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Everything posted by SweatyPenguin

  1. And yesterday I already slapped a disgustingly expensive planking upgrade on my Niagara. Y u do dis?
  2. If it wasn't for darth and his mods I would have never even heard of game labs. So yeah.
  3. And I aggree, neither have I ever said anything that would make it seem like I don't. I don't really know what you're getting at.
  4. The ship you recieved as a gift for buying early is the Yacht, a fast little thing to play with. I reckon in the open world it will be a good ship to travel with. But most importantly you bought the complete game, you will have access to the full content and will not be required to pay ever again. The notion of having premium vehicles is just silly and I do not aggree with it in any game I have encountered it in. You have bought this game and everything in it for all the years to come, simple, effective, customer friendly... No need for any premium bollocks. The headstart you will have when the game launches will be all the experience you have acquired while participating in the sea trials and other tests, we will already know all the ins and outs of the game, what type of ship and gameplay we want to aim for and how to make the most of it. That will be our headstart. Giving us any other advantage such as a ship or extra resources would be stupid and unfair. It smells with pay2win.
  5. I would welcome this, for one particular reason. I have tried running a mixed loadout of regular cannon plus carronade, however the carronade has minimal range with double shot and the wndow of opportunity is nearly impossible to anticipate, plus on ball it has pretty much the same range and trajectory as a regular cannon with double shot. Therefore loading my top deck carronades with regular ball whilst using double shots on the lower decks would be a very welcome option for me.
  6. Night time and lights. More animations for crew and more crew in general. Animation for bringing guns in and out. Foggy weather and rain storms.
  7. After playing this I had to comfort my GPU for 5 minutes and promise I will never try to run anything like this.
  8. Well I was trying to avoid the creation of super tank ships. Imagine a first rate sitting tight in a repair mode still able to fire back and wreck things in one broadside, and two smaller frigates being unable to damage it or taking an unbearably long time to do so. In my opinion that wouldn't be balanced and would put all the smaller and more manouvreable ships at a severe disadvanatge. I do like your idea of supply though. I think that's a nice way of replacing the repair kit in the open world. You simply have to buy and carry linen, planks and masts in your cargo hold and when you run out you have to be ressuplied otherwise you cannot conduct any larger repairs. That's a nice way of handling it. This mode I'm proposing is not so much meant for repairs, it's sort of a stop gap measure. When your ship is inevitably going down you'd do one last effort to keep it afloat and then crawl into the nearest port for actual repairs. Or, taking into account the current state of the game, rejoin the fight and go out guns blazing.
  9. What and why: It is what it sounds like, a 4th mode for your crew to be in. I'm strongly convinced this is a needed feature currently missing. At the present state of the game, you are allowed 3 "repair kits" for a quick in combat patch up and that is it, after that you have to prepare yourself for imminent death. Not only does this feel unrealistic, but this kind of mechanic is in my opinion also unsuitable for the open world game Naval Action is aiming to become. Hence I propose the introduction of the repair mode. Rough draft of the features: 1. While in this mode, the sails are rolled up and the cannons brought back in (with the lack of animation, that would mean unloaded) the ship cannot move nor fire. 2. If the ship takes a hit while in this mode, the crew immediately goes into the classic survival mode and readies for action. The repair mode is disabled for 30 seconds. (I hope this would render abuse in combat impossible.) 3. While in the repair mode the ship and all it's components are slowly being fixed at about 30 percent of the speed of the repair kit. However only up to a certain deggree, let's say the armor only gets knocked up back to 40-50 percent, only backup small masts are erected, all leaks are plugged, all still manageable fires extinguished etc... 4. The speed of the repairs is dependant on your current crew, the less crew you have, the slower the repairs. I believe this can be done percentually. Possible additions: 1. An option to combine a repair kit and the repair mode to do a full repair could be implented, however while this is something that would have it's place in the open world (perhaps with a specialized repair kit even), in the current state of the game it might be game breaking. As of now I'd be against implementing this feature. What I hope this would achieve: A slight increase in ship survivability, giving the players a chance to do make-shift repairs and rejoin even the longest of battles, rather than slowly sink to the depths after a victorious skirmish with no enemy miles around. And as I mentioned earlier, I believe a feature like this is neccessary especially for the open world game where the player will spend prolonged periods at sea, far away from any harbour, something that would allow you to crawl into the nearest port for repairs rather than sink in sight of it. Sure I would like to see something like player help and towing as well, but i think we all know that relying on help from other players isn't always an option in on-line gaming.
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