pirate steamroll train on one side. Pirates become stronger and stronger since they were maybe already the strongest "nation" and the danes on their side want to humiliate other nations. Players start to switch to other nations or they choose the easier way and become pirates.

And the hate and call for revenge and punishment on the other side. Like Stars & Stripes. They didn't get what they wanted so they switched to pirates to punish their former country. Same happened with spanish players. They are now fighting brits as pirates.

The balance is absolutely out of control at the moment. And that pirates are the biggest "nation" is something that shouldn't be. Imagine this at potbs. Not possible. Pirates should be pirates with unique gameplay and not a supernation.

I was thinking about starting with the pirates but I am happy that I didn't. I want to play as "real" pirate but for me there is no point in playing unless I want to play the strongest nation who looks like will control the whole map soon.

I know it's ea but at the moment the fun and motivation of playing is almost zero. I was up till 5 in the morning to defend on friday and went to bed at evening with several port attacks incoming - after I already helped to defend one. It's absolutely destroying the game and I am thinking about to quitt for a while too. Bringing my ships into free ports and that's it.

Edited by CptEdwardKenway
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Well yes. It could be a signal to devs that current national mechanics is not working as intended and is not atractive to the players. I still wonder why players tend to leave for a stronger or bigger faction. It brings you no advantages IMO.

Players who wants to "win" at every will and to choose the easy way. People always choose the easy way. And so pirates will become stronger and stronger.

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Very simple answer. It's the danish-pirate steamroll train on one side. Pirates become stronger and stronger since they were maybe already the strongest "nation" and the danes on their side want to humiliate other nations. Players start to switch to other nations or they choose the easier way and become pirates.

And the hate and call for revenge and punishment on the other side. Like Stars & Stripes. They didn't get what they wanted so they switched to pirates to punish their former country. Same happened with spanish players. Thwy are now fighting brits as pirates.

The balance is absolutely out of control at the moment. And that pirates are the biggest "nation" is something that shouldn't be. Imagine this at potbs. Not possible. Pirates should be pirates with unique gameplay and not a supernation.

I was thinking about starting with the pirates but I am happy that I didn't. I want to play as pirate but for me there is no point in playing unless I want to play the strongest nation who looks like will control the whole map soon.

I know it's ea but at the moment the fun and motivation of playing is almost zero. I was up till 5 in the morning to defend on friday and went to bed at evening with several port attacks incoming - after I already helped to defend on. It's absolutely destroying the game and I am thinking about to quitt for a while too. Bringing my ships into free ports and that's it.


This reason makes me I want to quit playing Pirates and join smaller faction. I really do not like powerblocks, so I do not understand the impulses which lead people to play the game the easy way. I will probably join GB or Netherlands in very near future. 

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Netherlands are pretty safe at the moment. They have war with sweden but that should not be such a problem since I am sure they don't want to destroy each other.

Maybe danes will punish them for not jumping into war against brits.

As brit you will probably be very disapointed. Danes try everything to bring them to their knees. They are not playing for testing and reporting failures in the game. They are really out of their mind.

As a brit even if we could get a player for our nation I would recommend netherland. Or you will loose your motivation in this game very soon. We are already loosing players too each day and far away from beeing the biggest nation. At the moment we are maybe 4th. Not more.

Edited by CptEdwardKenway
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