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Everything posted by Anto

  1. ``I just need a room, sir. I don´t require any of those extra services...´´ Rum?! God, no... ``I must decline the rum´´ ``And Im afraid I can´t say from where I was going to La Habana.´´
  2. Anto


    Welcome and enjoy your stay!
  3. His breath... It´s awfull; i can smell, well that he has been drinking for quite some time. Clearly someone who is not used to the hygiene of proper gentlemen. The way he is dressed... He is clearly someone who has some sort of power over these animals, the king. Almost every piece of clothing he is wearing it is of a dark colour, some of the details are red and golden, the buttons of his coat are pure gold. The eye patch gives stands out, one can clearly see that he has fought plenty of times, atleast, that is what one could assume because of his many scars. He has few rings, some golden, some silver, some with stones, some with out. I could see a ring that stood out from the others, it was pure gold, similar to mine... I hoped that the previous owner of that ring didn´t... I don´t want to think about it. I had to look at my ring, made of pure gold, given to me by His Most Catholic Majesty when I became an official ambassador. His hat was on the table, next to him, it was a feathered and well kept tricorne. The table, its rather peculiar, it says H.M.S. Surefine. It can´t be, like, an actual part of the ship, it must be purely cosmetic. ``Uhm, yes, sir. I am here to buy, you see; I am a diplomat, and I was on my way to La Habana, after completing some negotiations about some small isles, when my ship was attacked by some... uhm... some pirates. It is docked, and my men are trying to repair it so we can be on our way as soon as possible. But im afraid that I need supplies for the voyage. And since it is rather late, I will also need accommodation for the night: just for me, everyone else is back at the ship, even the officers...´´
  4. Perhaps I should try to blend in with these... ``gentlemen.´´ That table there seems fine enough for me, its clearly the dinning room of the Governor`s Palace in La Habana, but it will have to do. I don´t know why, but the gentleman sitting by that table, seems, peculiar, to say the least, I can see he is different to all the rascals that are in here, but I can´t clearly see why, he is rather misterious... There is barely any light here, there is a lot of smoke, and the God awful noise of all these people screaming, drinking, gambling... I can´t even hear my own thoughts! ``Good evening my good sir!´´ A bit to enthusiastic. ``Would you grant me the honor of sitting here with you, sir?´´ Why I did I ask in a such a polite and educated manner? Did he even understand me? Im not blending in at all! I should slightly unsheathe my sword, just in case, I wouldn´t want it to be stuck if the situation escalates, hope they don´t notice it... Stupid sword knot! Why did it had to be made out of gold threads?! It´s so shiny that it has caught their eyes while I was unsheathing my sword. I guess I just have to act natural and hope that he gives me permission to sit down...
  5. As I see, cards are used to create badges, that make you level up, and what you get with the XP are more showcases for your profile, more customization options, and more friends you can have. You only get a number of cards when playing a game, the rest you need to buy or trade from other people. And every time you get an entire hand of cards, you can craft a badge, and it goes on until you hit the ``highest´´ badge.
  6. Si ya tienes la llave, ya puedes jugarlo! Solo necesitas hacer esto: 1º Ejecuta Steam e inicia sesión en tu cuenta. 2ºHaz clic en el menú Juegos. 3ºAbajo a la izquierda saldrá: ``Añadir un juego´´ 4ºActivar un producto de Steam. 5º Y ahí pones el codigo, y se añadirá a tu biblioteca, y de ahí lo descargas... Y listo!
  7. The response of this woman really shocked me, I couldn´t belive that she answered to me in that way... Quite rude. But what was I thinking asking for wine? I better ask for something stronger... ``I beg your pardon madame. It would be really kind of you if you could give me a table, and a brandy, that would be all.´´ What a long night this it´s going to be... I don´t like the people around here, they are all so, uncivilized...
  8. Ambassador of the Real Armada Española

  9. This is clearly not a lady, what a way to dress! Poison? What does she mean by poison? It can´t be that these... Animals drink poison, do they? ``Uhm, do you have any... Ehm, wine?´´
  10. Spain Real Armada Española / RAE Antonanzas Comandante Antoñanzas Spanish, English, French. By the by, wonderful idea!
  11. Anto

    Steam Key

    It used to come every friday, but what ive heard is that it usually comes now at 22 GMT everyday. I might be wrong, but it wont take long!
  12. It seems I have stumbled upon a rather peculiar tavern... if my eyes don´t deceive me, I would say this is filled with pirates... I hope they don´t notice me. I wouldn´t want to use my new shiny sword and get my uniform dirty. After all I am a diplomat, I can always talk my way out of situations, I hope...
  13. Bienvenido Susej, espero que te guste el juego! Y si tienes alguna duda no dudes en preguntar. Suerte!
  14. Well, it seems pirates are becoming organized now! This will be really interesting. Best of luck.
  15. Es importante que sepas que se requiere mucha paciencia! Al principio es un poco lento, pero luego coges carrerilla y se vuelve super divertido, y más en un clan!
  16. El wipe final (supuestamente) no tardará mucho en llegar, un mes como muchísimo. Cuando saquen el Early Acces a Steam.
  17. En todo caso el juego no está optimizado aún, pero te sobra...
  18. Bienvenida! Ya tienes el juego? Sino lo tienes creo que puedes pedírselo a los devs por mail. Suerte y nos vemos en el mar!
  19. Anto

    Such decadence!

    It seems the nobles are throwing a party in Tulum... Peasants are going to be mad when they find out!
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