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Can some one explain the damage mechanics?

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Big part of a ship is under water. You need torpedoes to open up holes under water and cause ship to sink. (we don't have any). When waves go high ship starts to slowly leak that's all. So, when you destroy stern you only make holes in top part of ships hull. 

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Big part of a ship is under water. You need torpedoes to open up holes under water and cause ship to sink. (we don't have any). When waves go high ship starts to slowly leak that's all. So, when you destroy stern you only make holes in top part of ships hull. 

Pretty sure raking a ship in RL is a game over, not because of sinking, but damage to ship and crew

Edited by MadGelo
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Don't forget about ship's direction. You got the stern armor down and made a bunch of holes but water goes past them and leaking from behind starts only, as Mister Wind said, when waves go high.

If you take down and make bunch of holes in front of the ship, then water starts to get inside the ship more. Feel the difference.


Bouncing occurs mostly at ~30-45 degree angle as rounds don't always penetrate armor and can ricochet instead. So using maneuvers during the battle and placing your ship at right angles as your enemy prepares to fire - grants you a chance to take less damage and keep fighting.


Caliber - nothing complicated. High caliber against weaker/lower rank armor does significant damage. E.g Cutter vs Cutter - Equal fight.  If its Mercury vs Cutter - Merc will rip apart Cutter in no time. I had a battle last night. One broadside fire with 24 carronades and Cutter lost 40% of its armor. 


Carronades do a high damage at close engagements but the rounds spread is high and in-accurate along with a maximum distance of ~450m max.

Long cannons do less damage but their max range is around 1400m and they are far more accurate. 


Its best to use Carronades in PvE against AI and Long cannons in PvP against players as you would most likely engage enemy player from afar. If you are precise and maneuverable then you can be a problem for your opponent.


Armor? Ships are built from different types of wood. Live Oak brings more protection, armor/HP to your ship. Fir is most cheap and weak wood, almost like paper >.>


I hope I've answered on all your questions!

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Pretty sure raking a ship in RL is a game over, not because of sinking, but damage to ship and crew

No matter how many shots you fire in ships stern. There still will be survivors who are hiding under waterline. In addition to that gun accuracy was extremely bad. You can't kill 100% of crew by raking in real life, instead you have to board and clear every cabin and hold. 


Good example can be seen in TV show - Black Sails. 

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Good example can be seen in TV show - Black Sails. 


Good everything can be seen in that show; sets, costumes, cast, boobs...


The sets are my favourite, the bottles, the weapons, the ship nomenclature, silverware, pipes and furniture. My god, from the awesome ebony Italian chair Eleanor Gutherie sits in to Benjamin Hornigold's seat from El Draque atop the fort.


Ray Stevenson as Blackbeard is just the icing on the cake.

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